Thank you so much for the support @eric-boucher! It is sincerely, very much appreciated. I definitely poured my heart into this post and the response I am receiving for it is very heart warming.
It has been a tough journey since my leap of faith, but I finally feel like I am on the right path. You have been with me since the beginning and I appreciate your support very much and try to provide the same support to others as well.
We shall charge forth together, in pursuit of a decentralized future where sovereignty of individuals may be reinstated and to bring th epowers that seek to enslave to their knees!
I have faith in this engine of change that we are upon, and it a great opportunity that we shall not squander.
God Speed Brethren!

The rays of hope you are sharing in this last note are very powerful and greatly appreciated! I know sometimes when we spend literally days writing a post and gets only 20-30 dollars, it is a bit perplexing and demotivating, but truth and the fire of passion living among us won't have us waver under the pressure. we have an ultimate faith in the mission, the alternative is not worth living for, empty and senseless. Meanwhile, it is denying life itself. We can't in all conscience vouch for that.
All for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)
Alas, my leap of faith is one of love for my partner and personal growth more so than it is about profit. survival is my main concern and in a situation, I have put myself in currently, my personal growth is exploding, in that regard, I am doing as intended.
Only through pressure are diamonds created, and I intend to power through my challenges and come out victorious.
For our war is of much larger magnitude, the powers that seek to enslave have existed for a millennia and have resources far beyond ours.
Even as I type these words, I feel a tad idiculous, but history tells me a tale of an evil lingering within modern society that has to be challenged.