I don't think USD is bad at all for now. It's still the safe haven. I also think that SPX will perhaps hit 3,000.....yes, 3,000 in 6-9 months. If USD concerns you, perhaps an SPX index fund to hold you cash? I personally am selling 2/3 of my Bitcoins in a laddered format and keeping it as dry powder to buy at better prices. I have 55% profit on Bitcoins from prior bottom....not too shabby and gonna take the profits.
You're assuming that USD and Bitcoins are correlated. Their cycles might overlap briefly, but they are not correlated 1:1. I take Bitcoin EW counts alone and separate from others. Many think bonds and stocks are reverse correlated but charts can show you they often move together.
Also, I don't decide or pay attention to headlines. I rarely see cnbc and only to get a quick price quote. I do my own DD and don't care what others say or what their opinions are. That has been my saving grace!
I do think that Gary Savage and I think alike!