The image above was taken from the cover of the Rothschild owned "The Economist" magazine, published 30 years ago on 01/9/88, Vol. 306, pp 9-10 in their article, "Get Ready for a New World Currency", which predicted the New World Currency this year in 2018. A full copy of the text can be found
A lot of people have been talking the last 9 months about this magazine cover and article, but few have gone very deep to tie the deeper hidden pieces together with other very significant factors and historical facts. The most significant one of all that I would like to focus on is the biggest picture of all, astronomical.
Up until only a few hundred years ago both astronomical and astrological were interchangeably the same thing. Astrology is known in many circles to be very good at predicting our financial future. Part of this may have something to do with how the global elite tend to give great credence to working with and/or manipulating global events around astronomical/astrological energies and belief systems. The point of this is that we are about to enter a period of time which will astrologically last 8 years and hasn't happened in 85 years since 1933 when Hitler and the Third Reich rose to power, the US went into bankruptcy, WWII started in 1938 and at the end of the 8 year period the US entered WWII.
This period is when Uranus (shock, change, revolution, freedom, independence) moves into Taurus from the middle of May, 2018. Uranus in Taurus has not happened in your adult lives. Uranus is different than the other planets in our solar system in how the axial tilt is about 98 degrees nearly flat compared to the others, which are perpendicular to the solar plane. This has baffled scientists for years and to be honest causes me to wonder if the way it's name sounds in English may have been a play on words to make a joke about it. Another unique aspect of Uranus from the others is that Astronomers decided to name the planets after Roman Gods with the exception of Uranus. Uranus was named after the Greek god of the sky. According to the myth, he was the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter. His equivalent in Roman mythology was Caelus. In Ancient Greek literature, Uranus, or "Father Sky", was the son and husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. Interestingly, indigenous people around the world are known to refer to God, if you will, as Mother Earth and Father Sky.
In astrological terms this period is "said" to be huge. It lasts from May 16th, 2018, until the cycle ends on April 26th, 2026. They say for this period that no system which keeps the majority down ever lasts on a Uranus transit. Uranus in Taurus from May 2018 is said in Astrology lingo to first shock us, then over a number of years will show us very clearly just how "free" we were not. So in many ways, no matter how rough the transition goes and however the events unfold, this should generally be very good news to many of us who are so sick and tired of the current corruption and mayhem the global elite, our governments and really the entire global debt-based financial system as a whole have been wreaking on humanity and our planet. Of course, I'm an optimist. I believe it's time for humanity's system of exchanging value to evolve and grow into something better than we currently have and a better global financial system based on decentralized blockchain technology, which we are already seeing begin, is clearly the way.
Today, May 15th, is a New Moon, which signifies a fresh new start for all lunar life cycles on our planet. For farmers and plant nurseries it marks the beginning of a time (generally the next week) for planting seed and transplanting for a new harvest.
The bottom line is the current system has run it's course and is on the verge of complete collapse at some point or another that will most likely end everything as we know it. Some say anytime now. Even the "The Economist" in 1988 predicted this year, 2018. Note the date on the coin the Phoenix is holding, as it rises out of the burning US Dollars, and the Fleur-de-lis on it's head as a crown, which was a symbol of Charlemagne, who really established the Holy Roman Empire (i.e. the First Reich).

piece on it 10 months ago. In it he gave a different point of view than any I had seen before, which I found extremely interesting how those pieces fit so well together with so many others. In it he said:
@ajain wrote an interesting
Uranus is changing the zodiac sign on May 16, 2018, and will be moving into Taurus from Aries. Uranus revolves or orbits around the Sun once every 84 Earth years. Because of this long cycle, the effect of Uranus is felt more generationally rather than individually. So last time it was in Taurus was in 1933. That in itself should perk up your interest.
Yeah, that's right. Astrologically speaking we have something happening in the heavens that hasn't happened since the same time the US was last officially declared bankrupt.
Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold.
This really fits the disruptive nature of blockchain technology.
Taurus deals with the financial systems of the world. It also deals with communication, transportation, farming, infrastructure and most importantly all things physical which includes earth.
So putting these two together, it is pretty easily seen that much of current financial systems will go away. Since Taurus deals with all things physical, Fiat money and FED is likely to disappear and the new financial system will have the backing of something physical.
All of this, along with the basic symbol of the rising Phoenix, brings me to the fact that China, which has been rising at a very rapid rate the last 30 years after the magazine article and surpassed the United States in GDP PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) in 2015, has already announced it's intentions to create their own crypto currency for the yuan to be backed by gold and oil. The government of China was the primary proponent of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The bank has already 64 member states and another 22 are prospective members, totaling 86 approved members. The bank started operation after the agreement entered into force on December 25th, 2015, after ratifications were received from 10 member states holding a total number of 50% of the initial subscriptions of the Authorized Capital Stock. The United Nations has addressed the launch of AIIB as having potential for "scaling up financing for sustainable development" for the concern of global economic governance.
A Few Things to Watch
This is where I believe blockchain technology will really come into the picture. Bitcoin was introduced shortly after the 2008 crash and has really begun to be known throughout mainstream media and the world more and more. During that time thousands of other cryptocurrencies have been introduced to the rapidly growing market. Ethereum, Stellar and Neo have become protocols which others are building their tokens on. Next month the long awaited EOS will also come onto the market, claiming to provide much the same in unique ways. It makes it more interesting, for example, how IBM has recently stated that the central banks are about to create their own cyrpto currencies on the Stellar platform. Yet, mysteriously so few have spoken of that and generally speaking Stellar volumes and price action has moved more or less with the market.
If they are really going to roll out some big game changer this year, those guys love all things esoteric, astronomical, numeralogical, etc. After all, this is a Master 11 year (i.e. 2018=2+0+1+8) and they love passing through those 2 columns under the arch on top. So 9-11 and 11-11-11 (i.e. Nov. 11, 2018) could be interesting. There are some key astrological dates other than tomorrow, May 16th, to keep an eye on also. A Red Full Moon Eclipse is on July 27th, which is only 5 days after the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meet to further discuss possible "regulation". That should be interesting to watch as well for news. Although, it should be noted, these guys like playing the market via manipulating the news too. This is given the way the last G20 Finance meeting first announced "No New Regulations" only to turn around a few days later, after the market had rallied tremendously, and say it is still on the table and would be reviewed during the July meeting. Then after the Red Full Moon Eclipse is on July 27th there are 4 meteor showers the remainder of the year. The one in Nov. a week after 11-11-11 seems an interesting time. Also, keep in mind that this is an eight-year cycle we are just about to enter into the beginning of. So it should be interesting to see how everything unfolds.
In Conclusion
As we begin to pass through these transitional doorways in time, I wanted to put things into perspective a little as to how many very interesting previous facts and history seem to line up with the heavens literally to point to real change appearing to be just ahead of us on the horizon. Certainly, we are on the brink of some huge changes. In my perspective humanity as a whole needs to experience these lessons of our mistakes in order to wake ourselves up from this stupor and learn to really think outside the box we've programmed ourselves within in order to create a whole new system that is far better. Because the old is so deeply wired into our subconscious, it would seem we have to bang our head hard enough against the wall to wake up and learn. If nothing else, that would be the antagonist role I would say the hard-headed power elite are playing.
While at the same time Satoshi Nakamoto began that process and look where we are now compared to then. 10 years ago the global financial system was in collapse and any thought of what we have now with blockchain technology would really be like some sort of cosmic Sci-Fi. Yet it is now real and we are truly on the brink of something literally mind boggling. Those of us here on steemit are the visionaries and pioneers. As the old fails, the new is rising. The pendulum is moving in our direction, even as the old power elite seem to be playing out their own game of batten down the hatches to keep the sinking ship afloat. I'm a true believer that at some point soon these new technologies will win out. We truly are living in exciting times.

Some other posts I've shared on steemit:
To CHANGE or Not to Change - That is the question.
Don't Tell Me You Can't When I KNOW WHAT IS POSSIBLE!
Why Stellar Lumens (XLM/STR) is One of My Favorite Crypto Currencies
Have an awesome week :)
Follow Me: @positivesynergy

New world currency can happen only if USA controls it. All those stupid wars around the world are happening because USD must be world's reserve currency. This will not be changed anytime soon...
Thanks for your input, @cicbar. That's certainly the stance one would think the FED would have on it. Then the question in my naturally curious mind arises, "who is it that is really pulling their strings" and maybe, "what really were the intentions of the 1988 article to begin with?" I've always been a bit of a fanatical researcher who loves to dive deep beneath the surface of things.
Great post. I thought Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are too far from earth, to have any astrological significance.
Taurus is sign of wealth and finances. It is ruled by planet Venus which is significater of beauty, Love, luxury and money.
Hence what you are saying is making sense. However, I don’t much about the planet Uranus. So I am not sure if Uranus transiting Taurus will have good or bad effects.
This post has intrigued me to read more about it. Thanks a lot for writing and sharing such awesome content.
Thank you, @aishaali. I really appreciate your valuable input here. Yeah, this whole subject has interred me too for several months now. I have a lot of material I've put together, but because of the wide range of opinions on especially the Astrological aspect, I would like to do more research too on such aspects as the differences of the other positions in the heavens and how they may play differently this time round.
Certainly, the conditions of the world on the ground are a bit different today compared to 85 years ago in 1933. We don't seem to have a Hitler who has just risen to power; or is Trump filling that role? There are so many ways to look at it and I like to consider as many as possible in order to stay as open minded as possible.
I just checked, Uranus gets exalted in Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus. So I cannot imagine how Uranus transiting Taurus can be a good thing. As Taurus is believed to be the worst zodiac sign for Uranus, as in the sign of Taurus , Uranus is believed to be debilitated in Astrological context.
Hi @aishaali. Nice to meet you. The thing I've always noticed about Astrology is that we can check with a dozen different "Astrologers" and get a dozen different readings. Like I read your comment and just did a search and found amazing differences. So I always take it with a grain of salt. The question is what does Uranus debilitated in Taurus really mean. Sounds to me like some sort of collapse of the global financial system.
The main reason I did this post was the real world effects this "Astrological" 8 year period had on the world the last time we were in it and the amazing tie between then and now with "The Economist" article 30 years ago. The last time we entered this astrological period the US went bankrupt, they scammed Americans out of their gold, created Birth Certificates to use American citizens as the bonded surety for the national debt and WWII began. I'd like to hope that somehow someway this transition will have a positive effect in the end. What you believe?
Holy cow! You did your homework on this one. First the World Currency. My opinion is that the World Bank, the IMF and the Elite really wanted this and tried to manipulate world events to make it happen. But the moment slipped through their fingers and they were not able to get it done. Now China, Russia and other BRIC nations and allies are putting together a challenge to the US dollar as the international reserve currency. I think one of the end games of the EU was to link it with the Dollar and the Yen and make an overpowering international currency. Didn't happen. I may be mistaken but the energy has passed on this one.
Uranus, the irresistible force meets Taurus, the immovable object. This, historically, has resulted in tectonic shifts in world affairs in the past. Like you mentioned the last time was 1934-1942.
BUT... I and most other astrologers sure struck out on the 7 exact passes of the Pluto/Uranus/Saturn square back in 2011-2015. Was it seven? Were those the correct years? Close. Memory fails me. However, some astrologers feel that those passes essentially set the stage, cocked the gun, primed the pump (you get it) for the power of those transits to be released in this upcoming Uranus ingress to Taurus!! (A sobering thought indeed.)
I've kept a keen eye on the US economy and its my best observation that the house of cards we've built on massive debt and an inflated currency will really start to crumble and that in 2020 TSWHTF. But that's just me. You can check this out if you have a computer software program that will allow you to look at the transits for the US in that year.
I've been really good with seeing things shift by using astrology. My best was the past Presidential election. It was clear Hillary was not going to make it. Then I predicted the end of the California drought and the following massive winter... and a few other things. But so far I've struck out on the economy. But I wasn't alone. Many of us (astrologers) were surprised.
To tell you the truth I don't think the first card to fall, in the house of economic cards, will be something directly to do with the economy. I think it will be either a national or international event. Not necessarily a war but potentially. Perhaps China and Russia will make their move soon. And you can bet they will. This entire mess in the Middle East is one big giant chess game, with the pawns (the local people) being regarded as the cost of doing business. Unfortunate, but no big deal (to the elites).
So, how will this all turn out? Don't know. But one thing I do know is this: We are at a pivotal moment in history. Tectonic plates will shift. Some literally (California) and some figuratively. When powerful changes occur either in an individuals life or in nations or Empires, there is ALWAYS accompanying trauma, events, breakups, disasters that trigger the change. It is the nature of things. I think we can expect these types of events in the next 7 years.
It is my opinion too, based on historical observations, intuition, astrology, and current world events that the Empire of the West (The US and the EU along with the poor fools in Japan) will fall. It will be very catastrophic. But this too is the nature of things. For real change to occur, and humans seem to be clamoring for it, then events will occur that will MAKE change inevitable and dramatic.
And how will Steemit fare through all of this? I've looked at Steemits astrology too. Steemit has a propitious birth chart...but the rip tides that will occur may be too dramatic for it to survive. However, from the ashes something more evolutionary will be born.
Many blessings. Loved the post. Resteemed.
Thanks so much for your input. You make some really excellent points, Christopher. I see the headline this morning thus far is N. Korea drama to the world stage. That is where China to a large degree is playing the puppet master. Albeit, the whole nation game at that level is mostly an illusion for them to play on us munchkins. Iran is probably the next hotspot in their script to be played out. The funny thing I saw as the second headline on Yahoo news was that the Phoenix Suns Win Draft Pick. It made me think of the Phoenix of The Economist magazine cover 30 years ago. :)
On the last paragraph of steemit, I've researched this inside and out for the last 6 weeks and have come to the conclusion that I really doubt it has much of a chance at all. The code simply seems to have too many flaws to fix. The solution seems clear to just start from scratch and create a new blockchain that fixes the inherent flaws of this one. My biggest worry here is the direction of the management. In my view Ned is really good at some things, but at least lacks in some very important areas a CEO needs to be good at. If he added the right people and skills to his management team and they really honed in on fixing the foundation of steem before the SMTs being built on top it, they may make it. Who knows though. Maybe the Phoenix will rise out of all the steem too... :)
I think the World Bank, IMF, etc failed to bring about a World Currency because they made a very wrong assumption (one also made in this article, understandably because how could they know?) - they assumed that they would be the ones to bring this new economy into being.
But that's not really new, is it? That's an old way, just made bigger. The last paragraph of the article is the most insightful:
Sound familiar?
They go on, "Pencil in the phoenix [their name for a world currency] for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes."
Seems spot on to me!
Hi @wholeself-in. Nice to meet you. BTW, I love your username. I agree with you about the World Bank, IMF, etc. at least appearing to make a mistake. Although, at first I was a little confused as to the source you are quoting from making the same mistake, until I realized you were referring to the original article from 1988. In this initial article of mine I sort of point to the possibilities, such as the new rising AIIB and of course blockchain technology, but attempted to leave it open for pretty much anything.
What you point to in that last paragraph of the original piece is actually the direction I intend to go with the second part in particular:
That is if I do more... Given the response so far, I'm leaning to do more now.
Do that! Sorry, I went down the rabbit hole with your post and forgot to say from where I'd pulled that quote.
No problem at all on the source. I always like a challenge, anyway... :) This particular subject branches off into so many intricate directions that root so deeply into the so called "system" as we know it to be. There's probably been thousands and thousands of books and documentaries which touch on it. I could easily just write a book on it in and of itself, given how deep and how far back the roots go.
The last 85 years started with some real turbulent changes, but overall it has proven to be so positive in and of itself. So while looking back at the mistakes of humanity, I do prefer to look forward in excitement.
"they assumed that they would be the ones to bring this new economy into being." That might have been the single most profound and earnest comment I have ever read on Steemit - I couldn't agree more. We tend to blinker our predictions of the future based on the presumption of our immortality. The alternative is too bleak for most of us too accept
Thanks! Bleak from our own perspective, anyway. I don't enjoy thinking of how my own perspective and ways of doing things will grow stale for my son's generation, but if I step back and look from another angle, it is generally a good thing.
P.S. I upvoted your blog rather than your comment because there's a greater chance of getting past the "dust" threshold. If you haven't yet heard of @dustsweeper, I suggest you check it out! (No affiliation here, but I use the service! )
Superb article that I will return to tomorrow and upvote as my vote power is below 90% now, it is your anus also by the way, joke. Resteeming for you also, superb work my friend, I think you have a bright future here.
Thanks, @deliberator. I know the feeling of vote power going down. LOL on the "your anus" joke. Yeah, you gotta wonder what was going through the mind who came up with the name. Thanks so much for the positive encouragement too.
Hi @deliberator, I noticed you never came back and I was curious if something changed your mind. In fact I'm sort of scratching my head how this post got so much energy the first day and then almost all activity completely stopped yesterday and today. I've never seen that happen with a post and was curious if you have any ideas as to why that may be.
I did come back and upvoted 100%, you can see me on the list of votes in position number 4, people tend not to read posts older than a day or two old, just the way it seems to go here my friend.
Sorry, I didn't mean about the upvote. I meant just about the post itself and the discussions going on here in how they all just stopped. I guess I had interpreted you to meant come back to read again and discuss. Thanks for the feedback, though. I actually, hadn't really noticed that before, as several posts with a lot of discussion went on and on that I've seen. But what you say does make sense.
I have I suppose like most people, a trail of comments I fail to attend to, as to be honest I do not have time for, not that the discussion is not worth it, more lack of time, I run a farm, look after a 6 year old daughter, restore motorbikes and sadly steemit comes rank last, as all the rest must come first for me to look after the people I love and feed them, also the local community as I grow food and give it away for free you see.
Totally understandable. That's brilliant how much you are able to juggle too. All the best, my friend.
You will have to do part 2 man! Great work on this post!
What do you recon is the connection? I feel a bit blind to the bodies in space after watchig A Funny Thing Happend On The Way To The Moon. I wrote a peace on that if you have time to read it. I feel cheated by people I admired my whole life and can't get myself to believe any of their lies anymore.
Perhaps it is exactly as you explain or perhaps something else is at play, resulting in this phenomena but at least it has been noticed. I learned something new, thanks for taking the time to write it.
Thanks for the input, @dpl. I really appreciate it. It should be interesting. Although, I see the market selling off again and dumping, which is frustrating seeing this sideways movement the last week or so.
Coins mentioned in post:
Thanks for the relevant timely info.
I think I've come to the same conclusion, just trough a different avenue... something big is coming, and instead of scared (as I would have been in the past) I'm excited.
Great write up, btw... I've given this a resteem, this needs more eyes...
Thanks, @meno! I really appreciate it.
Something big ? Human extinction is coming. Hopefully not within our generation, but most likely next one.
I suppose that could be if we don't set it straight. I'm more the optimist. I believe humanity as a whole needs to experience these lessons of our mistakes in order to wake ourselves up from this stupor and learn to really think out of the box we've programmed ourselves within, so as to create a whole new system that is far better. Because the old is so deeply wired into our subconscious, it would seem we have to bang our head hard enough against the wall to wake up and learn. If nothing else, that would be the antagonist role I would say the power elite are playing.
While at the same time whoever this Satoshi Nakamoto is has begun that process and look where we are now compared to then. 10 years ago the global financial system was in collapse and any thought of what we have now with blockchain technology would really be like some sort of cosmic Sci-Fi. Yet, it is now real and we are truly on the brink of something literally mind boggling. Those of us here on steemit are the visionaries and pioneers.
Dont you have impression, that humanity wakes themself up from time to time but then we tend to forget all lessons learned very quickly?
Great post. easy read.
What you say is true, especially those who watch a lot of media, which is designed specifically to guide people's thinking in very specific "narratives" to forget a lot. The real question is how hard do we humans need to bang our head against the wall before enough of us wake up. Some of us are a bit more hardheaded and brainwashed than others and need to hit our heads harder many times to really wake up.
I for one, being a baby-boomer TV generation, after seeing with my own 2 eyes the demolitions of 9-11 still had to see the US illegally invade Iraq on clear-cut lies before I could accept the obvious. In fact, many say what the world needs is a big enough "event" of some kind to wake the world up. Then the question is what will it take to wake enough up to turn the tide.
Certainly, it has been one thing after another for those with eyes to see and many are waking up. From what I see online there are more people on this planet than ever who have thrown away their TV sets, limit their time on the more negative social media and so called "smartphones", grow their own or seek out non poisonous food and are looking more towards some sort of deeper spiritual meaning to it all. It truly is a revolution of the evolution of consciousness taking place that I see.
I think we will never wake up. Ever. maybe we used to do it in the past, but not any more. Providing people with comfortable lifestyle is the most efficient way of controling them .and that's what's happening with us. People do not care. They dont want to wake up. they want to live their short lifes happily. And Im one of those lemmings....
Wow, dude. If I took your words at face value, they would "seem" to be the most pessimistic comment I think I've ever seen on any social media. I suppose your blue-pill belief (of the Matrix trilogy) might only be able to work, if the ruler/controlers were able to actually create a system where everyone had just what you say, "providing people with comfortable lifestyle"; but the world is nowhere near that and still I believe there will always be those "truth seekers" like myself who deep down know there is much more to it all. Of course then the question arises of what the people would consider to be comfortable enough to suppress any desire to wake up.
I for one would gladly welcome such a scenario where all humanity actually did have a comfortable lifestyle just to see if your theory may work, Piotr. That is if I'm understanding your theory correctly. At least then there would be NO wars, killing, hunger, poisons, tyranny, starvation and suffering on our planet, since those are some of the main results and effects of not learning our lessons. I honestly do not believe that could ever happen without humanity simultaneously waking up, or at least the ones ruling/controlling. (Hear that Ned? LOL) And if the controllers actually did wake up from their own insecurities which drive them to rule to begin with, I believe that just might actually be able to do it.
Again, back on point, much would depend on how one defines "waking up" too. I suppose your premise began from an idea of learning our lessons from our mistakes. So if we stopped making the mistakes, then we wouldn't need to remember our lessons, as long as we didn't make the same mistakes again. It seems more a cycle of life on planet earth during our limited time here, which many believe we all eventually wake up and learn our lessons from in order to move onto some other sort of higher and/or different level of existence.
I spent a lot of my teens convinced of this fact. I spent a unwelcome amount of time looking at the actions of the US in the years leading up too and after the second world war and came to the conclusion that they'd essentially set up a kamazai world economy - which either they controlled, or no one did - Claims of human extinction, however, should always take in too account just how many of us there are. It's hard to exterminate bugs in a house even with a fumigation, and we're a lot smarter and the world is a lot bigger. Out of curiosity when you say extinction do you mean catastrophe or actual bone fide extinction?
100% earned a follow from me though. Really enjoyed the read
Hi @castbythecoast
Thanks for your reply. Ive never heard about 'kamazai economy'. what does it mean? Would you mind sharing with me?
To tell you the truth, i just had a bad day when i wrote about extinction. I agree with you that it would be hardly possible to wipe entire race off this planet.
but it does scare me whenever I think about progress of technology and the way it can be used to help us or abuse and destroy us.
Thank you again for your valuable comment.
I appreciate your time and effort.
This was an incredible article. Your level of knowledge in these matters put you on my "most wanted" list for esoteric topics. Well done.
I was about to write about the same topic on the same day as you did but decided otherwise. The greatness of your research makes me feel it was a good idea.
The fact that nothing really happened doesn't surprise me as Taurus has the generational effect on us rather than somthing immediate. This will all unfold during this year and the next one after uranus re-enters Taurus after its retrograde phase starting on August 9th.
Please eleborate on a few things from your article:
How does 9-11 fit into that?
What significance do you see in Uranus going retrograde and entering back into Aries November 7, 2018 where it remains for the rest of 2018. That's four days before the 11-11-11.
Hi @flauwy. Thanks for the positive feedback and the great questions. I love being driven by excellent (red pill) questions... :)
On your first question, 9-11 is really 11 in numerology (9+11=11) and 11-9-11 would be 13, which really means "TRANSITION". So that has a big possibility for something significant to happen.
September 11 is the 254th (2+5+4=11) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and there are 111 days remaining until the end of the year. We all know what happened on that day nearly 17 years ago. Ground was broken for construction of The Pentagon on September 11, 1941. It was the same date 11 years before when Daddy Bush announced the New World Order officially in 1990. on Sept. 11, 813 A.D., Charles the Great crowns Louis I Emperor. That was the First Reich. On the same date, 1185 Isaac II Angelus kills Stephanus Hagiochristophorites and then appeals to the people, resulting in the revolt that deposes Andronicus I Comnenus and places Isaac on the throne of the Byzantine Empire. Those are just a few of several long list of events that have happened on Sept. 11th. I could easily do a post just on that.
On the second question about
I find that one interesting too, given only 4 days separate the 2 dates from 11-7-11 (which is 11) until 11-11-11. My strength is numerology and esoteric. I'm more a novice in Astrology, but very good researcher. Then it moves back into Taurus on until 6th March 2019. I see one Astrologer says
That may suggest those 5 or 6 months to be very interesting.
Also in that period Jupiter is positioned in Scorpio until Nov. 8th (11-8-11 = 10 or 1 new beginning), when Jupiter will move into Sagittarius, it's own sign, where it will remain until the 3rd December 2019. It will certainly be comfortable, being in a Zodiac Sign that it rules. This will enable Jupiter to become its optimistic self but also produce restlessness. This will supposedly have more influence on the year 2019.
Fantastic answers. Thank you very much. The 9-11 historic events are pretty interesting particularly the creation of the First Reich.
I that really interesting too. Also going back two cycles when Uranus was in Taurus, it runs into the end of the end of the second Reich too. Interestingly, that was when there was a huge wave of German migration into the states, sometimes called the 48ers and the 2000 census in the states showed more people claim German ancestry in the US than any other nation on earth, most of which supposedly because of the 48er migration. That was something I didn't know until researching this. Not to imply any negative connotation to Germans, as I have found the hospitality in Germany better than 33 other nations I've had the opportunity of visiting. Of course that was during and shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The interesting thing is the last time when Uranus was moving into Taurus (or about to), in early 1933, Hitler was rose and began to consolidate political power, which sent ripples across the Atlantic into the states and within 2 weeks the run on the banks caused Michigan to close their banks. That dominoed across all the states by the time FDR became president within a month or two, which caused him to take immediate action with a few days of taking power, which essentially bankrupt the US.
I also found it interesting the groundbreaking for the Pentagon around the end of the last period that Uranus was in Taurus only a few months before Peal Harbor when the US entered WWII. The deeper one dives, the more interesting it all gets. Who needs to watch film and tv media dramas when we can explore stuff like this. :)
I am German myself and I was born and raised in West Berlin during allied occupation. I was nine when the wall came down and I still remember the night as my mother took me to go to the wall and celebrate with the thousands. My dad is British and I didn't grow up with him but always had a great relationship with him. That night he was visiting Berlin and snuck through a new hole in the wall to the East Side and celebrated over there. And eventually he ran into me which was also crazy.
I live now in Costa Rica because Germany is too controlled and manipulated for my taste and spirituality is kept incredibly low over there. It feels like the whole CIA test state which was installed after the WWII succeeded and created nice blocks of non-thinkers. Costa Rica is very different and here magic still is alive and strong.
Check out my best article so far where I write about my journey coming to Costa Rica, following the four blood moons of 2014/2015 of which the first two fell on my sisters birthday and the second on my own and where I went to Iquitos, Peru with my dad to drink Ayahuasca.
And I agree, there is magic and mystery unfolding in front of our eyes and the great spectacle of light and darkness fighting for human consciousness is at play. Great time to be alive and strong in the heart to be ready for whatever is about to come. I have the feeling that 2018 in particular as well as the following few years will be of great significance for mankind.
How awesome, @flauwy! Oh wow, Costa Rica. That's one place I really want to visit. I too was in Berlin when the wall was being torn down. What an awesome euphoric party that was - probably the best of my life. I think it was like the whole world was on LSD then, without even needing to take it... LOL I used to have a piece of the wall, but I think someone stole it. Not a problem though, because I still have the memory and maybe it will help others to find a glimpse of true "FREEDOM" from it too.
I think most of the world is now too controlled and manipulated for my taste, as well, and spirituality is kept incredibly low (held down) so as to manipulate. It's much like the Matrix trilogy film series, where most people prefer the blue pill and go on living the illusion of lies and more and more of us are waking up enough to take the red pill and dive down the rabbit hole to find and put all the pieces together.
That's so well said when you said,
I used to live and study native traditions and spiritual visions with Shamans, but Ayahuasca is about the only thing I haven't tried in my life. :) I really want to find one of the locations near me where it is legal to do sometime this summer for a shamanic vision quest. I was struck deeply that moved me back in that direction when the indigenous shaman from Peru, Olivia Arévalo Lomas, was killed a month ago. I really do feel it is really time for those of us waking up to play our part in this current turning in the Procession of the Equinox (26,000 year cycle) back towards another golden age of enlightenment and age of Aquarius. In one very profound sense, the darker it "seems" to get, the brighter the stars will begin to shine. I have this feeling you really know what I mean, @flauwy!
I'll go check out your post too. :)
I am sure you will have an absolute marvelous experience with Ayahuasca. It has always been incredible and full of light for me.
hi @flauwy
wow. you shared so much information about yourself in public. very brave :)
I noticed that many people are complaining about living in germany. Myself in polish but i moved out from europe long time ago so Im not sure how is it there right now.
I wouldn't want to live in any Western country right now. There is just way too much control and manipulation going on for my taste.
little off topic @positivesynergy
Have you heard about media protocol project?
I figured that this may interest you. i just discovered it yesterday and im still researching
Hi Piotr, Yeah, I've had my eye on them for several weeks now, but am hesitant thus far, because:
I'm not sure you know, but there has been a wave of big corporate companies filing patents recently on a lot of the open source blockchain technology that many have been using and developing already. Jeff Bezos (Amazon), for one, filed a patent for Data Stream to combine data from various sources to "identify" cryptocurrency users for law enforcement subscribers. This is simple tech that many law enforcement agencies already use around the world. So in essence Jeff Bezos is stealing from already existing tech support to law enforcement in order to monopolize the open source market, just as he has done to the entire retail industry around the globe.
Upvoted. Interesting back story on Uranus. Love the Greek gods, astrology, and I'm an Aquarius which means crazy, awesome, weird, different. Cryptocurrencies are world currencies and it is full of competition between each other. If the NWO, governments, and/or others, find ways to control, centralize, regulate, tax, Bitcoin for example, people can go to Ethereum or Litecoin or any of the other over thousand cryptocurrency alternatives. Bitcoin forked into Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold which means we can fork and go a different direction if government takes over it. We make new alt coins too. So, we are able to get away and run away if they prohibit Bitcoin through prohibition which government is legally not allowed to stop Bitcoin as it is not in the jurisdiction of one country as it is on a blockchain which is neither here nor there meaning Bitcoin is everywhere and nowhere and Bitcoin is not a thing that you own or I own but we ONLY get access to some of it as Bitcoin stays on the network and therefore government cannot really take from us what we do not have. That is what I would argue in court. John Mcafee argues for Bitcoin too.
Yes, China is trying to take over the world. Also, Islam is trying to take over the world. Christianity is retracting, shrinking. And globalism, leftism, is also a third big thing trying to take over the world. But blockchain and cryptocurrencies can only be stopped if you blow up all the computers and everything else in the world all at the same time.
Thanks for the comment, @joeyarnoldvn. I agree... There are a lot of hard heads out there, but in the end of this transition period, I do believe fiat will be a thing of the past and we will all be much better off... one way or another. To me these are exciting times we are living in.
Fiat is declining for sure and we have an advantage with being in the know.
I agree.
Greetings from Venezuela. I invite you to take a look at my first OpenMic post and support me: D and thanks in advance
STEEMIT OPEN MIC SEMANA 85 - Time in a Bottle by @maycorjerjes18
The Rothschild's plan centuries ahead, do you listen to Alan Watt: Cutting Through the Matrix?
He talks a lot about the elite and how they shape society to their ideals.
Exactly, @enskan. I love Alan Watt. Thanks for the input and reminder.
No problem, it's good to meet another listener.
Same here. Have a good week.
Wow what a coincidence, my wife was just telling me about this 8 year astrological period. Curious to see what becomes of it. Also interesting is the possibility of influential people bending events to match such astrological events....
Well in any case, it's certainly obvious to us crypto folk that something is about to give. But yeah, let's see let's see...
Yes, I agree, @eonwarped. You should see all the "coincidences" that have happened to me both before and especially since posting this piece above. It's really got me thinking... :)
I absolutely expect to see a culling in the cryptomarket soon. The reality is that -many- of the coins that exist today simply do not have the man(people) power to achieve what they are aiming to do. Even if they do, it is entirely dependent on a 3rd party cracking the 'adoption' issue - and even, even, with that the coin that they have made must work well and remain popular even the new market that emerges as a result of adoption.
Whoever cracks the adoption issue has the potential to shape the market, at least public perception of the market (and the world is what the majority views it to be, right?)
After that, I absolutely expect to see new ATH's, mass adoption and huge innovation. I just don't see GSK or Microsoft putting billions into tech that has the potential to be worthless with a single scandal. There are literal fake ICO templates and guides. Services dedicated to drafting fake whitepapers. If a business is able to substantiate itself on the creation of fake ICO whitepapers then its fair to assume that it is common practice. Each of these fake ICO's, if exposed, has the potential to white billions of the marketcap (We are so use to seeing fluctuations of 20/30billion, even a billion in money lost through fraud is scandalous to say the least).
Got super interested in this idea as I was writing this post, so if anyone wants a discussion comment away
You make such an excellent point here, @castbythecoast, on the subject of adoption. I totally agree. This is why I look at the true utility, which is really what will drive adoption. That's why I still like Ethereum, Stellar and NEO, with many eyes also on EOS, because of the fact that Dan also created bitshares and Steemit, which has proven to have such utility value, even despite still many aspects that fall short of expectations. I've got my eye on Stellar too, given one of their largest partners, IBM, has said that the central banks looking to create their own crypto currencies will most likely do them on Stellar. Of course, I'd like to see them decentralize more once the market is there. There are many others too with good utility, but the bulk have so far to still go in that area and if they don't make sufficient progress in a certain amount of time, they will get abandoned, especially once the others start to shine more. I believe the next few years will bring more to the market and many will fall by the way side, because of real lack of operational utility.
I was pondering last night just how this market and the world as a whole may look like in 8 years from now at the end of this supposed astrological period of time. A friend mentioned to me in private this article was a little like Sci-Fi and I thought how so much of life could be viewed like that too. Imagine if we were to go back 10 years ago how the whole thought of crypto would have seen to us then. It's both very exciting and mind boggling, to say the least, just how this whole thing will play out in the coming years.
This matches my expectations as well. I do think that something will also give in traditional sectors. I especially like that crypto is already influencing the dynamics in those countries where currency is completely mismanaged. Granted, nothing drastic has happened yet, but you can't help but feel like a disaster is brewing while some countries are lopping off zero's on their currency denominations :).
I agree. In my perspective humanity as a whole needs to experience these lessons of our mistakes in order to wake ourselves up from this stupor and learn to really think outside the box we've programmed ourselves within in order to create a whole new system that is far better. Because the old is so deeply wired into our subconscious, it would seem we have to bang our head hard enough against the wall to wake up and learn. If nothing else, that would be the antagonist role I would say the heard-headed power elite are playing.
While at the same time Satoshi Nakamoto began that process and look where we are now compared to then. 10 years ago the global financial system was in collapse and any thought of what we have now with blockchain technology would really be like some sort of cosmic Sci-Fi. Yet, it is now real and we are truly on the brink of something literally mind boggling. Those of us here on steemit are the visionaries and pioneers. As the old fails, the new is rising. The pendulum is moving in our direction, even as the old power elite seem to be playing out their own game of batten the hatches to keep the sinking ship afloat. I'm a true believer that at some point soon these new technologies will win out. We truly are living in exciting times.
If there is a culling on crypto coins how do you suppose it will go down? There are hoards of people on both sides trowing mud. Take the BTC BCH war for an example. You would have to completely convince one side to go against what they believe in and even worse what they have invested in to make one of these coins falls flat. All the other coins work on the same principle just on a smaller scale and then you also have the factor of hodl'ers in the crypto space which makes a coin falling flat on its face over night difficult.
I agree that most coins will die out but think it will take a while. Same as the US$ (Mind over matter).
Would like to further this discussion and hate losing money so convince away.
That's a really good point - I think the underlying assumption is that the majority of people holding are doing so out of a genuinely informed understanding and not just what they interpret to be a consensus. If people feel out of their depth they appeal to authority and that is where there is potential for decline. Another thing is that a lot of people have more money than they can afford in crypto (admittedly this is a speculation) I think if there's a bad enough FUD (Let's say if an authoritative figure writes an expose' on BCH) and it loses 30% of its value this has the potential to cause exponential decline, similar to what we saw in Jan. I think we actually agree though, I don't expect anything to happen for a while because we are all in the business of making money. There isn't a lot of value in ruining everyone's fun, you know? One thing I'd love to get your opinion on. Once we start to see more common prosecutions for crypto fraud (and we absolutely will) and the FBI start actively pursuing individuals and investing tax, how do you think this will affect the market? A lot of people are holding on exchanges, impending tax legislation is good incentive to move this. Perhaps I was being flippant when I said 'soon'.
The way I see it, it can go a few ways and obviously its impossible to predict anything, especially in this market. Either we crack the adoption problem, either a 'powerhouse' get involved or we stagnate and die. Maybe I'll write an article on it, probably I won't.
The main issue is that as it exists right now I very much feel that there is a willful ignorance amongst a lot of cryptoadvocates, myself included. I think that we are perhaps turning a blind eye to the scale of debauchery taking place behind closed doors. With that said it's hardly like the IMF or WMO are exactly saints. Essentially, what I am trying to say is that this conversation goes far beyond just conversations of impressive technology and touches of several philosophical and ethical issues. For example, we are walking with smiles on our faces into what has been described as quintessential neoliberalism, perhaps anarcho-capitalism. The latter means Uncle Sam might just have something to say about. Which again, is another concern.
I went of on a bit of a tangent here, what do you think the next 5 years looks like for crypto (and by 'you' I mean you and anyone that happens to listen)
One area in which I think cryptocurrency has the potential to be EXTREMELY useful is in environmentalism. Simply because we need to monetize efficiency and saving. I'm not sure if this can effectively be achieved with fiat currency and in truth, just as I wrote this last paragraph I realised that I might have been ignorant. My area of interest is environmental monetisation and as such, I can see the great utility for the cryptocurrency, confined within the parameters of my own interest. I'm sure that an individual with an interest in Oil, Infrastructure, Travel or Agriculture could very easily raise the same, if not better, arguments than I could the applicibility of crypto to their area of interest.
I'm not entirely sure if I just managed to convince myself otherwise throughout the typing of this message. Perhaps. What an apt emodiment of the indecision us cryptoadvocates face, ey?
I love the way you argue @castbythecoast you sound open minded. So open minded you even convince yourself.
For me crypto is a way of getting rid of our current shit system. No matter which field of study you look at. At the end of the day we measure an economies success by the amount that has been spent that year, no matter the consequences. If there was an oil spill of the coast which killed wildlife and destroyed the environment and we spent a few billion cleaning it up is that good or bad for our economy?
The argument you have in connecting crypto and the environment would probably be better than mine because I am more focused from an economic point of view. The fiat monitory system we have going is far worse than any amount ever stolen in fraudulent ICO or crypto exchange hacks. Quantitative easing and fractional lending is theft if done by any normal person yet the bastards controlling the system can do as they please and call it fancy words. They devalue your fiat and steal your wealth daily and people has come so accustomed to it they don't even give a damn. Yet every passing day we can do less with our fiat and people are pulling heavy weight but they don't realize why that is.
Our president here in South Africa have a good saying to explain this. He directed his comment at the white population and said that it will be like boiling a frog in a pot. He will turn up the heat slowly so that the frog won't notice the raise in temperature and in this way he will slowly but surly kill the frog.
That's why the bastards gets away with it. They started out with 1% tax and said that it will only be for a short period. Now, 100 year later we pay truck loads of tax not just on your salary but everything you buy is also taxed. On top of that comes inflation and shit like licenses to do things you apparently don't have the right to do without asking people with apparent authority if you may please have permission to do.
We just have to make this work man and I think people, even though they don't directly see the effect explained above sense it. I know (more hoping for it than knowing) that people will tend to lean toward a system where there is less energy required to make a living and that for me is blockchain technology.
Great discourse here, @dpl. It's funny, because the old frog in the boiling pot of water is both something I've been saying for at least 3 decades now and also what I was going to use in my second part of this article. I'm not really sure who came up with it first. It's really the point of the illustration that really counts anyway. Plus, it's great to hear a politician actually using it. I hope he uses it to truly bring positive change. That part of the world could really use it too.
Ha! @positivesynergy you just gave away your age :p... :)
The more I read the work of people on this platform the more clearly I see how they make things happen.
In South Africa, like everywhere else in the world, it is divide and conquer. Here they use the race card to divide people (black against white). Positive change is never the objective. He is a Black president and directed his comment at white citizens back in the 90's, long before he was even president. They stir up different groups against each other to take focus off themselves while they steal the country blind.
It is a pity really! That people can so easily be manipulated. Like David Icke would say: we are all human. We are not different colors or races or religion and once we realize that 'they' lose all their power.
I think their long term plan is probably to bring war to this country as well. You know, like a long term savings plan. Because the way things are going now really does not make sense. This country is going to shit and it would not be the case if we just build it up together. There would be more than enough for everyone.
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Interesting concepts here. It will be something to watch and see what happens.
I agree. I've got my eye on things more acutely than ever these days...
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this mag was one of the reasons i first got into bitcoin
Hi @cryptoslicex. What "mag" is that? You mean "The Economist" magazine? If so, that would be interesting to know what article.
yeah the economist front cover with the eagle hodling the bitcoin
Good one, @cryptoslicex... Only bitcoin was born 9 years earlier. I'm guessing more a 3rd generation cryptocurrency. I know many central banks have announced they want to create their own cryptocurrency. Maybe they'll make them on top of something like EOS, which just came to life and went fully on the mainnet this month. Who knows, though...
yeah thats true. Maybe a 4th or 5th gen. the future will be interesting
Yes, it will.
I hoope this all means that crypto will hit it up this year... it's been a while waiting for the price of bitcoin to go higher than 10k this year lol
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