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RE: Perverse Incentives And The Rise Of Crypto

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Virtual money Bitcoin, after losing the value of the quarter cut speed and traded around 11 thousand dollars. In the fall of Bitcoin, the expectation that regulators all over the world will continue to take new measures to curb the cryptographic money market has been effective.


The truly horrifying thought is the idea that "privately-mined privacy coins" will become illegal and heavily persecuted while the masses of people are shepherded towards a centrally-controlled version of cryptocurrency that has the backing by the State. Imagine we wake up tomorrow and Monero and all other coins with privacy features have been made illegal, and anybody who uses them: "is a terrorist child pornographing raping murdering thieving social degenerate that needs to be hunted down and destroyed".

I think in the wake of a global collapse of the dollar, it would be somewhat easy to convince the masses of such an absurdity.

"Bitcoin" will be blamed for the collapse, and those who have been brainwashed by the deep-state sponsored misinformation will inevitably be turned against everybody. Imagine all those that are relying on "pensions" that have long-since vanished and will be defaulted. Imagine you are told the people who stole your pension are not wall-street executives driving Ferraris, but cryptography engineers who may also be driving Ferraris today.

That is why Bitcoin is being pumped to the extent that it is. That is why it will most likely be pumped to 10 trillion dollars or so. Then, when the economy finally collapses, because "The System" let it, they will turn around and blame people who use privately-mined cryptocurrencies.

The argument will be made that only a fascist scientific dictatorship backed by robotic man-policing street and aerial drones should be the legitimate institution to mine cryptocurrency, distribute it, surveil it, analyse it, control it.

I hate to say it but holding Monero in 10 years could be the equivalent of counterfeiting fiat money. Laws against counterfeiting are particularly draconian... We already know what the arguments are: "Terrorism".

Everybody who does not conform to State-Cannon and Slave-Ideolgoy is a "Terrorist" today. We just have yet to be persecuted for it. But they are collecting the data. They are surveilling. They are keeping tabs of what people are saying, what they are advocating, what they believe it.

Hopefully we can throw enough monkey-wrenches in the cogs of the machine so that it will fail miserably at its task.

Really good comment. Let's hope people are wise enough not to believe this government propaganda.

Yeah definitely! Well as long as we talk about this stuff to people willing to listen, the information should continue spreading exponentially, no matter how much censorship goes on on the internet.Thanks @rafine !

I don't know that "people" will be wise enough not to believe the government lies, but "human beings" whom we know and trust and work and live with will be, cos' they'll have us! hahaha ;)

Yeah, let's hope we can wake a few people up!

Bitcoin is getting its price back again.

Bitcoin is getting its price back again.