I haven't met McAffee, but think I read a longer article about him in Wired, and was under the impression that he is simply a nut case(?)
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I haven't met McAffee, but think I read a longer article about him in Wired, and was under the impression that he is simply a nut case(?)
Be that as it may. But remember a lot of influential peeps like Galileo, Copernicus, Archimedes and the Wright Brothers were considered to be a nut case in their times.
When McAfee says Bitcoin will be 500.000 dollar in three years, he is also saying that the dollar will decline tremendously in value compared to Bitcoin. And that is exactly what fiat-currencies do.
I remember when peeps called Kim Dotcom crazy when he said, I think last year, that Bitcoin would be at least 2000 dollar, this year. And here we are.
Not my impression at all :)