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RE: Warren Buffett Calls Bitcoin "A Joke" As US Population Systematically Impoverished - Record 30% Of Adults Living With Roommate

in #bitcoin7 years ago

" We don't educate anyone in school on the things that matter."

Yeah, like how not to get a useless degree like Gender Studies at the cost of a loan for $150k. We set kids up to fail.

"If I had a nickel for every average person who is having regular conversation about blockchain cryptos that parrots the garbage they here on TV about zero value bitcoin, "

The open willingness to flap one's yap, even when one knows they don't know wtf they are talking about, is a unique and relatively recent cultural phenomenon around this country. We used to shame these idiots. (I heard).

" I was recently up 12X on my portfolio in 9 months."

Maybe too soon but...if you're like me, things look a lot crappier today at $8300. But who can complain, that's still at least 200% APR.


I smile when we get corrections, because you make your money by buying at good prices. The upside I never worry about. There is >$5T coming into the crypto market this year as the institutional investors, hedge funds, endowments and pensions enter. This money will move the entire market cap.