What would you do if you sat down at your favorite Italian restaurant, and the waitress came over with a "Black Olives Matter" shirt? (lol).
Would you get offended? Mad? Cranky?
Or, would you just crack a big fat smile and place your order?
I personally think people are WAY too uptight these days, but that's just me.
What are your two cents? Is this over the top, or just an innocent business trying their best to drum up business?
Source And Works Cited:
Thanks for reading, and have a great day.
Anyone getting mad at that is just being pun-itive
Everyone is walking on eggshells bending over backwards to be unoffensive these days lol.
That's why I love steemit; you seem like an intelligent bunch.
Stay cool...
...I don't get the pun?
There isn't much to get. It's a horrible pun but then again aren't they all?
He has a right to do whatever he wants....and people that think black people are the only ones in the world dying have a screw loose.
He is simply lightening up the situation. The way for black people to stop dying is to move away from the hood and fight the system from the inside. really the biggest problem in this world is corporate lobbying and Zionism (claiming that you own the world) . its a conglomerate melting pot of problems that end with civil sovereignty and the unity of communities.
It is amazing how sensitive and politically correct they have made the masses. Proud to be politically incorrect.
It would certainly seem that way. Fascinating, isn't it?
I would be offended because I hate olives
That's just mean. ;)
I would want to buy the shirt. #BlackOlivesMatter http://www.zazzle.com/black_olives_matter_tee_shirt-235041743105743159
Apparently this is the restaurant that people are getting rustled about:
I probably wouldn't make a big deal about it but considering the blm movement has led to targeted killings, the joke is in poor taste.