I think most people get most of their information from the news and we even see on Hive how some people will defend the media outlets and their narrative to the point of trying to remove anyone who views things differently.
They have a powerful grip, but it's all so easy to see, once you see it.
ya as long as people can think for themselves but with all the stuff coming out lowering our attention spans etc :P we going to keep having people defend the media outlets. Even I see all this war garbage. it's all a play. there's an agenda and that is to move money around firstly and usually probably for resources :D. One thing people don't notice is all the wars are in poor people places. The theory here is they just clearing people that have a lot of debts which sounds sad but it's probably for their good that they are being cleared. well I shouldn't say too much :x later I'm gonna get hate for bringing all this out lol im gonna stop here but I think you get the jist since you pretty awake on this stuff :D