Excellent article and also just plain sad our country is in such poor financial predicament. We don't educate anyone in school on the things that matter. Then we have the dumbing down of society by media with ignorance and stupidity. If I had a nickel for every average person who is having regular conversation about blockchain cryptos that parrots the garbage they here on TV about zero value bitcoin, I'd be wealthy without the actual cryptos. Ignorance will lead all of them to miss the incredible once in a lifetime opportunity to reset the financial world and take part in it. All we have to do is be wiling to learn, put away a small amount of money into this amazing technology and wait as the world changes. I was recently up 12X on my portfolio in 9 months. Who says we can't all take part in this?
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" We don't educate anyone in school on the things that matter."
Yeah, like how not to get a useless degree like Gender Studies at the cost of a loan for $150k. We set kids up to fail.
"If I had a nickel for every average person who is having regular conversation about blockchain cryptos that parrots the garbage they here on TV about zero value bitcoin, "
The open willingness to flap one's yap, even when one knows they don't know wtf they are talking about, is a unique and relatively recent cultural phenomenon around this country. We used to shame these idiots. (I heard).
" I was recently up 12X on my portfolio in 9 months."
Maybe too soon but...if you're like me, things look a lot crappier today at $8300. But who can complain, that's still at least 200% APR.
I smile when we get corrections, because you make your money by buying at good prices. The upside I never worry about. There is >$5T coming into the crypto market this year as the institutional investors, hedge funds, endowments and pensions enter. This money will move the entire market cap.