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RE: Why HODLing Bitcoin and other Crypto’s is not enough to achieve Freedom

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The Dollar is so influential globally because of petrol and not because of US hegemony or consumer choice. This was the case for quite some time but the Petro-Dollar is not what it used to be anymore. There are quite a few competing players on the field now and how long petrol holds on to is a question of a few forseable years.Yes, we can all choose to spend in Crypto but if it is still being converted to fiat at the back -end then nothing will change in regards to crypto given value though fiat.

Crypto should find it's own petrol so to speak. A commodity or service that everybody needs which is priced primarily by crypto. Or wait for the Petro-Dollar to collapse and someone with big enough balls to introducea new commodity-Currency pairing to the world