Bitcoin is the Grim Reaper standing tall over the corrupt Bankers! The Gold & Silver market is about to EXPLODE.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Finally it is here......the day I knew would come when I discovered Bitcoin at $8.00 usd. When I really took the time to teach myself about blockchain technology and the currency of Bitcoin back in 2011, it immediately struck me how disruptive they would be to banks ,and more importantly the paper gold/silver markets on the Comex and London Bullion Market Association.

You see, I discovered Bitcoin mainly because I was a gold and silver bug! The frustrating gold/silver market is a hard game to play because it is rigged. The bankers dump the paper gold from ETF's onto the market to drive the price down with no significant amount of collateral, this is called selling naked short. I believe what the bankers are doing is selling gold short on the paper markets and then buying gold long on the physical markets. They all have been telling us they are selling when you watch Business media or read business publications. They are only telling you half of the story, because they are buying REAL PHYSICAL GOLD at the discounted prices they are false creating by rigging the markets. Bitcoin becomes the disruptive tool that can stop this banker corruption. Think about it, can we have $10,000 Bitcoin and still have $1260 gold? My guess is no, investors from all around the world will see this ratio between Bitcoin and gold, then leverage out into money that has held its value for 6000 years. I think this trend starts right now with 3200.00 BTC and grows all the way to 5000.00 BTC. The metals markets should be about to explode, and Bitcoin is the match that will ignite this fuse. The power elite wont ever attribute it to BTC but it will be the underlying reason because of its leverage and sovereign wealth properties.

The price of Bitcoin has now reached an inflection point that is making the bankers papier-mâché game very difficult to continue playing. While the price of bitcoin is on an out of control beast mode, the price of gold and silver has barely moved. The price of bitcoin going up next to the papier-mâché game is very difficult for the bankers to play because investors will leverage into this depressed asset. I believe that silver bullion is the cheapest asset on the face of the earth, an absolute no-brainer to own. I remember the day when it was awesome that one Bitcoin would buy you one ounce of silver, and today just a few years later that same Bitcoin will almost buy you three ounces of gold! This proves the bankers are loosing and Bitcoin is winning!

As the price of crypto currency's continue to skyrocket, the pressure on the world central banking elite to hold the price of gold and silver down will become immensely difficult. As the price of paper currency's continue to be devalued, driven into the ground, stolen by elite bankers and governments around the world, crypto currency's have become the neutralizer that can really help the people. This is why I always say if you are wanting to take cash out of the crypto coin market, don't go back to Fiat currency. Exchange it for another depressed asset. Gold and silver are a great asset class to leverage with because I feel like you're buying the metal at the bottom of the market. There is a time to buy and sell everything and timing always plays a key role. The time to buy crypto currency is now, the time to buy gold and silver bullion is now. The days of owning Fiat currency controlled by Bankster's and corrupt government elite has since passed. Good luck my friends especially you down there in Venezuela where your government is De-valuing your currency on a weekly basis. Crypto will set you free, do everything you can to collect as much of it as possible before the masses wake up and realize what has been done to them and the mountain of lies that have been told.

The OG Broncnutz-

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Well said @broncnutz
Time to back up the truck on some silver next few months. Anything sub $40 is stealing, sub $20 you should be scared to go outside after buying.

We grabbing with both hands playa........

Upvoted your comment with my little steem power....great work...

Once again a very nice recap about bitcoin, gold and silver, gone through this post bit by bit, the fact placed in it is really awesome and informative, the most important line i would derive from this post is "today just a few years later that same Bitcoin will almost buy you three ounces of gold!". @broncnutz sir is it still the right time to start banking upon bitcoin, i am just asking for your advice, because now its hovering around 3200, so i think its in the upper range,, i am just waiting for a level around 2200 so that i can buy little with my steem earning, although my steem earning is not much but whatever it is, i will wait for those level to convert it to BTC. Again sir @broncnutz, are we entering into an era where use of paper currency will be minimal and we are switching to commodity currency or crypto even in the retail sector..

If I knew what was gonna happen with Bitcoin, I would be retired by now, the fact of the matter is is I still go to a job every single day of my life just like you. I expect BTC to reach $10,000 for sure and most likely we will see $100,000 in our lifetime. I think bitcoin is a good buy, but I think there's better places to put your money right this very second. Personally I think silver is a better value than bitcoin at the moment. I am a big fan of crypto currency and I'm still buying just like you. I don't know if We will see Bitcoin at $2200 again but , we will most certainly see it under 3000 again. Everyman must make his own decision what to do with his money I cannot give you that kind of advice.

Yes sir @broncnutz very correct, even i am of the apprehension that BTC will be 10000 by 2020 and steem price may also appreciate by that time along with BTC, but i think what u have mentioned about silver is correct and i will definitely look into it. Thank you so much for the reply.

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Great post! I absolutely share your views. Upvoted and resteemed

Thanks for the re Steem dude!

Great post! You honestly can not beat silver atm. What other commodity can one buy for about the same price or less than what it costs to pull out of the ground? Been an avid ag bug since the early 2000's. I think we are about to embark on an exciting ride. Buckle up my friends!!

It cost almost 20 bucks for a package of COTTON socks! Silver is the best and cheapest asset in the world.

Heard that, I just dropped $20 fiat on a couple boxes of cat food, 3 dog toys, and a snickers. What, trade valueless pieces of paper for something of value and limitless uses? I'm in.

After the collapse imma buy the whole dang state of Texas......prolly sell the Cowboys off to New Mexico though..... 😂😂😂😂

Hehe, works for me. I love the the cowboys..... losing, that is. Just, please, could you keep the Texans?

Oh yea, I love Texans, some of the nicest people I ever met. Plus y'all got pretty girls.......
Oh you meant the Houston Texans......yea they can stay to. Haha

"The time to buy cryptocurrency is now, the time to buy gold and silver bullion is now." Excellent words of advice sir. Followed and UPvoted :P

Hey thank you! I checked out your blog, I'm positive your gonna teach me something. I like that.

Well done broncnutz! Bitcoin will most likely hit an all time high, then jump back down below three thousand. It is amazing to watch the crypto market.

Well it hit that all-time high, let's see if we get that drop I hope we do because I want to get a little bit more money in this market

Thank you broncnutz! I have been immersed in learning the crypto market for the last week, it is fascinating to a newbie! I am taking it slow; reading a great deal to educate myself. The legend of bitcoin creation back in 2009 is intriguing!

Learn all you can! Look....even if it's not Bitcoin that we use in the future.....crypto coins and blockchain technology is here to stay. The more you learn now, thr farther your out in front of the herd when it stampedes. Congrats, the fact your here reading this makes you not one of the "sheep "

Hello! Thank you for the boost of cheer this morning. I follow other "known writers" that believe the crypto's are nothing but a fool's journey. The "known writers" are into the precious metals completely. I came across information two days ago that Russia was investing in the Ether blockchain.

It might be a fools journey.....who really knows. I know one thing, I have used bitcoin to stack metal FOR FREE over the past 6 years. How much free metal have the nay Sayers got for free?

Bronc, you are correct. It's great that were able to accumulate the metal. If I was offered to be paid in bitcoin for my job, I would jump at it.

Such true words spoken from the heart! I joined the crypto currency world a bit later than you but have followed it just as long thinking that tangible assets would rise way before now. I was wrong but I'm still early on both accounts. You speak words of wisdom if only the one's who read them will take notice and act. Remember you can't make em' drink. Great pic! Always enjoy! Thank you.

Thanks again for reading my posts. I wanna help as many people as I can be set free from oppression

BN , I absolutely enjoy reading your posts. Great content from a level headed, interesting and caring being. Let me thank you brother. I'm glad I found you here on steemit. It's a wonderful place! Take care my friend.

Great post my friend!

Upvoted and resteemed

This post hits right on the money!

I can tell this crypto-rebellion is changing things.

I have my doubts about the ramifications of all this, still though.

Can't wait to see what happens next and work at profiting from it. :)

Thank you! Hope you enjoy others about this subject I have written and will continue to write.

REsteemed as well

Thanks for the re Steem!

Great post!

I got into bitcoin much later than you (around 2015), but i did manage to mine a few bitcoins (through various pools) over the following year an a half while Bitcoin languished in the low $200's.

I recently cashed out 2 bitcoin around the $2,500 mark and here's what I did with the proceeds:


$100 face value of '64 Kennedys, 1/10 of a bag.

The rest of my proceeds are going into silver as well.

Good for you Stacks!!!! I love seeing this. I have done the same many times. Here is a great place to do this. Tell Jospeh that I sent you. He's legit

Thanks for the tip. I'll check him out.

Silver is highly undervalued. I recently bought a couple of tubes of American Silver Eagles. Gotta love the feeling of the real money in your hand. Lets hope central bankers don't find a way to naked short bitcoin somehow in the future like they do to precious metals.

Oh they Will find a way to naked short it. They will eventually approve an ETF sooner or later. It won't matter though because before they can short they have to acquire an enormous amount of it. By that time people like you and I who are already holding crypto currency's will have made our money. The survival of crypto coins will be in the strength of The holders hands that they are already in.

My son and I were talking about this earlier today. I'm helping him get into crypto, but he has a lot more confidence in physical metals. I told him that both are good things to have and that you don't have to choose between one or the other. Get both!

Great to read your thoughts on this.

Thanks! I feel it is very important to own both.

What do you think will happen to bitcoin if gold and silver explode? In your opinion, is bitcoin gonna rally with gold and silver? Or is gonna take a breather?

I think gold will rally with BTC because it has to. I don't think BTC is even close to where it's going. I think 10k is easy by 2020.

I think you're right. People are looking at the increase in terms of value and not percentage. If we consider how much bitcoin has gone up, percentage-wise during its previous bull market, we get about 1000% at least, from $100 to $1000. Now given the same formula, we can go from $1000 to $10,000. I feel like I've missed the party though so I won't be participating... I'll hold on to my gold and silver assets instead...

Excellent post.

Thanks for reading. 👍

I will always read your post :)

Good! I like seeing your face over her......

Thanks for your comment :)

great article @broncnutz i was with karatbars (gold) a time too but after i had learned about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and changed path :)

Well spoken! I agree, transfer the crypto into hard assets, especially precious metals. We have to be our own bankers now!

I never cash out Cryptos for paper.....that's so dumb. Getting free metals with Crypto is like stealing money right outta uncle sams bank account.

Yeah i am so sick of bankers. One thing for sure that they don't want people to know of price manipulation. Game over Bankers -Especially for those in my country- LONG LIVE CRYPTO.

If I'm ever president, your gonna be on my staff cuz!

Hehe thanks Bronco, I'd definitely vote for you Bro :D.


Great informative article. Time the bankers go down in flames! :) Upvoted your post I found it very informative and thought provoking!

Sweet....thanks for reading!

Your welcome, wish you the best on steemit! Keep up the good work!

Great Post! Just keep in mind they won't go down with out a fight. They will try to buy into the crypto market with printed money. They are also creating their own crypto coins. Make sure you read your white papers and check the backers!
The other fear is hackers and scammers! Remember nothing is free, the price could be info.

I'm a veteran cuz, my Crypto is locked up tighter than an armored truck inside the gates of Area 51. I expect the bankers to get in big.....good.....I'll be selling to them at a 1,000,000 per coin.

This really is a incredible time to be living in. To think you got in at $8.00 wow, and its still a good buy at $3200 really that's what is scary. Crypto's are what give the people their power back over the banks. Most are still just scared of something they don't understand.

I thank god all the time for leading me to valuable information at just the right time.

Yes sir, I'm hoping the same with some of the cryptos. Could just be the beginning really.

I think gold has been consolidating in the current range since long, i am not sure whether its forming base for upmove or getting ready for downpour. Because, if FED is going to hike the rate subsequently, then Gold will come down, i think, i may be wrong, but Bitcoin bull is always there and shall continue.

Those are both great points and exactly why you must hold both BTC and metals too. I think it's important not only to hold gold but also hold silver and bitcoin. Having all of your eggs in one basket is never a good idea and having them both in these baskets are great plays. Good luck to you.

Yes....correct...diversification will be the trick for future.

Very true @broncnutz. The manipulation of these bankers, the fed and the governments must end and be your own central bank with gold, silver and crypto.

Your post is an example to follow for the new ones in steemit

Wow, that's a very nice compl. Thank you for reading.

Great read. I think everyone should buy some gold, silver and crypto.

Having your money in any Fiat currency is really madness as it's almost worthless and getting more so daily.

The next few years we will see major changes in the world of currency as the government Sovereign debt crisis hits us. Interesting times for sure.

Thanks again and again for your support.

Indeed, bitcoin means freedom.
What about Ripple? Although it uses blockchain technology, it is considered centralized. I support it but I'm not sure it relates too well to the blockchain ecosystem...

I don't like ripple but I still think it goes higher.

That's an interesting perspective on the BTC/gold ratio. I kept waiting for gold to dip below $1,000 again, but I've been waiting for quite a long time. If we can see $3200 BTC, then I don't see any reason why we couldn't see gold (and silver) exploding too.

I don't think we ever gonna see gold under 1000 again.

Fully agree on all points, Get into crypto, gold and silver are becoming tremendously important industrial items, so buy into them as well. Look forward and join a new revolution.

Thanks, Yes silver is about to explode . This will be a massive transfer of wealth. Those banking assets/debts are going to evaporate while silver stackers will be on top.

I need to pick up some more bitcoin but I'm buying too such silver!

Me too....just picked up another 400 oz yesterday. Silver is a crazy good buy right now.

The worrying fact is Bitcoin is tied to the dollar. So if the corrupt banks fail then what is a Bitcoin worth?

If a Bitcoin as I type is worth $3446.82, if the dollar collapsed overnight and became worthless where would Bitcoins value come from?

You can't pay your mortgage with it.

It is not "tied" to the dollar. The dollar, euro, gold, silver, platinum, pladium, yen , pound, etc are tied to bitcoin.

I like your way of thinking :)

Very nice. This proves the bankers are loosing and Bitcoin is winning! I like that you mention that. This is going to be a huge game changer and will help all us Bitcoin lovers get an edge over the banks :-)

Yes buying cryptos is the way to freedom and a better future !

Insightful, thanks, you have my UV. Can you explain what the differences are beteen paper gold and physical gold?

Physical gold you hold in your hand. Paper gold is a certificate that says you own one ounce of gold......the problem is there are 300 people all holding a certificate for the same one ounce of gold.

Yea I understood the first part, just crazy that one ounce of gold can be owned by 300 people simultaneously. Why would you ever buy a certificate then?

Never! I would rather buy dirt in a jar.

@broncnutz .... what is controlled by Bankster's government elite and corruptor let it pass @broncnutz, hopefully i can also buy crypto currency, but now in the collection stage, thanks @broncnutz

thank @broncnutz .

Great post. So I am going to buy some silver now @broncnutz!

You would be very wise to do so, Silver is the metal that will power the future. It is the most conductive, least corrosive and most reflective element on the periodic table. If you really sit and think about what really has to happen to find once single ounce of silver and then think about how you can buy it for 17.00 an ounce it's almost laughable. Silver is the absolute cheapest asset on the planet and so under valued . The bankers will flip the script soon and the ride up on silver will remind you of Bitcoin in the olden days!

time to fill up some pockets with silver huhh time is about to explode :D

Load up momma, buy it with both hands till it hurts, then buy some more. You will thank me later.

oh yeah definitely

interesting point of vieuw broncnutz. Not really gonna buy gold or silver, I stick with bitcoin, but I willinform some people who are in that sjit :)

This should be a day of celebration. A day where everything we knew would happen has been confirmed. Yet I am filled with a feeling of emptiness. I could do with someone to talk to about it. I am slightly drunk right now and would like if someone would read my story. Sorry for being so depressing on your post Broncnutz. I'm just lonely...
Please forgive me for trying to get attention here.

Thanks for sharing, upvoted your post.

Bitcoin road to $4k my friend!! hahaha up up i love Bitcoin!

I am a long term holder of physical gold.

SMART! Gold is gods money, it's here for a reason and will always be valuable

It has held its precious value for centuries.

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This comment has received a 0.28 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

only the fools fail to understand value of gold.

It's time to rise and shine for crypto

Yes it is! Thanks for the comment

Wow I love so many things about this post. First of all the title immediately drew me in and then that thumbnail photo said it all. I totally agree we are standing on the threshold of the precious metals and cryptocurrencies reaching dizzying heights.

Thanks for dropping in to see what I have to say. 😜

I sure hope so. It would great to see the precious metals make some big moves

It sure has been painful to watch. Don't weaken my friend, strong holders will win in the end.

Good post @broncnutz...... Your plan is good to invest in gold or silver..... Upvoted....

Love mexico for it's cheap prices though, coming from europe I kind of am okay even though the money goes fast, trusting in bitcoin and more after reading your post! Thanks!!

Thanks for reading! Bitcoin is going much much much higher, hold with tight hands.

Nice post buddy, and thank you very much for upvoting my post

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