Bitcoin Cash gets DarkMarket and LULz from Torrent Site!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

You like it or not BCH exists and gets parts of markets.


Biggest torrent site accepts a few currencies but laughts of BCH.

On the other hand Dream Market has added BCH.

This is due to high fees on BTC they have decided to add BCH which can be exchanged with BTC on most exchanges.

Bitcoin Cash Markets

Its interesting to see this queque of exchanges with HitBTC on top and OkEX later with others.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!

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Laughed so hard when I saw that too! Good job pirate bay - Bcash is a joke

BCH is no joke and TPB will eventually eat crow. It is a very unprofessional and juvenile jester.

BCH have a great future I'm sure.

Yes but they need to stop spamming bitcoin to try and achieve that as it put me off if they got spammed bcash network would be just as expensive and shit!

Please prove that there is "spam" and after you give an objective definition for "spam transactions".

There's nothing whatsoever suggesting that at any point with any level of adoption Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin as per the whitepaper and Satoshi himself) would be having the same issues as Bitcoin Segwit is suffering due to its constrained blocksize and butchered incentives.

You've been duped by the side using sock puppets to call us the same. They censor and manipulate opinion constantly. Only recently did they lift the veil ever so slightly on r/Bitcoin and BitcoinTalk again, but by now they can not be trusted.

Satoshi would have been ashamed.

Nothing new. I honestly don't buy that the issues originate merely from "spam" by anone or any group. Even if there are small transactions, even if they are done intentionally and even if it should turn out that it was a coordinated attack even. It's not enough.

The rest remain the same.

Haha, not with all the lying and fud you guys spread. And roger ver as your spokesman? You are as desperate as they get. You should throw in Harvey Weinstein while you’re at it.

There is no official spokesman for Bitcoin Cash. Let Satoshis own definition and early explanations be the authority on what Bitcoin is. There is no other.

bitcoin judas say what you want about him people like arseholes so he serves a purpose

There are plenty of assholes supporting all the different suposed implementations of Bitcoin. However there is one camp using censorship, manipulation and sidechains as a means to promote going against the white paper and Satoshis original plans for scaling.

Doing this is incredibly harmful and makes it something entirely different than Bitcoin as per Satoshis definition. The current ridiculous fees and "store of value" arguments with no basis aside, the accessibility of the main chain is being limited and the security of the network as a whole is being compromised one step at a time.

i support side chains as way to bring more features to bitcoin but sidechains as a way to scale that dumb

Yes, no problem with sidechains really if the main chain is not made less accessible (either by fee, lessened security or else).

I'm not on any side as I'm holding both! I just don't like the tactics that is all which both parties are guilty of IMO!

I understand the technology and I'm not going to fall victim to FUD thanks I will make my own objective decision

I'm not on any side as I'm holding both!

Interesting to know, although the arguments presented are still the same.

Ignore all the FUD. Just don't ignore the facts.

Fact is,

  • Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin per Satoshis definition and preplanned scaling.

  • Bitcoin Core team has censored, manipulated and stalled for years now. Trust will be harmed even if they shape up later.

  • The fees have reached insane levels and there is no knowing if ordinary transactions will ever be practical on the main chain again.

Still, also I want Bitcoin Legacy/Core to succeed and create something wonderful. It's the current as well as proposed product and the social behaviour of the main team and their fanbase which I oppose.

We just have to wait and see what comes out of it.

Live look at Roger Ver wanting to pay with BCH on Pirate Bay:

Roger Ver.jpeg

I'm not a BCH fan but I have bought enough to hedge my Bitcoin, as I have no idea what the future of the two will be. Will be interesting to see what happens to BCH if Bitcoin solves the high fees and slow transaction time problems. I'm surprised they are taking so long, giving their rivals a boost.

good, never keep eggs in one basket

True. While bitcoin cna scale there too much politics going on there. Altcoins haveway better chances for new tech :) But i still believe in bitcoins

True, I am working on getting many eggs into many baskets. @kingscrown

Many baskets.... this is a good one. I like it!

Thanks, I came up with it all by myself. @onealfa

BTC will solve the problems. It is just a matter of time.

BTC won't solve the problem. Segwit breaks security and the legal use case and Lightning is not peer to peer.

True, Bitshares and Steem are the only ones with all the checks. None of these coins can scale

Haha and Bernie Sanders and Haejin don’t exist.

Close your eyes and click on another post. It always helps for me.

On the serious note, that's an issue that will have to be solved with time. As a temporary solution, the interfaces could more carefully select what posts they display and how they display them. The information would remain available on the chain for anyone to access.

don't have to use segwit or lighting addresses if you don't want IMO

Not using segwit is impractical. If Lightning will be practical to avoid, that's what we don't know. They could make it that way, but we shouldn't need to trust that they will.

Using nonsegwit address are the reality at the moment unfortunately and compared to a bank transfer I still paid a lower fee and got a faster conformation time obviously for transferring value in the crypto space that is an eternity and expensive but until the exchanges upgrade we are stuck

That's not my point, although I will concur that segwit adoption has been slow. There have been good reasons for this however and maybe this can change soon. Hope it catches on fast, or that Bitcoin Cash does before/after that.

Roger ver, that you?

Good, now we know you're a troll.

Jimmy Song himself said it will be multi years for lightning to be implemented.

I listen to a lot of Jimmy's stuff on the World Crypto Network. I recall that there were multiple second level applications that were in the works. I will dig deeper into the timeline for implementation. There was a presentation somewhere that highlighted the impact secondary layer features to the overall network. I will post the key points if I'm able to find it.

Listen to his youtube stuff.. the new one is interesting where tone vays goes to say that bank controls are fine in bitcoin.. gota make a post about this..

When was this? Because it's already been more than 3 years. Not quite sure anymore when they first started working on it.

At 34:47 Jimmy Song answers when will lightning be implemented... This was last week...

Good catch. I missed that one.

Not sure if that's accurate anymore considering now they've at least published some demo stuff as opposed to before, but even if Lightning gets relesed and "works" in their own eyes, common use could certainly still be a few years down the road. (which by itself of course is not the main problem with Core anyways)

too right

This is why bcash is such a loser. You bcash bitches just spread fud and lies and quote people who don’t know jack shit.

Please do your research. Look up Jimmy Song, he is a Bitcoin dev. He is also pro Bitcoin.

Not so sure about that myself unless you have evidence. But he's less obviously hostile than some at least.

He's also a writer at Coindesk on the issue so he needs to at least keep some objectivity, although I would question to what degree he has really been successful in that regard in his journalism.

Jimmy Song is more concerned of the technology than politics to be honest. But they are so biased towards the old blockchain 1.0 that they don't really care or just turn a blind eye to the community. With all these forks coming from everywhere, you gota think there has to be something wrong. It makes me think that even if it's really true and I think it is, that the bank has taken over, Jimmy will still be carrying the Bitcoin Core flag. Tone Vays don't care, as long as his Bitcoin is still there.

Unless they give cheap and widespread access to the main chain again so that a large number of small transactions can take place there, they have not even come close to solving the issue unfortunately.

This is about more than "merely" bringing down the fees at some point, even if that's a huge part of what makes Bitcoin Cash Bitcoin as per Satoshis writings, including the whitepaper. The debate has been censored on social media platforms and that's why the younger generation BTC speculators don't understand what the disagreement is about. This is about preserving the Bitcoin ("the blockchain") design (which includes on chain scaling through increased block size) in its complete and fundamental structure.

Got it. Thanks for the response.

It's not. While it might help to bring down the fees and be easier to adopt than segwit, it will not undo the current technical issues brought on by mismanagement of the blocksize. It will also not undo segwit or any of the other changes made.

Its good alternatives and can improve technical difficulties, and yes i do believe in a small block increase but not bch thinking that big block solve all.
I suggest you read my post

Sure. I'll have a look at it later. My opinion is not that big blocks solve everything either. As a matter of fact I've yet to come across a Bitcoin Cash user who thinks that's all there is too it.

Really? All the bcash supporters i find all say big block are the only solution.

They solve a lot, that's for sure. They solve the immediate issue with fees as well as the clogging of the main chain, which in a sense can be seen as analogous to "censorship" or "monopolization" of the network. But they don't safeguard against future social issues amongst developers, nor does it go far enough alone in restoring the features found in the original Bitcoin.

So even if Legacy found a way to implement Lightning in a manner that most Cash users would agree with, it still wouldn't make Bitcoin Cash as such a redundant implementation.

Did you buy into all the other Bitcoin forks?

The other forks are 99% scams or just jokes created by Bitcoin Core/Legacy supporters. Satoshi was very clear when defining Bitcoin and explaining how it was intended to scale.

What I don’t get is why Pirate Bay would care. Unless they have a large stake in btc and believe bch threatens it why not accept a bch donation? What is there to gain by mocking potential donors?

To show their loyalty hoping to get more donations from bitcoin diehards

That is if the high fees of btc does not eat much of those donations.

They have a bech32 address :)

Sounds good. How much lower are the fees with a bech32?

Read this post
Bech32 can use segwit. So if bech32is segwit enabled and done on 80-90% transactions it would scale bitcoin 2.5 times

Edit: Completely misread you first. I don't see segwit as a solution, not even to the fee issue as such really. Hope it catches on soon though so we can at least move on to the next phase.

Something tells me they sold all their BCH along with others and now they buy into the whole "Roger Ver + Bitmain Scamcoin own the majority of the coins and are just pumping it/trying to destroy Bitcoin" concept.

As if this makes much sense considering how big both of these players stake in Bitcoin Segwit is. If they just wanted more money, they could easily invest in app utility tokens or entirely different industries for much larger profits without endangering their Bitcoins.

Pirate Bay is fucking trash and their owners are dipshits... it's a good sign they are not attracted to Bitcoin.

Pirate Bay owners thought it was a good idea to hijack their customers computer power with The Hive as well.

Bitcoin cash going on top

I find it funny that there are so many comments from people claiming that "They do not like Bitcoin Cash." What that translates to me is "I like paying $30 fees or am pretty ignorant about the topic." and... nobody likes paying $30 fees ;)

Great news that dmarket has added bch. All the best to bch holders

Why would they even do that @tpb laugh of bch like that? To me it's unnecessary because they might have to option than to include its later

The currency that came to stay.

Im dont think increasing the bloclsize is the solution in the longrun, but for now i have to admit that bch is working better than btc

BCH have sucessfully tested 1Gb blocksize.

block size still won't prevent spamming which is what bitcoin cash do to bitcoin all the time lol

Increasing the block size does make it more risky for spammers and more expensive when they don't hit their own blocks.

bigger block sizes will lead to more centralisation as it becomes more expensive for nodes who get no rewards as it is. 1GB block size is not feasible even 8MB would lead to problems once the blocks become full as not many people can afford to download 1GB every day just to run a node. (8MB * 6 *24 = 1152mb per day)

If people make three sends a month... they are spending $120 a month!!!!!!

This buys a fuckton of computer power.

If you are making one Bitcoin transaction every 10 minutes then you are spending over $6,400 a day!

I'm saying Bitcoin should try 1.25 or 1.5.... 2 maybe.

I agree with you on that, bitcoin core is far away from being the optimal solution, and bitcoincash, atm is behaving way better! But i fell that in the long run increasing the blocksize is not the solution, something else needs to be done!

Nodes do not get paid only miners get paid!

How are you calculating the fees exactly? the most I ever paid for one transaction was $10 although I did have to wait 12 hours

Satoshi didn't intend for ordinary users to run full nodes. Miners would specialize in their field and regular users would not be forced to run anything.

The decentralization of the Bitcoin network was supposed to happen spontaneously and be encouraged by the use of capital incentives already included in the first version. This also necessitates keeping transactions on the main chain, which is likely why the specific term "decentralization" was never used in the white paper.

Aside from this, Mores law and an interest in developing better technology, if not directly for Bitcoin itself then for other industries, was expected to help with any limits to the scalability of the chain. With time, the security of the network will increase both in terms of hashing power and aligned interest.

If by some chance, for any reason, this still is not enough in the future it is of course always possible to fork again. But if venturing outside of what is properly called "Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronic cash system" and which fundamentals were detailed by Satoshi himself, it can no longer be called Bitcoin.

There are other solutions that work better than BCH.No one want's centralized crypto.

BCH is not centralized. BTC is the coin that is centralized as Blockstream controls the Core devs and they have broken Bitcoin.

It's centralised in terms of who pumps it, manipulates it and markets it. It's how big banks subvert something that's decentralised.

Big banks are invested in most major coins now and especially Bitcoin Legacy/the implementation of supposed "Bitcoin" developed by Core team.

Investment alone is not meaningful to attack as "centralization". Satoshi wanted investment and he wanted miner specialization. He did not however want a developer team to ignore his vision as he had clearly expressed it in print.

It's the incentives in Bitcoin (as per the whitepaper, in now in Bitcoin Cash that is, which still retains these incentives untainted by the developers) that makes it secure and viable as a global money.

-Just to answer your worst concerns however, even if there was a 50% attack this could be limited and even if limiting it was unsuccessful we could still fork.

It's also a mute point who markets it. I could be the best or most well known marketer of Bitcoin one day. Up until recently (when it diverged from Satoshis white paper) Roger was the most prolific marketer of the "older" Bitcoin brand. Does any of this make it "centralized" in the truly meaningful sense of having control of what happens to individual users funds? The answer is clearly no.

I think ripple is showing that there is a clear market demand for centralized crypto.

Agreed. It's unfortunate perhaps, but it will also draw in a lot of experts from other industries and this will likely end up helping the space in the long run.

This solution is Satoshiso own solution and intended for those that already hold or support the early concept of Bitcoin. Not for those that think Bitcoin is irrelevant or that don't see any issues with a small and congested main chain.

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.if your a whale or dolphin delegate to me your SP so i can stomp bernie aka justin for good...i delegated all my steempower to haejin already im weak5

good article....remember that : do not keep alla your eggs in same basket

I agree we can blame coinbase!

BCH to what my opinion is catching up on getting close to bitcoin

Global markets, the United States and almost all of Europe is going on a calm season because Christmas holiday.Analysts said that the new week is a quiet start to the open Asian markets and that investors will be in holiday mood during the week and that a horizontal course can be followed at open markets... @kingscrown

BCH will overtake many currencies

It's not suprising that the TPB crew are Bitcoin maximalists, they've been known to take principal positions.

(and they're not always right :) )

Some Bitcoin Cash proponents are Bitcoin Maximalists as well and most of todays Bitcoin Legacy/Core proponents are likely not, as they entered the crypto world much later and don't intend to use Bitcoin for simple money transactions, but as a long term savings/investments vehicle.

Good information
Thank you.

BTC needs an upgrade. We all know it, but just hope the price keeps going up

I don’t believe this new fork is legit. It is suspicious that the people around it seem to have abandoned the project and its being done anonymously

They are increasing the block size.

I think you mean BCH or BCC (both known as Bitcoin Cash ) by design of the their hard Folk from Bitcoin, has the benefit of having a block size of 8MB compare to just 1MB for Bitcoin. So they have 8x the block size and therefore less issues with volume of transactions. They also only have $0.01 transaction costs as I understand from watching an interview with Bitcoin Jesus.

The lightning network can do that cheaper and faster but it takes too long just to make it :(

The lightning network breaks p2p and increase centralization the reason for this is that The lightning network need big hubs to work properly.



While not necessarily the best of use for so called "dark web sites", the fact that cryptos are added it means just freedom from the governments and the liberty to keep the anonymity that we unconsciously lost it. The usage spreads in every commerical context and it will be very soon when it will be globally accepted. Only if there would be a way that we could be free from the country institutions to be able to spend our freedom (aka cryptos) as we consider fit...

I do not like BCH much, I prefer btc

muy bueno su anuncio

Nice biz news

I mean, you never turn down money unless it comes with strings attached that are too hard to swallow. With the manipulation and screaming on both sides of Bitcoin Cash, I guess some people feel there are too many strings attached, others with no qualms.

More than $200 billion strings on one side. The other side doesn't have as much money, but we don't like the manipulation and censorship that's been used to reject the white paper and Satoshis preplanned scaling.

Of course there are some people supporting Bitcoin Cash that are of a more or less shady character and there is a lot of controversy, but the only reason the controversy is less on the other side is due to the manipulation in social media and that newcomers think Bitcoin was supposed to be merely some digitized banked gold bullion or even certificates or mutual fund, yet controlled by a majority of its users.

This was never the intent, nor was it ever the case or will it most likely ever in practice be the case. But the price can of course go much higher from here still and there may be other solutions still possible.

I just can't see any of them being viable in the future. Why would we ever need then if we have an idea like IOTA succeed? It's like looking at how we could upgrade the software in an old school 80's CPU or just go straight with the new improved smartphone

The difference is that the technologies can continue evolving and that your not simply investing in this or that product, but in the supporting technologies and communities. Capital drives the innovation and most crypto projects today have little holding them back, except accumulated money, tools and skilled laborers.

Good information! I like your post aand also your biog
follow me and vote me THANKS

the trnsfer fee when doin transaction with btC is so high, it will be a step forward if BCH is added, so attention can turn to another coin.with that the transaction fees will comedown.


I wrote an article about Bitcoin losing marketshare and why I am bearish on it... in case you are interested:

Thats a funny easter egg... PIRATE BAY FTW

This might be their biggest mistake ever. Much worse than not telling its users about the hive mining, which I didn't think was such a massive deal really.

Sidenote: Why is anyone using still using TPB after its glory days? The site is no where near the best one for torrents anymore. Would be interesting to know.

but for now i have to admit that bch is working better than btc

Informative post. Thanks for sharing. @kingscrown

Informative post. Thanks for sharing. @kingscrown

What’s better BitcoinCash or BitcoinGold?

Bitcoin Cash its price market is climbing up

Appreciate it 👍

Bitcoin Cash hands down. Bitcoin Gold does not appear trustworthy and do not have the original Satoshi vision in mind.

BTC to the moon!!

it would be nice if the fees did not follow.

Someone loves Pirates because they have 0.02 Bitcoin. Must be a new wallet.

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This was the first steemit post I read and I have to say, it warms my heart to know that the steemit community is directly influencing change! @bijoy123

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Good to see TBP still on the lulzboat.

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