Hive isn't going anywhere

in #blerg4 months ago

Now that's quite a clickbaity title isn't it, especially maybe at these times with the markets you may think I'm being all negative but it's actually the opposite of it :D

I have a few things I wanted to randomly ramble about today, first off, and if you haven't read the "3 body problem" trilogy yet, this might be a slight spoiler in here so be warned. I don't fully remember it exactly though and doubt it's that big of a spoil, either way, the thought process there was as to how to store information for as long as possible. TL;DR was that they'd decided the best way to do so was on the outer most "planet" Pluto would be the best location to store information, somewhere inside a cave there or something - as I said it's been a while since I read the books and honestly I didn't even read them I listened to them which isn't really the same in terms of storing information :P

It just really made me think about our little blockchain we have here and how information is going to be stored kind of forever in a way, even better than information has and potentially will be stored on web2. It is kind of like a new way of writing on stone, if that back in the day was the way to store information for the longest amount of time, this blockchain may be its successor. For any new witnesses joining and running a full node they'll all have to re-download all information stored on this blockchain, that means every 1 and 0 of every dumb word in a pointless sentence in a shitpost I have ever written - and I got many of those. It's the same with the other blockchains ofcourse, but they don't store text like we do, they may store information on balances, mining rewards, and we store all that too along with a lot of other data like every vote that tiny account using spams the chain with 0.15% votes with trailing an account that's been on auto since 2020 or every follow or reblog or custom json layer 2 transactions you've submitted to play a @splinterlands game.

That's going to be there forever.

Forever is kind of a weird word, infinity basically, which we know doesn't really exist while it potentially is existing in parallel with our universe/simulation. It's especially weird considering how frickle life is at this point in time, let alone matter. As long as someone sees value in this chain, however, it will continue to produce blocks, even if everyone left someone could potentially run it as a solo witness somewhere in international waters out of boredom, downvoting some bots as he collects solo witness rewards and wants as much of the supply as possible which reminds of of another similar chain - either way.

I keep hearing the words "we're still early" being uttered on Reddit from random crypto users who weren't active a few months ago in those subreddits at all, everyone's easy to turn a shill when they invest their own money into a project. Doesn't matter how much research they've done or the utility it provides or security and freedom it gives its users, if they've bet on it they're sure going to let everyone know that is the best chain/token and that there's still time to jump on if you're reading his words because of course that's what'll benefit him.

I'm personally pretty sure we've already crossed the late early-adoption cycle, especially in terms of the giant chains. We have a CEO owning tons of Bitcoin while shorting fiat heavily and a few institutions following his path. We have people making life-changing money off of sheer luck betting on memecoins and losing it the next day while the masses stay silent not realizing they're the ones who made that one person you hear about on a centralized social media platform that day's day.

A few months ago I was doing some manual curation as I usually do, and I noticed a few hivers posting some content and using web2 as a hosting service, I don't blame them for that, I do that myself for convenience as well. Thing is, something I noticed was that he was linking to his web page on his hive profile but on his web2 profile there were no links or signs of that person even being on hive. Isn't that a bit odd to you? Maybe not you who are new to Hive and may not stay here for a while or come back later, but for you old-timers who've settled in and will be here as long as you can.

In one place you have this platform that not only can't censor you, can't leak your following count randomly, hide you from your followers feeds, take your value and okay, earning potential is another thing but you can still earn from curating, hp and hbd interest of past earnings, right? Not going to get into downvotes now but even there it's usually a community decision, not just one centralized party deciding - okay, I know, I know, there may be some of these on hive and some whales who some times have a bad day and no one speaks up to, it isn't perfect, but still there's already enough advantages to hive even without the rewardpool in the equation compared to web2.

So why, why are you trying to still play the lottery to attempt to attract users from here onto your web2 platform? I don't mean this in a condescending way, I'm sure many of us who aren't just hive-made content creators as it's so easy to become one and be rewarded here so it'd be dumb not to post - may have tried to make it somewhere on web2 before. The odds are very against you however and even if you come into the top 1% you still may not make a living off of it. Even if you become a top creator one day and are earning a lot more than just a living, it can all go away just like that at a blink of an eye. Suddenly your voice, platform, audience, all gone because of a technicality, report-abuse, bot-glitch, automated customer support ignorance, etc.

Why aren't you trying to get those people onto the immutable life boats instead?

I asked a few of those users I curated and noticed but didn't receive a response back which felt a bit lame.

Is it cause Hive just isn't that big yet? Are you waiting for the immutable/unsinkable titanic to be almost full before you let everyone know you've bought a ticket as soon as it became available? Or are you concerned they'll think the Titanic has a bad rep and is filled with scammers so you don't want them to know you're already basically on there even though you aren't sure if this one definitely won't sink this time?

Personally I'm at a point where I'm quite sure it won't sink, the waves hitting it may be slow and unremarkable for most of its stay at the harbor, there may be a lot of iceblocks right at the bay not letting the ship get out in the open and the moon may be in a weird spot that has kept it at low tides for a longer than usual time but the real journey in my opinion is certain and inevitable even if the thing causing the tide is the destination.

I do wonder however what it'd take for more people to realize that and if the current markets are going to be any indication that there are other things in different forms out there who are not just similar but potentially even better just waiting to be found and figured out to get people off of the chains of Southampton and let them feel the open seas of freedom.


I'm personally pretty sure we've already crossed the late early-adoption cycle, especially in terms of the giant chains

Nailed it, this is crypto in general. We are now at the early majority phase, which is past the pre 2018 innovators phase when smart chains came out and the cycle peaked then crashed, and the pre 2022 Early Adopter Phase when memecoins, covid and bitcoin became household names. Realistically how many people don't know Elon Musk supports Dogecoin, politicians regularly speak of crypto and you can buy a bitcoin etf in your 401k.

Follow the general market cap, if it peaks now or in the next year, we will enter the late majority stage. This implies most of the money that is waiting to move into crypto will already be there and the rest of the growth will be arithmetic and organic, not geometric. There is still money to be made but no one will ever be selling me $10 ETH, $150 BTC or $2 BNB again. The period of small sums of money becoming astronomical amounts of wealth is over for everyone except the select few. Might as well buy a lottery ticket.

The title absolutely attracts attention also because it is written by a Hive lover like you and honestly I was sure the title would be different from the content.
Hive is small compared to other platforms but it is more unique than rare and it is the only virtual place where I like to spend my free time
long live Hive, and I am sure that sooner or later its potential and its many utilities will be appreciated in the future

I feel like general users don’t really care about concepts like immutability or decentralization, or even try to understand them. They care about user-friendly applications that are easy to use. So, I guess Hive's success might depend on the applications built on top of it, such as the one you're working on.

Also, the name "Hive" might not have been a very good idea. If we search "hive price today" on Google, it just returns some other company. 😁

Nevertheless Hive is such an amazing community driven platform. Never seen anything like it.

I have tried to get friends to come here, with little to no success. I used to think it was just because people were set in their social media home and didn't want a new one, but everyone has been jumping to Blue Sky lately. I have explained to them how Hive works (my metaphor is, we're essentially a co-op) and how there is no Al Gore Rhythm as we say on the censor sites. And yet, no one comes.

I think the general consensus among people who don't know anything about crypto, is that they heard someone say it's a scam once, and think that applies to all crypto and there is no difference between them (even though I've tried to tell them there is, repeatedly). Even though there are scammers galore on regular social media too. NFTs did us a LOT of harm in the general zeitgeist, imo. They don't even know about the actual scam stories like Bitconneeeeeeeeeeect, they just heard "people are selling .gifs for thousands of dollars, how stupid, what a scam" and think that's what crypto is. I'm pretty sure they all think poor little Phoenix has been fooled by a pyramid scheme or something.

I really don't know how to get anyone to listen at this point. :(

I wouldn't say no one comes. We're here :)

Speaking of me trying to invite people here, specifically. ;)

Well, a lot of people just don't understand what HIVE is. I have only recently realized the potential of this place from @azirncon posts and started to really being involved. And I have been on HIVE in Splinterlands since 2021! I even did some Splinterlands posting but was really not aware of HIVE. I would bet there are hundreds if not over a thousand Splinterlands players who are still not aware of HIVE.

And that is people who are crypto-aware and even have Hive accounts. If we had some major influencers push Hive it would definitely help... But Hive content has like zero presence on YouTube...

Maybe there's an opportunity to make some content for YouTube then.

Jaaaa a lot of crazy guys have been trying to earn their life in web2, fortunately to me I am on web 2 but I am not trying to convince people from there to here, because it is not good idea by my security.
Well when the people know a potential of our social network we need more time to see all kind of old users, which when prices are down disappear, and when prices go up they are coming, and this will be our signal, that our time have been here.
You share in the past, about how many people from the outside have been visiting your info here and it has a big indicator too.
By the way remember my philosophy to be a whale it is slowly slowly build and have enough fire to burn when the opportunity give you the opportunity to jump.

Best regards.

Fast, fee-less, censorship resistant, and... resilient. We should add this quality of Hive to the short list.

I was going through the witness list the other day and despite how small we are, it is pretty impressive to see just how many witnesses there are. I think you are right, barring some kind of absolute tank or an EMP sending us all back to the stone age, Hive likely isn't going anywhere, and neither am I!

Greetings @acidyo ,

Only you can get away with such a title....hehe

Appreciate hearing your thoughts....I quite agree.

People are a bit skittish seems unless token is the talk of the town so to speak...It is harder to sell....

Since Bleujay is a returning user....I do wonder what is it we could to do/say that would interest them in returning...especially when quite a few are on curation trails.

Kind Regards,


Sailing out into the open seas of freedom takes a freedom minset, a long-term outlook and some crytical thinking.

I've got my ticket and I think we'll have a nice band, nice food, and a nice ride. No icebergs this time.

I'm working on a process to help folks understand how easy it is build stake in freedomland. I already have a little HIVE system where I accept HIVE/$HBD as payment in my business. I can use it to exchange value with others within the ecosystem and even pay at shops that accept bitcoin over Lightning. Value exchange that can't be censored or seized.

I'm showing people, but some folks simply won't leave the comfort of a safe harbor.

Some will and some are already on the ship and that's enough for me.

You’re right about everything you said, but I need to point something out: do people really care about this? Back in the caveman days, few recorded anything on stones (this analogy was great), while the rest only cared about survival. Comparing it to Web 2, it offers simplicity, entertainment, and addictive algorithms, things we still haven’t been able to offer. People long for entertainment, which may be the 'food' of our era. Ease is also a crucial point: a 10-year-old can easily create an account and, in a few weeks, use it better than many adults.

Hive has its complexities, and for now, I see two types of users: those who believe in the philosophy and those seeking gains. I don’t see a problem with either, but Hive will only become what it promises to be when it simplifies the process so that ordinary people don’t feel lost with so many complexities, which for us are not big because we’re already used to them. To attract these people, it will be necessary to offer the 'food' (whether entertainment or rewards). Most people don’t care about leaving a mark, they want to be where everyone is. Also, Hive lacks good marketing. While external projects attract new users, we don’t have a specialized team for that. Decentralization is good, but in this aspect, it fails.

People are starting to care about the freedom of wealth transfer (i.e. Bitcoin) although the waters are still a bit muddied there as currently it's primarily being invested in as a store of value or escape from inflation and fiat with transactions potentially being monitored and true freedom currencies being delisted (monero for instance).

They may not care about the freedom of content and the store of it much now but I'm sure you've noticed over the last few years how many keep getting their accounts and content banned and deleted from platforms. So why not also use a social media platform that stores it potentially forever, sure only text for now but it's not impossible to imagine that images, gifs, and videos are the next to be stored in an immutable way in the near future ( is working on this for instance).

You can have algo's here too, pick a front-end and ask them to create an algo to make it as addicting as tiktok or what have you, many just haven't bothered with it since we lack traffic. I'd love an algo that would show me a feed of the people I mostly interact with for instance compared to my usual "immutable" feed where I know it'll show everyone I personally have followed and can rest assured a random front-end or entity hasn't unfollowed an account without my knowing.

As for its complexity it's true that it can get super complex but it can also just be really easy to use (for instance snaps added by @peakd recently). People won't need to know too much to still see some additional rewards/value they wouldn't have gotten elsewhere because the other platforms can't afford to pay "everyone" the way hive can once it scales and they have a lot more costs to maintain their platforms compared to the ones here.

We can have the cake, i.e. everything other platforms offer their users and content creators and eat it too, i.e. inflation based rewards as the icing on it. You won't see Elon for instance give away Twitter shares to their content creators because they can't afford it, they'll only give a % of adrevenue which already is at an all time low and mostly just crappy advertisers paying them.

I see everything we have here as something good, yes, different from Web 2. But, being so good, what is missing for people to adopt it?

Let me give you an example: I've invited many people to Hive, tried various strategies, but the funnel is bad. Suppose I invited about 40 people, and they all found Hive impressive, but do you know how many actually created an account? 5 or 6. And how many stayed after the first post? Only one. If I, who am personally convincing them, didn’t succeed, what would be the most efficient method? Something is missing.

I agree that new tools are being created, improving many aspects and facilitating future onboardings, but there is still something missing. In my view, it’s in the two points I mentioned in the first response. Rewards are good, I'm happy with the platform's adaptation to micro-earnings, it's easier for someone to earn on a snap than they’ve earned in years on Web 2.

But that doesn’t "fill anyone's stomach", many people find it discouraging to write a 1000-word text and see a balance of cents, especially when the post doesn’t get votes, often due to being beginners without a good vote to give back (and this happens frequently). I know that people with voting power can help spread more of this distribution to those just starting, but no one can monitor all the beginners. Anyway, we have many problems to solve, but I believe we'll get there. See, I agree with you, I'm just raising some points like the devil’s advocate would to seek different perspectives

Account creation and the importance of keys is a big hindrance, we still don't really have a great and fool-proof way to create accounts for free without them being abused by some who for some reason want many accounts.

The good news there is that the rest of crypto is similar and most of them don't even have the social recovery feature in place to potentially help hacked keys get reset. So people getting in the space are getting used to that by holding eth/sol/etc in their wallets and getting here understanding what hive keychain is and does.

Longform content doesn't have to be the flagship of hive, micro blogging should be more rewarding compared to posts and engagements too, I've tried to bridge that gap with things like @commentrewarder and other initiatives but hive is flexible and I'm sure we as a community can adapt over time.

People not getting much on their first posts isn't and shouldn't be a problem. While we offer users to monetize their content instantly and cheaply, it's a bit absurd that I hear so many complain that "new users spend a lot of time on posts but don't get rewarded", why would they expect rewards being new users?

Like honestly, I know many new users are getting rewarded either way from different initiatives, but why should they expect rewards instantly? Where does this happen?

Hive already should offer people great retention because we are quite welcoming and rewarding of new people but I really get annoyed by some saying "so many go unrewarded" when I don't think that's a reality nor should it be considered a reality because reality is no where can someone instantly earn a ton of rewards just for showing up. It requires investment, dedication, commitment and many other things to more consistently earn rewards. Hive doesn't have to be too different from other platforms there even though it is.

Over time with price not being this low we will see the lower end of users have more impactful votes which means that anyone posting, socializing, etc, should get "something" out of it because so many more accounts at the lower ends of 1000-10000 HP can give out bigger rewards in terms of hbd.

On this, I agree, but I disagree in some parts. I'll give another example, a more personal one...

When I discovered Hive, I came for the possibility of making money, simple as that. Over time, I found out that it wasn't just a place with this financial possibility, although it is a strong point. I discovered all the philosophy behind it, but would I have continued if I hadn't had some financial support at the beginning? Maybe I wouldn't have had time to understand this side of it.

So it's a bit about that, maybe the financial attractiveness is a point to explore to hook people and keep them here until they better understand what Hive is about, just like it happened to me.

I don't think people should be rewarded instantly with an exorbitant amount when they arrive, yes, rewards come through continuous effort, but we need to think of something that gives people time to understand what is here for them, without them giving up, until they change their way of thinking.

I know that with a higher Hive, the distribution of rewards by users with less HP will be more impactful, but what can we do until that happens? And when Hive is low again, won’t we be less attractive, living through this instability at the mercy of the highs and lows cycles?

Well, at least we now have more engagement opportunities through micro-earnings, which is great, it gives me more arguments for my upcoming onboardings. But we can’t deny that it’s interesting to have some project to support these new users who are coming and will come. Sometimes just a warm reception when the "stomach is empty" isn't enough.

there may be a lot of iceblocks right at the bay not letting the ship get out in the open and the moon may be in a weird spot that has kept it at low tides for a longer than usual time but the real journey in my opinion is certain and inevitable even if the thing causing the tide is the destination.

2025 will be ours....We are getting noticed..

Your post is poetry, I hope the "Hive" continues to prosper in the future.

Hmmm, what a very thoughtful post this is. Whenever I share my content here, I also add a link to my hive post on WhatsApp where I'm sure I get a lot of views. I just many people want a quick making money scheme so they ignore plus, they feel it's a big deal to write a post. However, I'll keep trying. Hive is the way to go!

Yeah.. the title was convincing to click.😄😄

Well, I just hope it goes very well.. hahaha, thanks for the assurance that it won't sink.😊😊

The title of this post is a great example of reverse psychology, haha!

Long live, Hive!

Let's say, the data will stay forever as long as someone is running a node... As soon as all witnesses stops, everything is lost

Hive is way better than any web2 platform, the problem is, people want to try and be content creators, famous ones, and you can't do that on hive... Papers, average people talk about TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, no one knows hive so influencers are just there, would need a big influencer to promote and use only hive to attract people

If people stop running a node it just means blocks stop being produced and the chain halts, doesn't necessarily mean the data is lost if it's still on some harddrives/ssd's of older witnesses.

Oh right, you need witnesses to stop and format all hds

The Hive is a small blockchain, but it has everything the big blockchains have. It is also self-sufficient. Well, new users are needed, but not by force. There is no need for some kind of explosive expansion. It is growing slowly, and that is quite enough.

It is really shocking when you find dozens of meme coins in the top 100 list and DOGE at 7 while ADA is at 9 which is a solid project. And the scammer's coin TRX is at 10! I really don't understand who drives the game in such a direction that is not sustainable in the long run. I learned a lot from your post regarding the massive information stored in Hive. Thanks for such an insightful post. Have a nice day.

There's still a lot of fakeness and centralization leading the space, it can't last forever I hope so eventually hopefully the value starts to shift towards the real tech.

That is the biggest problem with the chain.
Not going anywhere.

Have you read the rest?

More than.

Hive is already my main content platform. I have been bitten too many times by companies shutting down social sites (Google+, Multiply, Tsu) or I wiped my account (Twtr). All that content is gone from the web. I do have backups of some of them, but not sure what I'd do with it.

Hive would be pretty hard to shut down and that was part of the attraction for me. The rewards were a factor too of course. If we ever get an off-world colony then we need a node there.

I am very entertained watching it🥰

It's amazing🥰

Surely that is what everyone is waiting for the great movement to begin and then want to get on the ship when it is ready to set sail and they will have almost no opportunity to achieve it. In such a difficult world there will always be those who want to have the advantage but it depends on each person. from us the direction to be taken

I say it and I maintain it #Hive is an opportunity that we cannot miss and even more so for people like us who live in countries where with these rewards we can obtain a greater and better quality of life

The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/10) @danzocal tipped @acidyo

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

It’s time for Hive to do its job and BUZZZZZ all the way through this bull run. Its time to invite old users back and new users on… and maybe just maybe we will have learned a thing or 2 about retention this go around.

I think what Hive is missing to become more popular is in fact entertainment, and in today's world entertainment = memes and short form videos.

As now, we don't have a proper frontend to post good pictures and short videos. If you go to my Instagram I have dozens of those and I'd really like to post them here too. I'm posting pictures of my project on Liketu, but I see it's not so popular and there's little to no entertainment there.

Then sure, the first thing to attract new people I think is the rewarding system. But talking from my personal experience, I'm still here because I was looking for a blogging platform (and I found so much more). But really there's very few people interested in that, same for crypto money. People come here and see a bunch of blog posts talking about crypto and unknown play-to-earn games, I can see why it's hard to onboard