Blockchain For Tracking Skyrocketing Pharmaceutical Costs

in #blockchain8 years ago

Years ago while in college I read a book about drug costs that were manufactured in the United States yet the prices were sold all around the world at varying prices. I studied brand name drugs and it even got into generics.
Since that time, 25 years later, the drug costs have skyrocketed.
Obamacare was sold to idiot Americans but public education doesn’t educate the idiots if they accept such a sales pitch, I mean bait and switch at taxpayers expense, and that sales pitch was said to “pool” people together and bring down the costs of drugs and insurance for those that most need it. Sounded good huh? If you’re an idiot.
Blockchain is the solution to track drug prices around the world. I just read a report that said Amgen’s drug Enbrel had gone up 130% since 2011. The report was an absolute lie and the local press tried to pawn this stat off as being real, but it was not true.
Take a look at the costs of Enbrel manufactured by Amgen in 2011 until the year 2016. It didn’t go up 130%, no, the price doubled, Costco pharmacy being an example. Know why? I track the costs and it was not 130%.
You know who is getting ripped off? The taxpayers. Obamacare is redistribution of wealth and it’s costing the taxpayers a lot of money to allow such fascism. 30% copays on Tier 3 drugs are a big cost, when the drug now costs $3,990 per month. Imagine that. Do the math. If it is not affordable because you have to remember there is insurance premiums on top of that, and you soon realize that there is nothing left over, in fact it drains the patients. If you are on Obamacare, it’s a free for all, including the CEO’s. In fact, there is more in taxation for the fascism Obamacare is, and more taxation comes from CEO pay and the mansions they own in multiple places around the United States or abroad. I mean there is more taxation from that trickle down affect than from patients that are drained if they pay 30% copays or even 20% and what they do not have left.
Blockchain needs to be utilized in an open and transparent fashion to track not only costs of wholesale drug costs, because of the lies printed in the paper, and it also needs to be tracked across the United States, by pharmacy or by Obamacare. All of it needs to be tracked, and likewise the drug costs should be tracked on the blockchain worldwide.
After all, the costs are skyrocketing and there is no accountability and the government is in on it, and they allow it by law. This is pure evil.
In this regard, Blockchain Technology should track the pure evil for future generations to see what the technology brings, costs that can be tracked live time, by drug, on the blockchain, and unalterable.
Patented drugs and laws are the problem along with a corrupt government. The time has come to combat it with blockchain. When enough is enough, perhaps it’s time to storm the CEO’s office like it was the French Revolution.
Let them eat cake.


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I am the god damn original author. But go ahead and consider it spam. I don't care. And call in Cheetah Bot. See how far that gets Steemit.

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  • A reference to their Steemit account on their website or blog. I posted the link at the very beginning of the ORIGINAL article. I wrote that god damn article. Consider it SPAM. I wrote that damn thing. Consider the content. Consider the solution that I have introduced. Have you ever heard of tracking rip off Obamacare skyrocketing Big Pharma Fascism (skyrocketing prescription or healthcare costs) with blockchain technology, meaning worldwide, by brand name drug, by country, by generic, by country, by wholesale costs, by cost at pharmacy? I don't think WA DC has a handle on any of it, but then again, the American public voted in the UNqualified One, and they were the ignorant masses that fell for the Orwellian concept of Obamacare. War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery, and Obamacare is Healthcare. Is this original enough? If not, I could care less. That original article is time stamped. Take a look, it's again, posted at I already covered my ass with the time stamp on my own website. I already wrote the original content. I don't feel the further need to justify it to the "community" if you can't figure that out by now.

Good article