Not at the cost of centralization I don't. That's not bitcoin. You want fast transactions, use Visa.
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Not at the cost of centralization I don't. That's not bitcoin. You want fast transactions, use Visa.
How will it centralize anything? The centralization is currently the main Bitcoin client that has been taken over by govt/corp interests.
That loose collection of 100+ open source Core developers are gov/corp interests? Again... in what universe? It is the big block camp that aligns closely with the govt-corp agenda. They want to track and tax it all with all transactions on a large trackable blockchain that requires very large computing platforms to manage. Do you think some individual freedom loving cypherpunks are going to have the resources or interest in running and developing for that future version of Bitcoin? The bigblock agenda hands that totally dystopian future to them [the statists) on a friggin' silver platter! It is layer2 that allows for privacy and all the things that governments & corporations fear. Look up LN, Sidechains, MimbleWimble etc. These privacy centric features are not wanted by Jihan and his bigblock-ASICBOOST-miner-killswitch buds at the PBOC.
Seriously, you are 1) ignorant and willfully so, or 2) a shill--and a probably paid one. I am leaning towards no. 2. I would add 3) stupid, but nobody in the BItcoin space is that stupid.
"That loose collection of 100+ open source Core developers are gov/corp interests? "
Are you serious? You're counting devs that added like one line of code. The vast majority of commits are done by a handful of Blockstream employees and that is easily proven.
It's really easy to follow the money from there. Blockstream is funded by AXA. AXA is the third largest company in the world and their last CEO happens to be the chairman of Bilderberg as well.
If you think 8MB blocks are going to centralize the network, you just haven't done the math. I can handle that on my desktop with a cheap 1TB harddrive and Cox communications 100mbps bandwidth.
Let's use facts, not name-calling.
Doubtful that Bitcoin on TOR can survive, and a Bitcoin that isn't censorship resistant has no reason for existing.
Regarding AXA conspiracy theories vs normal biz plans utilizing sidechains, I'm open minded to watching where that all leads.
Sorry 'bout the name calling. This stuff is important, so emotions are getting high and I'm not immune.
What are "AXA conspiracies"? Are you denying that AXA funded Blockstream?
I'm saying Blockstream devs don't have Bitcoin commit privileges and moreover AXA's funding 'blockchain' tech isn't necessarily bad and suggesting it is reeks of conspiracy-mindedness. It is arguably magnitudes less nefarious than those ASICBOOSTing, miner kill-switching proven bad actors funding the bigblockers.
The next few days will be damned interesting, I'm sure you will agree with me on than much.
Get used to those drops in price for your segshit coins...LOL. I had a 80% increase yesterday for my Bitcoin Cash.