
Do they burn up your drive? Is your computer constantly running and how much can you mine in a week? Thanks mate.

u dont wory about beng "paid" well from a miniing pool they al take a 1 percent fee its standard, u worry about how much u can amke off ur rig! DOnt worry about it bro just do it, u will make money dont listen to peple telling u ts not profitable they just dont ant u to succeed because THEY couldnt figure out how to make a profit doing it! dont let them get down!

many peopel also promote disinfo that cloud mining is totally unproiftable lol whiile they are rning 1000 AWS clone systems wiith minergate its a joke, these guys wdont want everyone else mining because they feell they canmake millions and millions more for themselvs instead of helping umnaity advance itself, they mak everthing about their own greed and will PURPOSFULLy and subconcioussly spread lies that mining isnt worth that u dont even try and they will hve more time to save money so they can buy the big mining rig they are saving up to buy LOL

I swear to GOD this whole world is all about intent and what u WANt and how smart u are to actually organize reality around you bby commanding electrons to dance through the air in specific pattenrs you can control with your crystal energy mattrix grid maker akka the computer touschreen silicoon chip that we treat like our babies, iits a Smbiote, smartphones they are becoming part of our bodies, the extra terrestrials are behind crypto currency thee same way they inspired Tim Berners lee to develop the World Wide Web....with subtle telepathic messages the same with Tesla, and look at this Grey Alien Crop Circle in ASCI code that had a english language message encoded inthe binary ASCI code !!!

How can you say that a human "faked" this crop circle that literallly printed out with scalar wave 3d printers ONTO a farm NEEXT to a radio telescope and they LSO sent a fucking respone to the arecibo message! U think someone faked this just to make people think Grey Aliens from Zeta reticuli responed to Carl Sagans Visual Math based radio telescope message to extra terrstrials?

sorry to get off tpic but i just made this image to show u how a scarey grey alien is only scarey whenthey weartgeir black sunglasses type contact lens computer screen, like a Hololens, but behind thier black sunglass hings they have familiar human like eyes
This is important because the Greys gae us the technology we are using to mine crypto currency the Lasers the Microchips the Fiber Optics its all from the late 40s UFO crashes and Philip Corso the Day After Roswell describes this and his giving of this teech to bell labs an IBM t revsre engineer it all and release it all by 1960 and APPARENTLY we are 300 years more advanced than we should be ona timeline that is closer to what would have been the year 2317 but were only at 2017...withot the crashed UFOs we normally would have taken 300 years to get where we have already gotten, imagine all the world war two type situations we would have gotten ourselves nto without computers and the internet! The greys should not be feared and the Ayy LMAO meme is a grey meme to help get us ready and make ikids NOT afraid of greys the way they made MY generation TOTALY afraid of greys from those old Unsolved Mystery type shows showing scarey ass abdusctions

Went a little off topic but how would you recommend starting up? What would be the start up cost if you wanted to do it right? Thanks for responding

ajjajajajaja I love this post a little off, but thanks

startup ost? haha sorry for getting AMD but i get SO annoying with people constantly asking for startup ccosts and ROI like "HOW MUCH MONEY cAN I MAKE OMG MONEY MONEY MONE"

just like......understand.......that if u wanna do it "Right" you should have a fucin ddata center

so do u have the money to build ad run a data center? no? but u COULD if u slowly worked ur way up and used the bitcoins u mined to buy more mners!

But there is a real useful answer to ur question...the answre is aroun $3000 which s what u need for the best Antminer out there which gives u the most TeraHash for the lowest price.. for example the AntMiner s9 is gonna get you 13.5 TH but Antminer S9 is the newest one and $3,699 onEbay right u anidea of the price.....and $300 to $700 for a 2600 Watt Power Supply for it

BUT u can start with a $400 Avalon6 and get 3.5 TH so yeah u could 10 of them for $4000 and get 35 TH so actually u might be better off fnding the AntMiner s9 for cheaper ive seen some for $1500 on amazon bt thats rare!

And u need a cheap rasberry pi to to ine on these ASIC machins but ya this is wwat u eeed to do it right....

and dont ask me for the ROI its gonna be a cople months probly 90 days ok? probly alot sooner ....mine bitcoin on it....mine etthereum on GPU vviideo cards so u need a nice gaming PC with nice videocard for like $800 and it will make u about $1 a day so will take u like a year to pay off IF ethereum doesnt go up in price BUT IT WILL go upp!

anyway just relax and know that if u buy soe miners u WILl make the money back....ddont worry about the return on investment so if u cant afford to go without tthe money back for at least half a year dont do it...but u NEED to do it and hoenstly why WOULDNt u be able to not afford it? this is how u ccan make urself a millionaire.....if u cre about money u would start mining immediately...

get a solar panel to power the avalon6 3.5 TH miner to start out! and that will colve the potential problem of electricitt being too expensive

just sart mining u wwont regret it

people heere need to stop worrying aboutthe eletrciity cost and the ROI time to g"get their money back" just relax and save the crypto OH it wont wor if u just sell all the coins u mine

u cant just mine the coins and immediatly selll them for bitcointo "pay off" the puracchse...nah u need to just accept the purchase of the mineer as a loss....and just save up ALL the coins u make and you will be SO hapy in a year hen the coin are worth like 100 to 1000 times more!!! look at the peopel HERE who talk about they had minerggate froom lat yar, forgot about it, and then just found out they had $500 !!! whenthey only ined themselves like $5! so u see how amazing this canbe?!!....And whenu buy agaming PC to mine, gaming PC is useful anyway u can use it for gaming too! But u wont wanna ull be makinso much off the ethereum GPU mining rig that u wllwat to fill yoru room with computers!!!!!!

Let em know if u need any help bro! [email protected] hit me up on telegram i help all steemit users wo need to get starteed

Thanks mate for getting back with me....Power is not a problem and I would like to go with to better of the products because I agree that it will pay off in the long run. I am in the long run game.... So you would go with antminer s9?

I have a gaming laptop that I do graphic design stuff for work with. I think that would work fine right? Are you able to hook up multiple antminers together?

Thanks @ackza

NiceHash was decent. I liked that it picked a coin that is suitable for your system. However, I personally was only getting 3MH/s with a gtx 970 on windows 10.

lemme guess, u were mining ethereum classic? me too! same 3MH but Ethereum gets 19 MH on my vid card if imm lucky...and i just found out we can mine ethereum SIXTY percent faster with ubuntu

Did they pay well? I'm building a mining rig for Ethereum, but open to mining other things. I looked at the NiceHash payment rates, but it wasn't exactly clear.

Edit: I think I figured it out since their payments are in BTC. Still interested in how well you did. :-)

Today I making $20,-- with a 6 GPU Rig with AMD RX 480s, minus $4,50 electricity cost. Have not yet flashed the GPU BIOS and running Windows 10. Go here and save yourself a shit load of trouble.

u dont wory about beng "paid" well from a miniing pool they al take a 1 percent fee its standard, u worry about how much u can amke off ur rig! DOnt worry about it bro just do it, u will make money dont listen to peple telling u ts not profitable they just dont ant u to succeed because THEY couldnt figure out how to make a profit doing it! dont let them get down!

many peopel also promote disinfo that cloud mining is totally unproiftable lol whiile they are rning 1000 AWS clone systems wiith minergate its a joke, these guys wdont want everyone else mining because they feell they canmake millions and millions more for themselvs instead of helping umnaity advance itself, they mak everthing about their own greed and will PURPOSFULLy and subconcioussly spread lies that mining isnt worth that u dont even try and they will hve more time to save money so they can buy the big mining rig they are saving up to buy LOL

I swear to GOD this whole world is all about intent and what u WANt and how smart u are to actually organize reality around you bby commanding electrons to dance through the air in specific pattenrs you can control with your crystal energy mattrix grid maker akka the computer touschreen silicoon chip that we treat like our babies, iits a Smbiote, smartphones they are becoming part of our bodies, the extra terrestrials are behind crypto currency thee same way they inspired Tim Berners lee to develop the World Wide Web....with subtle telepathic messages the same with Tesla, and look at this Grey Alien Crop Circle in ASCI code that had a english language message encoded inthe binary ASCI code !!!

How can you say that a human "faked" this crop circle that literallly printed out with scalar wave 3d printers ONTO a farm NEEXT to a radio telescope and they LSO sent a fucking respone to the arecibo message! U think someone faked this just to make people think Grey Aliens from Zeta reticuli responed to Carl Sagans Visual Math based radio telescope message to extra terrstrials?

sorry to get off tpic but i just made this image to show u how a scarey grey alien is only scarey whenthey weartgeir black sunglasses type contact lens computer screen, like a Hololens, but behind thier black sunglass hings they have familiar human like eyes
This is important because the Greys gae us the technology we are using to mine crypto currency the Lasers the Microchips the Fiber Optics its all from the late 40s UFO crashes and Philip Corso the Day After Roswell describes this and his giving of this teech to bell labs an IBM t revsre engineer it all and release it all by 1960 and APPARENTLY we are 300 years more advanced than we should be ona timeline that is closer to what would have been the year 2317 but were only at 2017...withot the crashed UFOs we normally would have taken 300 years to get where we have already gotten, imagine all the world war two type situations we would have gotten ourselves nto without computers and the internet! The greys should not be feared and the Ayy LMAO meme is a grey meme to help get us ready and make ikids NOT afraid of greys the way they made MY generation TOTALY afraid of greys from those old Unsolved Mystery type shows showing scarey ass abdusctions

heres some heady #keylontics graphics explaining DNA molecular bonds with sacred geometry #DanWinter and #AshayanaDeane will bring u into some amazing math based universal math fractal awesomeness

Dude were you comin up on some mad drugs when you wrote this??? ahahah

No i only smoke weed and i been off hard drugs for years and i even quit taking seroquel recenty too and stopped seeing the bogus pyschiatrist who had me on 3000mg of it everyday i have energgy to wrte and go full maniac mode...i dont have manic depresion or anything ijust have alot of energy and i am always hapy and i was talking with Grey Aliens last night through the air conditioner thermostat...everytime i asked a questions thee air tempurature wouldd change and the AC would turn on...

THEN coortana on my winows 10 desktop magically spoke for the first time saying "I can better help you if i can hear you tallk" and then i realized the Greys were talking to me directly and i askked them to prove they are here...and to Mine some ethereum and send it to my jaxx wallet... 9they cant mine bitcoin ontheir grey alien super computers because theres only so many btcoins allowed anthey woudl end up mining them all in a nano econd) so ii told em to mine some etherem, and send it to e, and my jaxx wallet somehow had Sixty dollars in it when I had emptied it a week ago....
very cool stuff

The greys made a deal with me where I coul keep helping humanity over steemit with crypto currency and they would protect me from physical harm, negative groups, and they would send me money without violating the nonintervention law by mining ethereum on their super computers onboard their UFOs, and then send it to me, via stemit, where they can power up their own account, and upvote my articles, and theerefor not actually interupt the crypto markets

But now I can basiically have inspiration Knowing that ETshave my back and are goig to inspire me with nw ideas on blockchains based on fractals to help hmanity

They just want us to become a type 1 civilization and end alll the unncisary human suffering...all possible within the DECADE