What do you wish for?

in #bitshares6 years ago

Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

The gilded cage


To be a fully developed human, control needs to come from within (your connection to God through your conscience), not be imposed from without. We appear to be headed into a world under the control of artificial intelligence, being built by anti-human forces. Humanity may become side tracked into a cul de sac prison of illusory delight (with enormous ranges of spiritual experiences totally cut off from our possible awareness).


Social surveillance in China - Credit or control? | DW Documentary:



Let's give freedom a fighting chance!




Be sure to collect your MANNA in the SKYfall distribution

Begins Aug 8th for 888 days!






images (1), (2) and (3) are from pixabay.com


ouzo and out,

There is a plan!
(It's unfolding NOW)

.@onceuponatime https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@officialbeos

Please spread the word about BEOS



Get ready for SKYfall!!!

(MANNA from heaven)

beginning August 8th



Manna should be something came out of Mana (If I am not mistaken)! No idea how it falls, but I think this might be a good information to collect more and hold more! it might go back to sky anytime again!@onceuponatime,


You are confusing me :-)

8/8 for 888 days!


Chinish people will love that (!)...


and we love that too! ☺


 Source of pictures: https://www.google.com/search?q=china+888&prmd=inmv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis15jN5NnjAhXNaFAKHWdlA4QQ_AUoAXoECA0QAQ&biw=360&bih=512

They might be too worried about their social credit score to notice :-)

Do you make our wishes? I have 3 or above?

You had three. But I stole two of them, so you only have one left :-)

  1. You will start working out three times a week.
  2. You will read at least one serious book a week.
    and, your choice:
  3. ............................

now I understand why the genie fulfill three wishes .... if you had one it would be very difficult to reach what to wish!!!! :)

It sure looks like it’s heading in that direction it’s all about vanity, instant gratification and physical needs being met for profit the rest of the human experience looks like it’s becoming collateral damage, the expensive of “innovation”

Posted using Partiko iOS

You can't say we weren't warned.

"People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” - Revelation 13:4

An absolutely horrifying video...

The state is attempting to elevate itself to godhood in as many ways as possible, starting with the fundamental (false) claim that it has authority to compel us to do its will.

Technological surveillance is the state's attempt to be omniscient.

I for one refuse to worship the beast of state.

I am grateful for everyone--including and especially the BEOS team--who has been working to develop technological tools that give individuals any and every possible option to sidestep the power of the beast.



Live free or die.

Indeed... and interesting, that is the motto of the State of New Hampshire...

Yet, somehow NH completely lost its way. :(

Perhaps NH will get its way back again. It may be in Stone Eagle's "lost and found" for them to claim (if they can prove ownership LoL).

The Free State Project people are working the issue there, but it remains to be seen just how successful they may become...

Sorry, but I don't follow your "Stone Eagle" reference?

its time to work harder again ; )

Work? Oh no!!!
Not again!
I thought I could get by on my looks.

It could seem overwhelming yes but there is a massive movement of people engaging their spiritual awakening and taking control of their destiny..:: it’s just not shouted about like sensationalised news. I have great hope for humanity 🙏❤️😊

I hope that you will take the time to watch the documentary on social control in China. The control systems are very far advanced and rapidly being deployed in other areas besides China (the testing ground). The outcome (for the vast majority of humanity) is far from certain.

Thanks yes I am aware of what you speak of.I have watched the full documentary. And thanks for sharing, people need to watch this.

The majority will become ‘drones’
in the big hive! These people will become numbers just like microchips, they would be controlled via 5G waves.

Very small groups of people would survive the onslaught of enslavement! They would have to go ‘underground’ or ‘invisible’ in order to survive!

AI will kill billions of people either intentionally or unintentionally!

We need the help of ‘good’ Aliens!
I am afraid I have been too much into sci-fi films!

Live long and prosper!


I quite like Dark Journalist interviews in the past!
Have to get some updates! Thanks!

He's on a roll :-)

Yep! Sometimes I had to listen to him twice to catch his words!

His knowledge on the theosophy group is quite deep! I only know about Madam Blavatsky and that tall guy through biographies of Krishnamurti. But there was no linking to the dark side! I wonder what actually went on during that period of trying to find a spiritual world leader!

Posted using Partiko iOS

"But there was no linking to the dark side!"

Dark Journalist is on a path of discovery and is taking his followers along for the ride. It has been quite interesting so far.

It looks suspicisiously like the "two" beings in the picture below (called "Temptation") are joined at the hip :-)


Thank you very much! This has always puzzled me! Blavatsky’s letters as a ‘mother’ were all so full of love and kindness. Evidently she and Alcott were psychic and could contact those Masters in other realm. But we knew nothing about Alcott, except that he’s probably a gay.

There’s a big gap after Krishnamurti broke up the Star movement and refused to become their leader. This turning point might have led to Blavatsky’s turning to the dark side as she needed something to hold on to for her security. But Alcott’s role was not disclosed.
I often wonder if Dark Journalist has all the research or evidence to support his hypothesis and beliefs. Sometimes what he mentioned was quite far fetched so I drifted off his talks.

It would be nice if I could do remote viewing like Dick Alguire on ‘cryptoviewing’ on YouTube.

Yes! That’s very good reminder ‘Temptation’!
The mind is always playing games with thoughts!

Posted using Partiko iOS

That is quite a video. Yes we must speak out of this horror. We must value freedom, lest we lose it.

Sometimes I think that our only real freedom is the freedom to choose who/what we will obey. Outer authority, inner conscience, our hormones, our fears...


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