
One of us knows what we are talking about. I have a deep and long reputation in the bitcoin community. I am known for honesty, integrity, and intelligence. You have none of those traits. People who want the truth can read my articles.

Guess money is now reputation thanks! Just because I am new doesn't mean I don't have the rights to speak for myself. You are clearly biased by your statement. Know who is more reputable than us? You who thinks high of yourself or me who is open to any discussion??

I say didn't money backed my reputation. I am well known for my insights in this field. You have spread FUD about an important program in the crypto industry. You are part of a campaign that is rooted in ignorance. You don't know what you are talking about.

What kind of a discussion could we possibly have that is rooted in such ignorance?

Don't spread lies.

Lies with proof? Or statement with hidden agenda? Then show me list of USDT withdrawals transactions list with $25,000 and more then we'll talk.

You think because a bank doesn't show you their transaction that your word that its a scam becomes gospel truth? You are a troll and a shill. And my reputation will all people to see this.

They won't believe you when they see my responses.

Wow now I'm a troll? Thanks! BTW where is the list? I thought everything is transparent in cryptocurrency?

Really, didn't you know bitcoin is pseudonymous?

Are you so much against free markets that you would call for regulations?

And I don't less care if Bitcoin goes anywhere. I only speak what I see, what I hear and what I feel. I'm not a mole that is planted in any discussion to calm people because the truth is clearly reaching everyone.

You are spread lies as part of a social media campaign. What you don't realize is you can't sybil attack a strong reputation. Cause the strong reputation reveals what you are doing.

OK! Show list then.

His name is ''joker''

Also he's speaking English like he's an absolutely retarded monkey, and he's not putting up any arguments.

Ignore him, he's just giving your argument more credit Doc xx