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RE: BIP91 Has Locked In! UASF is Dead. Could Bitcoin Hit New ATH?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I wrote a paper on it in college. That was before the internet so I had to actually read old books like Das Kapital.

Have you ever read the Communist Manifesto? You do realize that every plank of that manifesto is in effect in America? Including the most important one: Creation of a Central Bank.

Can you explain how you can achieve capitalism when the currency is centrally created?


"Can you explain how you can achieve capitalism when the currency is centrally created?"

capitalism without that has never existed. Capitalism without a government is impossible lmao

"Capitalism without a government is impossible"

You have come nowhere near to explaining that. Capitalism literally means "PRIVATE property rights". How do you equate "PRIVATE" with "Government"??

because private property rights only exist through the gov. You need the police and the military or the workers will simply ignore you and labor freely lmao.

To quote the first self-proclaimed anarchist "[private] property is theft"

capitalism started with the enclosure acts. The enclosure acts were when the gov literally took over collective property and made it private property. How can't you equate private with government?

what are you actually fucking stupid?

Communism is when private property is abolished and the means of production become collectivised so that the workers may control them freely. You obviously do not understand any form of economic system

here the simple english wikipedia might help you out

"what are you actually fucking stupid?"

That kind of statement is very telling of your knowledge of this matter.

So you think abolishing private property is a good thing? Ok, so I need a car - give me yours so that we may collectively be more efficient.

yet again that is personal property not private property. You are stupid

Again, you refuse to actually make a distinction between the two and opt instead to make the failing ad hominem argument.

The point of this back and forth is only to serve as education to others who might be reading it. By name calling, the vast majority are automatically going to perceive that you are losing the argument. So thanks.

losing the argument? You haven't see this video