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RE: TIME TO GET PAID -- Leave A Comment, -- It's All About Steemit [rewards]

in #bitcoin7 years ago

#SteemitCensorship is getting worse, this comment will be attacked by BOTS watch lol... They hate me on here for exposing them, they have attacked all my accounts and my very famous clients accounts - @NetNobody & @SkyDoesMinecraft This community is suppose to be not censored, sadly it is more censored & there is no one running this community other then some kids & bots! We, myself & clients were going to invest $500K on December 1, 2017. Now we can't justify that kind of a commitment into something that isn't a safe investment for investing. Until the people that have the power to take control over this community back, sadly we will have to withdraw from investing. All of my profiles on here are... @redx @themassivetruth @highspeedpursuit @planetdjmma @gamingforfame all those accounts have been attacked. Within the Discord chat for steemit they even banned my client NetNobody aka SkyDoesMinecraft one of the biggest gaming YouTubers in the world with over 14,000,000 subscribers & over 3.7 BILLION video views. All of my clients, at least 80% of them are either Famous YouTubers, celebrities or work in the entertainment industry with very deep pockets. Can you imagine what the investment of $500K into this community & the exposure to almost 1 BILLION fans between all my YouTuber clients would be? Bitcoin would fall to second place in less then a year. @pfunk @sanstonehill they know about US they also know about the abuse from the bots, the punk pussies that run those bots, the bots that will flag this comment lol... I wish all of you the best of luck, if you have a solution to this dilema & want this community to prosper and of course for the value of your very own steem to triple in very little time let me know...

Tim Clark (SNN), CEO
Something New Now Media Promotions

Skype: somethingnewnow


Hello @redx

It looks like @cheetah and others are downvoting you. Only to way to fight it now is to Power up some steem or walk away.