John McAffee became famous (once again) a few weeks ago when he tweeted that Bitcoin will reach $500k in three years. Otherwise, he will eat his own dick on national television.
Now, there is a website which is tracking the Bitcoin price index and make the necessary predictions based on past price evolution, to see if BTC will actually reach $500k in 4 years.
The URL is if you want to bookmark it. And no, at this moment, based on the current BTC price index, John is safe.
With that being said, as somebody who had the honor to actually meet John McAffee, spend some time with him and even have a few pieces of short conversations, I would hate to see Bitcoin, in 3 years, at $499,999.
Just saying...
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This is a perfect example of why I love the Internet...
I would rather want to see BTC reach $500k than what John said he would do on national television.
I see a get-out-clause if he can work on his flexibility, he could claim he meant fellate himself on TV rather than lopping it off and eating it.
Just to be safe, better hit the yoga mat John...
great post, and thanks for shear BTC market nwes,
hahahahaha lol :D
Just what I needed haha. I feel like it won't hit $500k but many people said it won't even surpass $1k.
I hope that it is below $500k since I really want to see what happens next @dragosroua haha
Hahahaha i love the creativity of folks on the Internet.
Let us wait and see.
He has to eat his d!ck :D BTC will rise but not that limit! So, better he prepare for it!@dragosroua,
Will see about that...We're 3 years before the potential event...
Yeah, 3 years can change everything upside down!@dragosroua,
If ever we needed an incentive to buy Bitcoin, now we have a good one. I think I'll need to power down to save the world!
hahaha - clickbait that is actually true! :D
Eh... I'd say he should start preparing to eat his dick. When BTC grows, it grows like a rocket, but that doesn't mean it will keep growing. Even for something as volatile as Bitcoin, 2017 has been a crazy year. That doesn't necessarily mean that craziness will continue.
All I can say to that is that we'll see :)
We certainly shall see... it's not my dick that isn't going to be eaten on TV, so I don't care either way ;-)
gotta be honest, he will do it. he's a completely nutjob. but in the right way! :)
Why do you think he'll do it? BTC goes over $500k he doesn't have to...
listen if he can get away with shooting at his neighbour, dodge all kinds of mayhem and still be this crazy mofo like he is then yes, he will do for the f*** of it!, probably even if it never makes it. he's a dark one that one! :)
did you ever see this? bloody brilliant :)
Superb :)
@dragosroua - In last 3 months BTC showed a huge potential that it can reach 500K in 3 years of time Sir. Love your work Sir. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
amigo #resteemia at your service
'for the sake of national television i hope btc price will pass 500,000 limit' :) nice work @dragosroua
'UpVote ReSteem Comment'
That is some bald statement...
John Mcafee strikes again. The guy is impressive!
Thanks for sharing!
I haven't met McAffee, but think I read a longer article about him in Wired, and was under the impression that he is simply a nut case(?)
Be that as it may. But remember a lot of influential peeps like Galileo, Copernicus, Archimedes and the Wright Brothers were considered to be a nut case in their times.
When McAfee says Bitcoin will be 500.000 dollar in three years, he is also saying that the dollar will decline tremendously in value compared to Bitcoin. And that is exactly what fiat-currencies do.
I remember when peeps called Kim Dotcom crazy when he said, I think last year, that Bitcoin would be at least 2000 dollar, this year. And here we are.
Not my impression at all :)
He will have to eat his dick if bitcoin does go to $500k, not the other way around like the poll suggests.
There's a lot of faith he has in Bitcoin and the world. I can only hope that he won't lose this bet though - not for his sake, necessarily, but mine. Haha.
hahah this is the only thing that was left to see :D
great prediction!
BTC is stubling down, getting closer and closer to dick-eating price "trend line" at USD 2999.29 today. Here's to hoping that it is a floor...
I didn't think we'd get there, but if more exchanges are closing in China before the 30th, we'll be going much lower indeed.