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RE: Blockchain For Tracking Skyrocketing Pharmaceutical Costs

in #blockchain8 years ago I posted the link at the very beginning of the ORIGINAL article. I wrote that god damn article. Consider it SPAM. I wrote that damn thing. Consider the content. Consider the solution that I have introduced. Have you ever heard of tracking rip off Obamacare skyrocketing Big Pharma Fascism (skyrocketing prescription or healthcare costs) with blockchain technology, meaning worldwide, by brand name drug, by country, by generic, by country, by wholesale costs, by cost at pharmacy? I don't think WA DC has a handle on any of it, but then again, the American public voted in the UNqualified One, and they were the ignorant masses that fell for the Orwellian concept of Obamacare. War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery, and Obamacare is Healthcare. Is this original enough? If not, I could care less. That original article is time stamped. Take a look, it's again, posted at I already covered my ass with the time stamp on my own website. I already wrote the original content. I don't feel the further need to justify it to the "community" if you can't figure that out by now.