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RE: What do you wish for?

in #bitshares6 years ago

"People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” - Revelation 13:4

An absolutely horrifying video...

The state is attempting to elevate itself to godhood in as many ways as possible, starting with the fundamental (false) claim that it has authority to compel us to do its will.

Technological surveillance is the state's attempt to be omniscient.

I for one refuse to worship the beast of state.

I am grateful for everyone--including and especially the BEOS team--who has been working to develop technological tools that give individuals any and every possible option to sidestep the power of the beast.




Live free or die.

Indeed... and interesting, that is the motto of the State of New Hampshire...

Yet, somehow NH completely lost its way. :(

Perhaps NH will get its way back again. It may be in Stone Eagle's "lost and found" for them to claim (if they can prove ownership LoL).

The Free State Project people are working the issue there, but it remains to be seen just how successful they may become...

Sorry, but I don't follow your "Stone Eagle" reference?