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RE: Coinbase And Bitstamp Will Not Support BCC - My Thoughts On The Situation

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

You've clearly not been on the bitcoin forums on reddit or bitcointalk for the last two years.

The bitcoin community has been screaming for a blocksize increase for years and recently the blocks got full and bitcoin went from being almost 90% of the total crypto cap to less than 40%. This was because blocks were full and transactions weren't going through unless you paid really high fees.

What makes this worse is that it by design of the Blockstream team that hijacked Core development. If you're not aware, Blockstream is funded by AXA, a multinational insurance giant and bail-out recipient and 3rd largest company in the world. AXA is absolutely against bitcoin as a p2p cash system. They are paying Blockstream to "block the stream"of transactions and build a patented system on top that only uses the real blockchain as a settlement layer for the banks and/or very rich. This isn't my opinion, they openly state it.

Bitcoin Cash is the result of the actual community that wants to scale bitcoin the way it was intended to. Its not a scam or trick to make money. Its regular people like myself that want bitcoin to become the p2p digital cash that frees us from ever having to use the banking system and their fake money again.


You've clearly not been on the bitcoin forums on reddit or bitcointalk for the last two years.

You clearly only see and read what you want to read.

Bitcoin Cash is the result of the actual community that wants to scale bitcoin the way it was intended to. Its not a scam or trick to make money.

No it's not. It's a cash grab. If the community were really interested in this they would have supported BU. They didn't. It may be in your interest to pretend otherwise but it is nothing to do with the ideals you are professing.

Well, its clear you're a shill when you are just making arguments that aren't backed by any facts.

Like this:

Argument: The community DOES support BU and BCC

Facts: BU has support of ~%50 hashpower and has almost 900 active nodes. BCC is trading at 20% of bitcoin's price PRE-FORK and already has more nodes than the segwit2x implementation, btc1.

Use facts, otherwise you're just trolling.

The only troll here has consistently been you. Either learn how to disagree with people in a civil manner or get muted and flagged.

That's nice. Disagree and you'll get kicked out.

Especially if you bring facts to an argument. ;)

ROFL FACTS? Nobody has a right to act like a troll. Sad that you don't understand the distinction, that said I wouldn't be surprised if you are just the same guy using a different account.

Facts. Do you know how to use them?

I invite you to come to the investing site
Drop on in, and say something along these lines, about bitcoin cash. You'd get torn to shred in minutes. :)

Why would that bear any relevance to anything? Hardly surprising that people on your chosen forum would have the same opinions as you. That does not make them right or correct. If you had anything of relevance to add you would have done it by now. Instead you have made two pointless comments.

My thoughts exactly...

I opened this article looking for a conversation about BCC not being supported by coinbase, and it turns out it is a small blocker looking to FUD on BCC...

Small transaction fees, fast confirmations. It astounds me that there are people who don't want that.

Lol what bullshit. I am not a small blocker but to be honest it is hardly surprising that you guys would spread your crap here.

Sorry bud. I don't know if you are agreeing or disagreeing.

I don't have enough time for an hour long video. :D