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Governments created cryptocurrencies...
Policy decisions from the most mundane regulations like pet licensure to the big ones like the bank bailouts after the fall of Lehman Bros. pushed the alliance of hard-money advocates and cryptography experts together to form Bitcoin.
From its earliest days, Bitcoin advocates understood why they were spending their time developing its infrastructure. They wanted a way out of the system created by what I consider the superstructure of world capital movements. Alex Jones calls it the "Globalists," others the "Atlanticists" and the alt-right just calls it "The Jews."
None of these are adequate descriptions of who/what this group of international power-brokers, financiers, old money, secret societies, et cetera are. But their over-arching goal is what the modern Marxists rightly identify as the accumulation of nearly unlimited power.
Lacking any true moral center or humility, "The System" is nothing more than a giant capital vacuum constantly tugging at us to give up just a little bit more of ourselves to keep them from annoying us further.
Gimme Some of that ol' Time Rent Control
In economics we call these types of people rent-seekers. Rent is defined as unearned wealth taken as a fee while giving lesser value or none in return. It is not a like-for-like exchange of value. Taxation is the ultimate form of rent. It's also theft, but that's just dispensing with childish euphemisms.
The problem with rent-seeking behavior is that it creates perverse incentives within an economy, which, in turn, waste capital.
The most obvious example of this is farm subsidies which prop up the price of one crop by paying farmers not to plant another crop.
In lobbying to protect the lives of certain constituents (the farmers/agribusiness corp.), politicians trade the lives of other constituents who have less political pull within the government, be that government representative or otherwise. Everyone who profits along the way collects rent as either a direct consequence (the farmers and/or agribusiness) or a bribe (the politicians/bureaucrats).
And now everyone who gets paid in support of this policy has a vested interest in maintaining it. From the secretary filing the paperwork and the farmer sitting on his ass to the CEO of Monsanto. This is the essence of perverse incentives and it is a cancer that eats away at the fabric of an economy.
Perverse Incentives Create Perverts
But, the rot goes far deeper than that. Prices are information. They transmit our desires of the moment into tangible comparisons. So, if you distort the prices of things, you distort not only the value of them but the incentives for entrepreneurs to schedule future production.
People respond to incentives the same way always. They do more of that which satisfies their needs. This is why all forms of poverty reduction policy results in more poverty. It sets up the perverse incentive to not work to better yourself.
These interventions also consume more capital handing that capital out than it will ever produce in future returns on it. You have to pay everyone up and down the line. To them this is free money. It simply is not as scarce as it should be relative to the effort they expended to acquire it.
They will tend to waste it knowing they don't have to work hard to get more tomorrow. In the process, they bid up the prices for those frivolous things and under-value those things that create real value.
And that destroys not only their work ethic, but ultimately their self-worth while keeping capital-starved the engine of real growth which is the pool of real savings, which I've discussed in previous posts.
Those inflated prices are transmitted through the pricing system in an ever-degrading downward spiral of capital destruction. The political class responds with more interventions, more monetary debasement to prop up prices for their partners-in-rent-seeking. This exacerbates the natural business cycle, misprices the most important commodity in any economy, the money.
Money Shrugged
It is this mis-pricing of money through the artificial depression of interest rates that is the most pernicious. And the whole modern financial system is based on managing these effects to extract the most rent but not collapse the system, ending the gravy train.
The problem is that the amount of capital needed to prop up prices grows exponentially and eventually the whole system collapses. The debt grows to a point where servicing it consumes all the productive capital available and everything just stops.
On this point, and a few others, Ayn Rand was absolutely correct. And it is why she is so thoroughly demonized by modern Progressives. Atlas Shrugged, in spite of Rand's other pathologies, correctly describes this process.
Those that see this coming and seek to protect themselves are outliers. Those whose lives are being diminished by all the rent-seeking seek alternate solutions. The productive portion of the economy is forced to run leaner, being under-capitalized.
The pressure for something better intensifies and eventually spawns something brilliant.
When that innovation is produced gets over-rewarded by an investment community starved of yield on their savings. This is what drives bubbles in new technology.
From computers to the internet to cryptocurrencies there is a through-line of tech bubbles that exists alongside the history of this floating-exchange rate monetary system and its problems.
It is the biggest rent-seeking operation in the written history of the planet.
The Crypto-Boom
With each major innovation in communications and computational technology the powerful have co-opted those leaps to create new forms of control to keep the system from crashing. And the technology itself drove efficiencies that pushed the seizure off for a few more years.
We've reached that moment of collapse in a generational sense.It doesn't have to happen today or next month or even this year. But, it is happening.
Ludwig von Mises called it the "Crack-up Boom," the final boom before the system crashes and cannot be re-inflated through money printing.
And, I'm certain that cryptocurrencies, not necessarily Bitcoin, are the means to break this system as we approach the next monetary crisis. These other advances (computers, the internet) didn't fix the underlying problem, the money. The perverse incentives created by a monetary system weren't neutered.
In fact, they made it worse.
But, cryptocurrencies, properly deployed, cannot be subdued in the same way that gold was. They're trying (and succeeding) in doing this to Bitcoin now. But, all this will do is further drive development in crypto-platforms towards privacy, security and ease of use.
Watching the powerful interests, "The System" strike back against decentralization the way they have in the past three months has been illuminating. It proves me right again that these people are very smart but they aren't very clever.
They know how to stop a political opponent using some variation on the "Nuts and Sluts" technique of public shaming. It's not working on Donald Trump, because Trump has no shame.
They know how to bind down competition through erecting legal barriers-to-entry, expanding rent-seeking and money printing. And, it's working on Bitcoin. But, it won't work on cryptocurrencies in general.
Bitcoin was produced for nearly nothing. Litecoin cost even less. Now so many of these crypto-businesses are capitalized at levels they expected five years from now. So, even a 50% to 70% haircut from peak prices puts them in a good position to continue development.
So, when the next financial crisis hits and the real flood of money into the space occurs, they'll be ready for the mass movement of capital into it. And at that point we'll have a real fight on our hands.
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Oooh, Tom Luongo? I haven't heard of this writer!
Boy are these thoughts quite elucidating, aren't they? I love how balanced and well-reasoned this article comes across. I love the points that are conceded and the style of addressing them in a passing-by-fashion. Staring with the best line of the article "Alex Jones calls them the globalists [...] the alt-right calls them the Jews"! That was funny as hell!
But I think these are some incredibly valid points. The writing reminds me of something that Chomsky would write, if Chomsky wasn't all-buddied up with his krony Atlanticist friends who are the watchdogs of this global capital over-structure.
As for the thoughts actually discussed in the article. This has always been one of my favourite things about Bitcoin and one of the key arguments for us actually using it. Is that it could be not-painlessly and not-effortlessly, but quite easily be replaced by a competitor should the network ever become compromised and stop serving it's original function.
Like you point out in the article, there are dozens of alternatives that are in some cases already in place, and in other cases, actively being set up; which could easily dethrone Bitcoin.
I imagined a some-what doom-and-gloom 1984 scenario where government agents would develop technology in the post-collapse tyrannic-fascist era that comes after the big collapse where they have little USB-type devices that they connect via bluetooth or whatever, and can scan absolutely any piece of electronic equipment connected to the internet (5G IOT guys) in search for private keys and the like...
Suddenly, the name of the game would be committing to memory these longs codes that were like our lifeline of not being enslaved to the global domination control grid.
If we wanted any economy that was outside of the state/legal-control grid, it would have to be this super-computer decentralized server privately encrypted kind of underground parallel internet or something.
Like you say at the end of the article: we're going to have one hell of a fight on our hands.
I just hope those who are awake are doing their utmost to adapt to the coming changes...
It's not going to be pretty but it's certainly going to be interesting.
"The Matrix is a documentary": I like that!
Hehehe! I can't lie, my neighbor whipped it out on me the other day when we we're having some spiritual kind of conversation about the world and I was like "that's ****ing great, I've definitely gotta spread that one around"
New slogan going forward!
I wish it was an international awareness campaign that was so big that the MSM had to cover it! ^^
Start another # like tremendospercy did!
@zer0hedge...really a nice information..if the governments creates the crypto currencies their will be a secure to us and also we want to pay a taxes to the government and rate is also regulated very high and good..because of the high secure provided by the govt every one put a intrest to invest in a cryptofield and most of will this cryptocurrency and the main essential block chain technology is a main important thing and also its very security provider while transactions ..its a good thing in the crypto market..present the all cryptocurrencies operated by a private persons and companies so thats the reason there is no gurentee in the market about coins and prices.. day by day the new coins come to the market and some hike their rates with in few days and some are closed their coins after gaining the this is a good thing to everyone if the govet regulate it..thank you for sharing information with us..
Interesting thinking, if governments regulate crypto, it will be for the better. It really depends on the regulations they are going to impose, in my opinion this is almost impossible to be a win/win situation.
Yeah government can provide that security.
Wow. What an incredible article.
The banksters time is coming to an end. People are going to realize how little fiat is really worth. The gaming that has taken place by central banks is running out of bullets. At this point, they are basically impotent.
Those holding crypto are going to see huge increases in their holdings. The fact that the banksters are fighting back means that the boom will be even greater. They have absolutely no idea what is coming for them. The Internet is poised to eat their lunch. Yet to them, it is business as usual.
Development in this area is moving at too fast a pace. Their is no way for the governments of the world, who are fronts for the banksters, to get together in time to push back on this. By the time they agree to hold a conference to discuss it, BTS will have taken over a fair bit of the financial world. I think even BTC will escape their clutches and break free. These blockchains have too much going for them.
Honestly, mind blown by this article. Opened up my eye to some stuff. This used to be conspiracy theory stuff, but nowadays it's just another day in the real world. I can imagine many people are panicking as they realize the sudden flood of fiat that could kick into the real world by savvy new-wealth crypto traders. Imagine a world where people actually spent money and wages could rise to meet the need and everyone could live like human beings...
Your statement about sums up the underlying factors behind the research into and the formation of the blockchain tech and cryptocurrency: 'Lacking any true moral center or humility, "The System" is nothing more than a giant capital vacuum constantly tugging at us to give up just a little bit more of ourselves to keep them from annoying us further.'
The capitalist system outdid itself!
Thanks for your originality.
Virtual money Bitcoin, after losing the value of the quarter cut speed and traded around 11 thousand dollars. In the fall of Bitcoin, the expectation that regulators all over the world will continue to take new measures to curb the cryptographic money market has been effective.
The truly horrifying thought is the idea that "privately-mined privacy coins" will become illegal and heavily persecuted while the masses of people are shepherded towards a centrally-controlled version of cryptocurrency that has the backing by the State. Imagine we wake up tomorrow and Monero and all other coins with privacy features have been made illegal, and anybody who uses them: "is a terrorist child pornographing raping murdering thieving social degenerate that needs to be hunted down and destroyed".
I think in the wake of a global collapse of the dollar, it would be somewhat easy to convince the masses of such an absurdity.
"Bitcoin" will be blamed for the collapse, and those who have been brainwashed by the deep-state sponsored misinformation will inevitably be turned against everybody. Imagine all those that are relying on "pensions" that have long-since vanished and will be defaulted. Imagine you are told the people who stole your pension are not wall-street executives driving Ferraris, but cryptography engineers who may also be driving Ferraris today.
That is why Bitcoin is being pumped to the extent that it is. That is why it will most likely be pumped to 10 trillion dollars or so. Then, when the economy finally collapses, because "The System" let it, they will turn around and blame people who use privately-mined cryptocurrencies.
The argument will be made that only a fascist scientific dictatorship backed by robotic man-policing street and aerial drones should be the legitimate institution to mine cryptocurrency, distribute it, surveil it, analyse it, control it.
I hate to say it but holding Monero in 10 years could be the equivalent of counterfeiting fiat money. Laws against counterfeiting are particularly draconian... We already know what the arguments are: "Terrorism".
Everybody who does not conform to State-Cannon and Slave-Ideolgoy is a "Terrorist" today. We just have yet to be persecuted for it. But they are collecting the data. They are surveilling. They are keeping tabs of what people are saying, what they are advocating, what they believe it.
Hopefully we can throw enough monkey-wrenches in the cogs of the machine so that it will fail miserably at its task.
Really good comment. Let's hope people are wise enough not to believe this government propaganda.
Yeah definitely! Well as long as we talk about this stuff to people willing to listen, the information should continue spreading exponentially, no matter how much censorship goes on on the internet.Thanks @rafine !
I don't know that "people" will be wise enough not to believe the government lies, but "human beings" whom we know and trust and work and live with will be, cos' they'll have us! hahaha ;)
Yeah, let's hope we can wake a few people up!
Bitcoin is getting its price back again.
Bitcoin is getting its price back again.
This statement is so good! Even if crypto crashes 70%, it won't really matter, because valuations are already too unrealistically high. Projects with only whitepaper have cap of 20Billion, what the hell.
This guy is also right about the new system relying on Blockchain (crypto). Great article ! Now we have to wait and see what the governemnts and banks have in mind. This will get messy at some point. It's nice that we have 70% cushion, lol.
Right bro,this statement is good.
I remember when the EU paid Irish farmers not to farm because French famrers were having a hard time. Irish farmers had nice Mercedes for a while and got plenty of time off. Fast forward and Ireland has Crazy debts.
How could getting paid to sit in the pub possibly go wrong?
Perverse incentives indeed!
Of course. I never thought it was made without big officials. One of the most probable user of incognito fund transfers are government officials who want to finance secret operations instate or our of state.
I am not saying that all cryptos are made by governments but majors share is not without them.
did you hear about this scam coin called USD ?
Very nice. bitcoin cryptocurrency bankers economy fiat post I liked the post very much so I voted on a post and I followed the post, thank you so much for giving me the post.
@zer0hedge we live the life that the capitalist system imposes on us.they can play everything they want.they only enrich the people they want
great post

Most people freaking out have no idea about the true basis of crypto. HODL!
beautifully written. thank you for sharing . really enjoyed reading it
Thanks for the info of Cryptocurrency @zer0hedge
cryptocurrencies, properly deployed, cannot be subdued in the same way that gold was. They're trying (and succeeding) in doing this to Bitcoin now. But, all this will do is further drive development in crypto-platforms towards privacy, security and ease of use.
Watching the powerful interests, "The System" strike back against decentralization the way they have in the past three months has been illuminating. It proves me right again that these people are very smart but they aren't very clever.
Absolutely I agree. States want crypto money themselves as well. even before us. because it can not be easily tracked. Bribery, corruption and theft were also used well.
Good stuff, it's going to be really interesting once there is mass adoption of crypto, we have strength in numbers, but only if people are awake and ready for the fight they will bring
I agree that the next crisis will lead to the real mass adoption of cryptos. Decentralization can´t be stopped but unfortunately we´ll need something big to happen to make everyone realize that they are better of without the banks and their cenralized system that dilutes any value through printing new money every single day.
Let´s just hope that the crisis won´t happen too soon as otherwise we might not be ready to pick up the big fight against the bad boys in the top. Nevertheless the time will come and we´ll survive, living in a decentralized world from then on.