Who created Bitcoin? Hint: It's not who you think...

in #bitcoin7 years ago

That is the $44 Billion Dollar Question.

Which is roughly the current market cap of Bitcoin as I type. 

If you asked this question among a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts, they will all likely look at you and say, 

"Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, duh." 

But, who the heck is Satoshi Nakamoto? 

There are plenty of theories out there as to who this person, or groups of persons, is. For today, I am going to stick to a theory that makes the most sense to me.

*Keep in mind that this is all theory and opinions based upon things I have read and what makes the most sense to me. 

When you think about it logically, it is pretty absurd that we don't even know who the creator is of a technology and coin that currently boasts a market cap of $44 billion dollars and has been around for almost 9 years. Plus this technology is considered possibly the most ground breaking since the internet. 

Most people would like to put their signature on something like that. 

What we know...

Satoshi Nakamoto is an anonymous individual (or group of individuals) that invented Bitcoin. He released an extremely technical white paper in late 2008 called "Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System".

Nakamoto mined the very first bitcoins and accumulated over a million coins in it's beginning stages. It is estimated that Nakamoto owns at least 7% of all bitcoins ever to be created. No new Bitcoins will be created after it's supply reaches 21 million coins. 

If Bitcoin really is the future of money, like some people think, that would likely make Nakamoto one of the richest men to ever live, by owning over 7% of the entire money supply. 

Satoshi Nakamoto isn't really a person at all.

In my opinion if Nakamoto really was some individual he would have come forward by now. That or someone would have figured out his true identity by now.

He hasn't, and they haven't. 

Plus, the technology behind Bitcoin is truly masterful and is an engineering marvel. We are supposed to believe this was all cooked up in somebody's basement?

That seems like a stretch to me.

Especially when you consider this this...

Blockchains are often referred to as "Web 3.0", which means that they are considered as possibly the future of the internet, and that they will have as much effect on the world as the internet originally did. 

Well guess where Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 came from?

And I am not talking about Al Gore...

Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 originated with the U.S. Government. They were born out of the U.S. Military's DARPAnet project (formerly known as ARPANET). 

At the time, the Cold War had the United States searching for a communication network that could survive a nuclear attack. Thus the need for creating a time-sharing network of computers was born. This network is widely considered the precursor of today's internet. 

So, you are telling me it took years and years of collaboration among computer scientists, researchers, and engineers to create the internet using the best tools the United States had to offer, and we are supposed to believe the next evolution to that was created by a single person in his basement?

That makes sense... (sarcasm font on)

So, if Satoshi Nakamoto isn't a real person, who is he?

This part should already be clear to you if you read the previous couple paragraphs. 

In my opinion, the theory that fits the most facts and makes the most sense logically, is that Satoshi Nakamoto is basically the pen-name used for a group of people working for a government...

Governments have the incentive and the technological capabilities to create Bitcoin. Also, look at when Bitcoin was created. It was created in 2008 (released in 2009) in response to a major financial meltdown that originated in the United States. 

Ok, but which government?

When deciding which government is the most likely to have created "Web 3.0", I think the most logical first place to look would be to look at the ones who created Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.

Which brings us to...

The United States Government.

*To be continued in Part 2 tomorrow




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It makes absolutely no sense that a government would want to create a tool that leads to their own demise. Governments have 0 control over public blockchains and 0 understanding of how they work. They can't steal Bitcoin like they can dollars. They can't hire blockchain architects because they are all anarchists. They also can't control the supply and play with interest rates. Their only play is to take down the entire internet to try to destroy the decentralized ledgers.

I find it probable that Satoshi Nakamoto is not of this world and that the code is a gift to our species in an attempt to help us abolish governments.

I can't prove this rather ridiculous theory but no human has come close to proving they had any part in the original creation of Bitcoin. (LOL @ Craig Wright) Also there is a surprising amount of information in the Wikileaks dumps about emails between astronauts who have been to the moon, Obama's highest ranking officials, people high up in the Vatican, and others talking about aliens and their supposed technologies and communication with us. It is wild stuff that you are not supposed to know about. I suggest checking it out. https://wikileaks.org/

Wait till part 2 ;)

FANTACTIC ! Magnificent !

I been thinking, many times, EXACTLY the same way like you. That this Bitcoin idea was brought to us by aliens. Or some humans from the future,who came back in time-machine. I have never told my thoughts loud, because i know - all listeners would then only laugh at me...
What a great post!

Thank you! I have been pondering on this wild theory for a while now and I'm glad I finally put it on a blockchain.

But it makes a lot of sense that a government is doing something that makes absolutely no sense.
Do I explain myself?
Good pints you have there. I like the extra terrestrial point of view. Maybe to save ourselves from ourselves.

Many things that the gov do that back fires on them, we see this in history all the time.

The internet is such a thing. But I can understand that they maybe couldn't predict the internet would get many people more informed than a corrupt government would like. But when you create Bitcoin you know from the very start that it will backfire on you.

Another possibility is​ The Archons....Multi-dimensional actors who can take human form:)


I genuinely believe that's possible.

Yes, I agree with you. I also don't think governments are behind this. It would make no sense at all.

Ever think about the CIA, FBI, and Congress aren't necessarily working together all the time, or that they have different agendas? There are always power struggles within governments.. Just food for thought.

Yeah what kind of job their doing except this finding ways to cheat peoples

This is gonna make it hard for me to sleep. Gonna be reading wikileaks aaaaaall night . Followed :)

I think that governments play those games that random people will never understand so i think he is right Us is behind of BTC

I can always appreciate a good theory! Though It doesn't really make sense to me given that decentralized technology literally screws them over..
Thanks for the interesting theory!

It's anannomous nature is the reason why so many are Interested in it. And I don't think any govt would Wan to create something like bitcoin that will take away their monopoly power of generating money from thin air. Just my view

Yes, all the rules were forbidden bitcoin for a long time. Have not yet realized that it can not be stopped.

Yea I just created an e-commerce shop that accepts crypto currency already hosted but not running yet need to fix some shits on it. Waiting for my govt to come after me 😁

Check ur telegram link. Its misspelled. Lets work on an idea.

Australian entrepreneur says he invented bitcoin. Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright says he's the inventor of the digital currency bitcoin

I use to have that dream also when am high on cheap drugs, He should keep dreaming 😁

Why can't be stopped they are stopping nuclear weapons and not stopping a digital coin

What is the motivation for the western world to create Bitcoin?
Perhaps to lure people into a new "safe haven" instead of investing in gold and silver. Precious metals are scarce and demand is higher than world production. So the western vaults are getting cleaned out to satisfy demand in the east. It would certainly delay the process.
Another motivation is to prepare the population for a cashless society in order to implement Negative interest so no one can take out the money from the bank anymore? With negative interest the gigantic burden of world debt is manageable.
Just to be clear: I do think everybody needs to be somewhat invested in crypto!

You have right 100%

They keep talking about a new world order, and if you believe the Bible, there will be a one world government with a one world currency

He is the BITCOIN BATMAN...Watching over the crypto industry like it is Gotham.

Why couldn't it have been "cooked up in a basement" though? Lots of great businesses and science projects these last few hundred years started out in basements/garages.

Apple and the modern PC for a recent example.
And how about Steem? Yes I know Stan (not Dan though to my knowledge) used to work for NASA, but are you telling me you think all great new inventions started out as pet projects created by a nation state? That clearly wasn't the case.

Great article friend... It really made me wonder now as to how the btx was created. Honestly there are so much coins currently rolling out that in a few years the market will be overcrowded with randon currencies.
Cheers for the efforts you put in writing this and all the best from me..

Bitcoin takes permission away from the banks and establishment and gives that permission to you and whomever you are doing business with. This changes the dynamics of the way people do business around the world. This is the power of Bitcoin and blockchain!!

I share the same belief. Bitcoin's price will be $1 million per one bitcoin in the future. But beware of scammers who capitalize on bitcoin's popularity to fool, scam, and defraud people of their hard-earned money. The rule of thumb is simple - if an organization inviting you is not in the official list of bitcoin organization or miners.

Interesting theory :) Never thought about this really deep but you are true it's very hard to imagine that only one person had design Bitcoin. So it's likely that a group had made it.. Also take in mind that it was one person who invented quantum theory - Albert Einstein. Or look at Nikola Tesla what he made true. So there is a possibility that one genius person invented Bitcoin. :) Looking forward for your next episode :)

It was...... Aliens =)

I'm not buying it. It would be like saying that 1 man wasn't capable of creating Linux but that was in fact the case. Then more and more people started helping on the project and now we see a very developed operating system that is extremely scalable and continually improve upon.
Bitcoin is an accumulation of previously existing technologies and concepts assembled together.

I think there is a 20% chance that Satoshi is Gavin Andresen and possibly 20% chance it was Hal Finney.

Hal Finney helped invent modern encryption, an essential part of Bitcoin. The actual idea is straightforward, but the code surely required borrowed talent. I believe most of the code had a single mastermind, but was somewhat pieced together between 2-4 people... and open-source. Remember the twin-primes conjecture was partly solved by a then basically unknown individual in the math world, and his paper was extremely technical.

Therefore, please consider that brilliant people and groups exist without being known by the scientific/university community. (As for me I literally cannot even spell brilliant at this moment. Hah.)

One more thing, I do not believe S. Nakamoto is still alive.

It is very possible it was a reclusive genius or group of them.

It is quite possible that the creator was in fact a group. But attributing a beatiful piece of software to nefarious elements of Goverment is overrating their capacities. If it would concern bright scientists achieving breakthroughs in Goverment funded projects, ok (but that would not be kept such a secret), but not the bad parts of Government. Why release the keys to permissionless decentralised value transfer over the Internet if your aim is control over Society?

I agree. It wouldn't make sense.

Precisely. I think a lot of people are just hooked on the idea that there is "some force out there" that's behind everything great ever created and individuals are simply not capable of anything like this. It's completely bizarre.

Cooked up by the System to introduce us to Cryptocurrencies. Just like Harry Potter was written not by one person, but by a group of individuals working for British Intelligence. Crypto Witchcraft.

Can't wait for the next installment. I agree, government is the only fund that could pay for the time investment!

It doesn't necessarily have to be from a government, but it could possibly be. It certainly answers a lot of questions if it is.

awesome theory.. resteem ;)

NSA = Nakamoto SAtoshi)

Haha, looks like you?


Haha that is hilarious!

This will certainly go down in history as the greatest mystry of mankind like the UFO...I guess a super power (USA) probably with its groupof wise wizards (call them anything) created this baby to protect the debt ridden USD. Its possible.
Once again, you have provided me with a solid read. Upvoted, resteemed and following you for more.

Yes, especially if Bitcoin does become the future of money. Can you imagine if it used every day, by everyone, yet no one knows who created it?

Good point, I agree. Am sure that steem will do great too isnt it?

In 2015 I got involved partly because of this mystery/paradox. It even inspired me to design my own idea for a crypto.

Good point, lets stay in touch

I agree its difficult to accept that the concept and implementation came from a single person, but the very fact that the creator is not publicly known suggests an individual (or at least a very small group of individuals). The more people in the know, the more likely it is one of them will talk (even is accidentally).

There are advantages for Govt in a system that tracks every single transaction in an open database, but I feel it would have been implemented differently if it came from government.

Looking forward to part 2 though!

Yeah it is a challenge get around it being a government created asset, even if done secretly. Makes little sense, but I'm still interested to see where this conspiracy theory is going :) Interesting story thus far for sure

Perhaps it will be :)

I think it very well could be an American invention. I've always found it strange the u.s. blames "china" for every economic issue always sounded like a scapegoat like "Oh yeah its Yoshi Toshibas fault totally taking our jobs." I've read that UC Berkley also played a huge part in the creation of the internet.

The banking crisis of 2008 seems to have been the genesis for the whitepaper. Quite possibly could have come from the educational sector as the discussion of how this could have been averted or how to ensure security moving forward would have been a hot discussion in any major university. I know other students and I discussed it at length while I was doing my grad degree in 2009

That is an interesting theory. First time I have heard of it actually. There are some questions that the government theory doesn't solve, but it does check off quite a few others.

This is kind of why theories are to discuss, haha. The facts just aren't there. Mysteries are fun, aren't they?

Personally I think that Satoshi Nakamoto is an alias name and it was actually a group of people behind bitcoin

If i could give you a million upvotes I would... It just boggles the mind how people think banks and government all hate bitcoin when they obviously created it... they could shut it down in a day, if all exchanges were made illegal guess what happens to the imaginary coin... great post!

Great point. For everyone that thinks Bitcoin is immune to governments at this point, watch what would happen if the major governments around the world suddenly said it was illegal to trade or transact with. Very quickly it would become basically worthless.

I am glad you agree with me. Our conversation is an illustration of a problem SteemIt need to solve. See how you can agree with me and everything but can not afford to upvote me cause your vote is worth so much that you have a massive incentive to upvote yourself. That way people like you who have developed huge power have no merit to incentivise content and basically content does not really matter anymore and without whale upvotes nothing ever gets seen/gets traction. Do you think this is something which needs to be solved?

Very interesting post that theory doesnt surprise me at all..a one world currency for a one world government!

here is the conspiracy part of me....they want people to use digital currency as they have planned for decades the eventual fall of the dollar (the people or dark side at the top who want a One World everything) -- so this gets excited and moving in that direction --- but 97% aren't even following ...yet

Isn't the Dollar almost an entirely digital token already? This argument does not survive scrutiny.

They world has lost confidence of the dollar.....because of what we have done to it and abraod....this type of movement. Is by design IMHO....could it be one of many different options -- yes. I don't know exactly what will happen -- but the dollar is going to to lose it's status and those in control want it that way. My thoughts....thanks for you r comments.

What is the motivation for the western world to create Bitcoin?
motivation is to prepare the population for a cashless society in order to implement Negative interest so no one can take out the money from the bank anymore? With negative interest the gigantic burden of world debt is manageable.
Just to be clear: I do think everybody needs to be somewhat invested in crypto!

Hrm. Interesting hypothesis. I do tend to agree that there must have been a group who worked together to come up with Bitcoin. However consider it was also in response to (or coincided with) the housing crisis in 2008. The concept of a decentralized currency that couldn't be tampered with and controlled by a central authority was born then.

So the question of whether a government authority would actually want to create a system that would reduce their ability to regulate and control is a bit hard to believe. Looking forward to part two!

Its possibe..they can do anything

Consider Bitcoin a hedge against the financial disaster of 2007 and what was perceive as the continued failure of the system before and what lies ahead. We may never know, its creator or creators but we can if we want to find out then we have to keep a close flow of the movement of Bitcoin especially the volume. Once you believe in a project and you understand the magnitude of what you are getting into, it only makes sense to keep your identity unknown. Keep an eye on the volume and flow. Its definitely the invention of the century, its true value may never be known but one can only speculate. I have a feeling the creator or creators have gone on to other projects and continue to work anonymous

You would have to believe that this was a giant conspiracy by some large group in the US Government, and then believe that nothing has leaked out of this conspiracy. Could be. Other option is use Occam's Razor - simplest explanation is usually correct. Why not an individual genius that was smart enough to want to preserve privacy? It's not like bitcoin is perfect and flawless. It is very imperfect and new flaws are discovered on regular basis. Sounds like something an individual genius could have created.

I distrust the idea that the US Government could or would create something so useful.



Web 1.0 wasn't the Internet, it was the world wide web. That came from HTTP which was created by Sir Tim Berners Lee at CERN.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Web.2.0 was about adding dynamic elements to the web, providing a platform for user generated content

Point noted, good one

Ok, you really thought this through. You're right. Considering the technological requirements and amount of brainpower involved in creating this, it's hard to think that just one person created Bitcoin. It's probably a group, and I wouldn't rule out the US government, even though it seems counterproductive. One would reason that why would they create something that takes away their grip on fiat money and its power?? But does it really take away their power? If they did create it they obviously had an angle.

I thought about how they would replace fiat. It won't be easy for them to come out and say money as we know it is flawed. And that they want to replace it. It would create chaos.

Then again, it could easily be a group of individuals or corporations that got burned by the financial crisis and wanted a way to change things. Or it could be some really smart opportunistic group that did it as fun and had no idea it would blow up like this. But then they would have had massive amounts of funding and when that happens it's no longer for fun, buy on contract, a mission.

All these possibilities have confused me now. :)

Your post really got me thinking though. Thanks for sharing!

So many theory. We will never know the truth!

Point...top secret

I think Bitcoin was created by mega tech companies like motorola, samsung, IBM, Intel ETC. All the companies that are majorly invested into Ethereum now. Bitcoin was simply the test method towards this new currency so the billion dollar tech companies could take out the treasuries in terms of wealth and power. What better way to take over the world them to grab hold of money after controlling the technology game boosting us to where we got globally today. Sort of to see the reaction from the world to adapting a new currency, when it works, they looked at how they could utilize into a daily commutable protocol and here we are today

Tech companies taking over the power of the money supply sounds more plausible than the US government to me. Also, I'm surprised I haven't heard more talk about this being a play by Russia to disrupt the USD's power across the globe.

Interesting theory, hadn't hear that one before.

Interesting read. When you consider what is at stake and the scale, it leaves room for some pretty diverse scenarios. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

Good point

Makes people think... The illuminati created it haha :)

There are some that really do think that, or perhaps a group that is against the Illuminati... the order ;)

I see corruption 😂😂😂

I can't speak to the software behind bitcoin, but the philosophy behind it seems to suggest that it couldn't have been a government agency. The space seems to be dominated by libertarian / anarchist / cyberpunk types, and many people have already stated, if bitcoins specifically & cryptocurrencies generally succeed, this will lead to an erosion of the governments' abilities to steer the economy and exert social control. So I don't think bitcoin was some governmental trojan horse released with some nefarious purpose in mind.

That makes no sense. It's like saying Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawkings couldn't have come up with any of their ideas becasue they are individuals. Plus government attracts mostly psychopaths and totally incompetent people. To me it makes much more sense that Satoshi Nakamoto is an individual and maybe even someoen from elsewhere like @slickwilly pointed out.

or it might be Chinese gov, to make a rival currency against dollar, Biggest miners of bitcoin are alo chinese

Great points. I could go along with that as well. They have a very real interest of getting off the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

Just to sweeten the pot let me stir in a broader viewpoint of there being a continuing struggle in our world of duality between the polarities of positive-negative, light -dark, good-bad, or whatever you may wish to picture it. That being said, let us now consider the oft cited matter in the internet that just a few people in the world own more wealth than the combined wealth of the 99% of the people on earth today. Is this not a polarity of a very few defeating, overpowering or enslaving the whole of mankind? Would bitcoin now possibly be a backlash or a counterattack from the other side or the bigger group? Then let us consider that bitcoin is out of reach of the few people who own more than 99% of the wealth of the world. Out of reach of governments and even the banks that stole the weallh of the people of the world. Should it now be time for ascendancy of the people of the world? Freedom for awakening human kind? Throwing off the yoke of slavery and getting rid of pain, suffering and misery that has been our lot through history?

I definitely think you may be right. I agree he is a "pen name" for something else. It's most likely the creation of the world banking cabal of finance. It would make sense when you think about the timing. Bitcoin's white paper was published in 2008. That was the very same year of the last major financial system crash which almost took down the entire Federal Reserve System that the world has become so dependent on in the realm of economy and finance. Not only that, but any long-studying conspiracy theorist knows that the cabal has wanted to switch everyone over to a cashless society for quite a while now. They had to figure out the best way to secretly transfer their stolen wealth from their rigged system into a new system they created before alerting everyone else. Why else would Bitcoin so suddenly be attracting all of these injections of capitol? Especially now, when their dollar based system is easily on the brink of collapse. It's a pretty brilliant scheme actually. It's as brilliant as sneaking the vote on the 14th amendment into Congress when only a handful of supporters were available to vote on it during the Christmas holiday in 1913. And the brilliance of calling their privately owned institution "The Federal" Reserve was just as brilliant as pretending there is a man out there named "Satoshi Nakamoto." Kudos to your article and for bringing out the skeleton in the closet.

Well I'm not really sure. It seems likely they would have the capability, but the concept itself is just too destructive to the current structure to be willingly created by government. It could have been devised and the leaked by "Satoshi", but direct responsibility of government does not seem very probably. Even if they would consider 7% of worlds money as future profit, this technology have potential to undermine everything our current system is standing on. This question will remain mystery for some more time.

Thank you for good article tho.

Edit: Also to be honest this level of innovation doesn't seem to breed in corporate environment very often. So I'm inclined to believe it was made outside by someone truly special! (Still most likely group of people)

I believe that Bitcoin was created by the MKUltra project.

Who cares who created Bitcoin! I love pizza!

This is the greatest mystery in the history. He or she is very rich now for sure!!! Thanks for excellent article :)

Good point...I agree

I think you were on to something in this post. If anything, we definitely know Craig Wright doesn't seem the type capable of creating blockchain technology.

This will go down as a greatest mystery in all of history. I hope we never know.

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An even better and bigger secret than who assassinated JFK.

This is why I love Steemit. Steemit is my Jesus, saving us from our sins resurrecting us from the zombie state we are in.

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