I agree with you we don't need ETF's.
Yes it will bring more money into the crypto market, but what comes with that is severe paper market manipilation just as we have in the precious metal markets. These large financial institutions that want ETF's cannot be govern and although they are "REGULATED" they cannot be monitored. Then the regular Joe who is leveraging labor
for debt now needs to be a credited investor to invest in an ICO. What a scam. I hope it doesn't get approve. and yes it will reduce the dollar value of our investment and to me thats not a bad thing, because it teaches one to do indepth research before investing in a project. But for all who believe in this new asset class don't be fool because you want to get rich quick. who doesn't, but that was not the intention of the founder and founders. I have always been in buisness and i can tell you things are not well with the global economy.
It is inconvenient to carry gold or silver in your pocket or on a plane and then there is Civil forfeiture. But we don't have to worry about that with BITCOIN/Crypto all one needs is to memorized a few letters and numbers or with pen and paper record the Private Key and Public key and access to a computer to free yourself of financial misinformation and to keep more of what