
well even at 100 per coin, let alone .10, it's like giving them away,
I am sitting on 2700+ ounces of silver, and I could almost commit
suicide ( lol ) because I'm so tired of the Silver Suppression.

I would like to trade some silver bullion for working crypto,
I want to mine and play in some other crypto programs, but
other than my silver, i am a broke disabled iraq vet with little
opportunity for growth. So I'm trying to learn, maybe get lucky.

I was thinking of waiting until the 15th of August to buy a few hundred
USD in Bitcoin ( before it goes to 4200-4400 ) thereafter.

But I'd like to have about 1200 to work with in some programs,
like bitconnect or control finance. My silver isn't paying anything
and hasn't for 10 years since I got sick and lost my job.

I need an income...

Currently I am curating inteviews with blockchain people and also steemians.
So question: Who would you like to see approached in a life conversation?Checks out, @rogerwilson. Damn cryptos :^). I want to see more folks like You on this channel.

Thank you but I am not worthy. I am not appreciated by my family, and I've carried a heavy heart for more years and more reasons than I can remember. Anyone would be better interview than me.

I will just say I turned to Crypto because i believe in the block-chain. I believe in honesty and doing right by others.

But at the same time I don't often feel welcome by others, including family, even if that's not their intention, somehow I'm messed up like that. In hindsight I chalk it up to how I learned to cope with others who talk down to me. I fade them away from my life.

It's largely why I became a recluse over 10 years ago as well as a silver stacker.

And because I'd gotten very sick, I really missed out on the beginning of bitcoin. I'd heard about it but my focus was steady.

I just knew Ag, Silver was going to bring a brighter tomorrow. I was wrong. I'm tired. I'm 47 and I feel 74 due to living in chronic illness for 10 years.

I guess most of all, what I really wanted was to prove to my family that although I took my own path, I still made it. I wanted respect, and I assumed would translate to love.

I don't know what else to say. But thank you listening.

Man, you're ridiculously hard on yourself. Btw. I've Skyped with 50 year old people I've met on steemit before, it's not an issue. Check out the videos I'll put out and write back to me if you're into it.

well steemit is the first social media thing I've been engaged in in longer than I can remember, not including the 416 videos I have on youtube - although I wasn't in them, I don't have a webcam or a skype account, but I am working on it because I want to do videos on my progress in crypto, mining and other investments. Probably have to sell some silver to make that next step. I'd be down for the interview, but need to set up some things first. Thanks

That's what altcoins are for.