Dear @guysellars
It's me again. If you like I can show you how to send mass memos and I can provide you with list of all your followers which I consider valuable and supportive.
So you could send them memo and invite to your publication. Think about it and let me know.
This part attracted my attention:
This year I'm planning on applying some of that conventional wisdom I spoke of to companies invested in blockchain technologies. Kinda hedging my investment between tried and true and companies utilizing blockchain technologies
Could you please tell me more about your ideas? Is your current work somehow related to blockchain? I remember you mentioned that you're in finance industry.
Just curious :)
Hi @crypto.piotr. I would very much like to learn how to create mass memos. And a list of valuable supporters would be fantastic. I truly appreciate the offer and look forward to the information.
As far as your second question regarding conventional wisdom, it is really two part. But first, I am not a professional investment adviser and this is not investment advice. Everyone must make there own decision as to what is best for them.
Ok, so the first part is that I tend to follow cycles and trends. Stock Traders Almanac is one service where you can learn a lot about tried and true stock market cycles. What is the best periods of the year to what is the best day. There is a lot of good information on their site and in their reasonably priced almanac which comes out in October. But I just bought a copy for my daughter-in-law because the information is always valuable. FYI, the link above is not an affiliate link, so I make nothing if you click it.
The second part of this is that I've been watching a number of US companies jumping into blockchain technologies. My intent is to apply what I've learned about cycles to these forward thinking companies and see how I do this year. I don't believe that this is revolutionary and to be honest I'm already following several of the companies for other reasons. But I believe this will give me an edge this year and keep me focused on the blockchain space long term.
Sorry if this is not a bombshell, but I like slow and study and the above seems to work with my personality. That said, I've actively day traded in the past and may do so again in the future. Hope this helps. Best of luck in your investing or trading.