This post is to share two excellent quotes I've encountered lately from some sources. I love short and powerful sentences, which convey so much more than a lot of articles.
:第一句來自於比特幣的推特:The first quote from the twitter of bitcoin:
"The biggest risk associated with #Bitcoin is not if the price drops. It’s what happens when it doesn’t? "
Absolutely love the humor in this quote. Obviously if you are still wondering why a price rise would be a risk then you don't get it. And I can almost see the faces of some heavyweight bankers having a meeting in a dark room smoking cigars but nobody makes a sound when bitcoin price passes the 100k mark. lol... I am not saying that it is correct, but it is absolutely humorous.
:第二句來自於CoinDesk的每日郵件:The second quote from the CoinDesk Daily:
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.― Nietzsche"
CoinDesk Daily uses this quote from Friedrich Nietzsche without explanation. So my interpretation is that most blockchain projects aim to disrupt existing monsters in certain areas (banking to be a vivid example) but it is highly possible, if we are not alert and vigilant, that the monster killers become new monsters themselves. I think this is very important for those who support blockchain technology to make this world better !
image - pixabay
this is the life that i dream of
i believe one I will also have good holidays like you
a list give a vote to also have some cheap good life in Kampala
sorry the comment was not for this post
Benar-benar menyukai humor dalam kutipan ini. Tentunya jika Anda masih bertanya-tanya mengapa kenaikan harga akan menjadi risiko maka Anda tidak mendapatkannya. Dan saya hampir bisa melihat wajah beberapa bankir kelas berat yang mengadakan pertemuan di ruangan gelap sambil merokok cerutu tapi tidak ada yang membuat suara saat harga bitcoin melewati angka 100k. lol ... Saya tidak mengatakan bahwa itu benar, tapi ini benar-benar lucu.
剛renew 就看到了
i upvote your post and follow you upvote my post thanks
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The first quote is super relatable especially since Apr/May when bitcoin was $1k. See the charts here - https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/#charts
之前覺得比特幣沒救了 都換成eth
這幾天蠻好的喔!以太哥~~~~ ^^
哈哈哈 有意思
是 還有T先生
thank you great post @deanliu ! As VICE News' Jay Kang told us, “It’s impossible right now to not get rich if you own any Bitcoin.”
Excellent post! please keep posting more about BTC and alt coinsif is possible for you
For me, the main concern with cryptocurrencies mining is the centralization. Nietzsche quote warn us to don't the same dog with a different collar. Do you agree?