(Brief English summary at the end of the post)
(Brief English summary at the end of the post)
Transaction as Freedom
Transaction as Freedom
那自由呢?Freedom,這詞來自於人類世界,我應該不用多說你也都懂,至少模模糊糊地懂。在區塊鏈技術詞彙裡,沒有自由這一項。什麼?區塊鏈不是號稱最自由的了嗎?當然。區塊鏈不懂自由,但對於使用它的帳戶後面的人類而言,區塊鏈是能實踐自由的美好技術。所以,對於個人的自由,或更精確地說,對於個人在使用區塊鏈平台方面能夠獲得的自由而言,只要你能夠順利執行Transactions,你,就是自由的。因此,Transaction as Freedom,操作即自由。Q.E.D.
你既不能擁有更多自由,你也沒辦法降低你的自由,你沒辦法降低別人的自由,同樣地,別人也沒辦法降低你的自由,Says the Blockchain。
記住這個詞,Transaction as Freedom,這是個新世界的開始。
On Upvotes and Downvotes 關於讚與踩
什麼?沒聽過?那我也忘記來源了。但這句話不無道理,Upvote跟Downvote對於區塊鏈來說,只是一正一反的同類操作,只是這傻技術不知道,人類可能會因此而互相砍殺哪!看人類多複雜... 我看我們還是回火星去吧...
如我所說,upvote/downvote任何人都是你的自由。但即使Steemit.Inc也得列出使用flag的四大理由-你自己去點flag看一下就知道了。這裡面列出的,可以被我們認知為「違反人類使用此blockchain之精神與宗旨」而因此成為某種程度上的「規則」(By Steemit Inc/UI)。其實,嚴格說,這也可以不算規則,因為即便你剽竊了,Blockchain也不會自動踩你,得靠社區裡的用戶自治才行,這是人類事務了。勉強算是規則,但其實真要適用,各人解釋又有不同,誰說了算?這上面也沒法院哪!
有人可能會說:downvote會把我的文章/言論變成灰白色啊!這不就是言論審查了嗎?關於這嘛,我尊重你對於審查的定義。但我只是要說,這是UI的問題,也就是Steemit Inc這家公司怎麼設計它的使用者介面的問題,在blockchain level,沒有任何言論可以被屏蔽。你要是不滿意這個UI,也沒有人能夠阻止你開發一個專門顯示被踩到負值的言論的網站,然後在Steem blockchain上運行的。不錯吧?每個人都可以有自己的尺度與努力的空間。正因為UI就是個中心化的東西,所以你不滿的話,是可以想辦法取代它的。
再來,土匪一點地說,光是依據Disagreement on Rewards,我就「可以」踩遍社區九成有正獎勵的帖,然後說我有所本哪!可以去踩嗎?可以。我會去踩嗎?神經病哪!
但話說我對於踩有時候是不手軟的,前一陣子有個外國哥兒們,用了CN tag在他自己原創文章的全Google翻譯版文章上,我踩了。他四處投訴我,最後我是給他一個原因是"Intentional miscategorized content or Spam",但念在原創,最後我還是撤踩了,只為他如此努力為自己爭論。
關於CN tag使用,我沒什麼太強烈的意見,我意見沒辦法也不會成為社區共識,其實每個人的意見都是參考用的,不具備什麼效力。但我可以說說我對於CN tag文章的點讚態度-不加中文我不點,但我不會因為這樣而踩。我可以踩嗎?對!你們要說:當然可以! 很好,有好好看文章。我的文章,你也「可以」踩啊!Nobody can prevent you from doing so.當然,你要考慮的是是否引起我對你不滿而報復,等等... 其實我對於被踩也蠻淡然的,試試看,沒關係的... 真的,試試看啊!
On Law and Order 關於符合法律規矩
但是,討厭又可愛的人類又來了(說說看,你是AI的話,你會不想把這惱人不符合規矩的野蠻物種人類給wipe out嗎?哈哈),你既然是人,你就處於地球上某個地理範圍內,除非你長年生活在高進住的公海上(那還得看船隻註冊地啊!),否則你多半會受到所謂法律或任何外在、來自他人約束條件。區塊鏈不管你,但這些會管你,因為你無法逃離社會。
On Politics 關於政治
噢,我累了。哈哈,賣個關子,這話題下次再說吧!但先預告一下,我並不支持在這裡談論「政治」。當然,所謂不支持,代表我不點讚,通常也不願意參與討論。不過,基本上應該絕對不會踩,我也怕被冠上言論自由箝制者稱號啊,怕怕。你以為我很鄉愿,不敢談政治?呵呵,隨便你猜測。正式答案,請待下回分解囉![別想用回帖勾我討論,但自由發表意見<--廢話!Says Blockchain]
English Summary
Lately, there have been a constant influx of Chinese users, especially since the implementation of Hard Fork 19. New comers are unfamiliar with Steemit so several old users in the cn community, while being happy about new friends coming here using the same language, or even the not-so-old users write lots of posts hoping to guide these new members and help them get started (oh, we earn rewards too, as always).
There are all kinds of helping posts - like @oflyhigh offers a lot of technical knowledge regarding the functioning of the Steem blockchain and others write about like survival guidance from their respective experiences here. Meanwhile, there are also some discussions on the rules of the cn community, if there is really any.
While also learning something new with my new friends together (mostly at technical level), when I saw the discussion on rules, a term comes to my mind - Transaction as Freedom. Well, I cannot get rid of this term so the only way to get rid of it is to write a blog about it. But apologies to the English readers, I only have time to write a Chinese version as this topic is much more difficult to convey than me going to a hot spring and having fun. Hope you understand.
Still, I think this term itself explains most of what I want to say - A transaction on the Steem blockchain is the freedom that you, as a blockchain participant, are guaranteed. No more, no less. No one can take it from you nor can you take it away from others. Not even a downvote, ladies and gentlemen. Not even a downvote.
image credits - from pixabay with the first image slighted modified by the author
加碼演出- @catwomanteresa: 所以,Bandwidth會限制言論自由囉? (d:圖借用一下哪^^,卸卸妮)
Enjoy this freedom, unencumbered by third-party regulations. But use this freedom responsibly. I think that that is what you are getting at, at least in part.
I believe this concept will become more and more apparent as blockchain technologies gain momentum and more users start joining. The magic happens in the details of all those micro-transactions.
It's an honor for me to have your comment here. :)
word on this one!
to freedom!
cheers :)
於我來說有中文,有關中華圈/文化的東西都可以用cn。翻譯器翻的算不算?算,翻得亂七八糟的我會留言說請換個翻譯器,如果英文文章超有意思的,還不忘點個讚,但我想這類人不多。為何有一些人亂翻東西然後tag cn,原因也很明顯。對有用心寫的翻譯器文章不點不踩,cn 用家一致對待,對方也知道這招沒糖吃了吧?請個翻譯或者學中文去。
至於敏感話題,如果是理性討論,有主論觀點有理據他的文章沒有問題,跟我個人喜不喜歡無關,我有一個億的SP也不會踩,無視他,或者跟他討論,意見分歧不可怕,誤解才可怕。世界上有爭議的話題可多了,大麻合法、槍械合法之類,是比較沒在cn tag看見而已。
Steem總量兩億多,您就有一億個,媽您累了吧,坐坐坐,我幫您倒茶去,要不吃點龍蝦鮑魚什麼的,我馬上去張羅?還是找人來幫您按摩放鬆一下?都行,都行.... @@
好喇我舉例太誇張了xDDD 嗯,龍蝦好吃好吃(嚼嚼嚼)
什麼!?舉例?龍蝦 350,按腳的你可以走了,按了10分鐘算100吧,錢跟這個小芝麻收吧!按的可是她的腳,不是我的...
@deanliu 节操呢?骨气呢?鄙视!
@nanosesame 土豪,缺小弟不?什么砍人之类的我都可以的!收下我的膝盖吧。
xDDDDD 感覺被嚴重調戲,要變攪笑串了 囧
Good thinking at the end really nice wordings👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Nice blog credits to @deanliu
@deanliu 老刘兄你那个自由女神像,我怎么越看越觉得有股浓浓的广场大妈的感觉?囧
LOL!! 這好笑!
嗯, 我還是我手寫我心。作為社工, 我必談政治, 慶幸也得到A神輕輕眷顧一下, 哈哈! 我覺得, 在自由平台, 談什麼也可以, 而那篇文章, 我也不為錢而寫的, 發文前也有被downvote的覺悟, 慶幸沒有。
haha! nice edit with it holding steem lol
steem on fire and brings freedom, so great match! :P
I love the Chinese people. I live in Vietnam.
well, what can I say? I love Vietnam people! :)
it s good to post helpful things for newbies because some are lazy to read faq or to search on google
区域链没有和气,只要人与人之间的社交, 就会有这那样的问题,操作就是自由,爱赞爱踩同样是自由,
只要不是神经病的类似机器人给刷屏,就好比送报纸的往你家门口塞一堆,而且天天塞,推送垃圾邮件占满空间,浪费你处理时间,你和气可以忽视不处理,第二天接来, 直到spam占满为止.
嗯,騙人的人能不能踩呢?這倒是啊~~~ 他騙你他踩了其實讚了,你因為他騙你而踩他,他因為你踩他而生氣,所以改讚為真踩,然後說我踩你了,這次說真話了,所以你決定撤回踩... 這可虧大了啊!
Lovely post. I love Chinese people. They are beautiful within and outside. There are couple of friends of mine
And I love Nepal! :)
Oh thats lovely!
thanks so much for posting an English summary as well.
You're welcome.
I believe this concept will become great very soon
Lovely post, i like chinese people.its interesting that you use three languages.I FOLLOW YOU
You follow me@rameshkumar, i wana friendship with you...
10 days on Steemit and I still dont understand shit!
![Steem Sign NEW - Copy.PNG](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmPoyY8iwesbn4qk8Ly3onGB1P38mkhedUBbxwAyCT5skM/Steem%20Sign%20NEW%20-%20Copy.PNG)
No shit!!
its not just for chinese people... we are also new in this field... and its overhelming with the help of old timers (bear with my english) and those who are willing to share their knowledge...
its an everyday learning... so we are thankful to your insight and keep sharing..
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Go Steemit!
Gee.... where did you get your fuels?
Chinese letters looks like art :)
Nice post. its interesting that you use two languages.
Oui oui and now I have three. :)
Great post
This is very informative. Great post I will go through it in details after my day is done. Thanks for posting. I follow you.Upvote me !
just a suggestion, when next you write in Japanese and you want us your english friend to get in on it, just copy the write up on Japanese and paste it on google translate
original, and finally I stepped on, and only for his efforts to argue for themselves.On the use of CN tag, I have no too strong views, my opinion no way will not become a community consensus, in fact, everyone's views are used for reference, do not have any effect. But I can talk about my attitude towards the CN tag article - no Chinese I do not point, but I will not step on this because of this. Can i step on? Correct! You must say: of course you can! Well, there is a good look at the article. My article, you can "can" step on ah! Of course, you have to consider whether it is caused by my dissatisfaction with your revenge, and so on ... In fact, I was also very indifferent to the step, try, it does not matter ... really, Try it!
sorry I have trouble understanding what you mean exactly... but thanks for sharing. And btw, I don't understand Japanese.
sori i was trying to show you that you can use google translate to translate your post, in any language
Though sometimes the translation doesn't make sense, like in this case ;)
NIce pic 0f kids in karate. My s0n starting this week, without my consent;( but he will love it. I wanted for us to do it together @a later time. I guess this will be his warm-up.
And yeah, stay powered up ;)
hoş makale takip et beni lütfen
Good motivator.
I always feel a bit shamed by how everybody in other countries seems to be so amazing at English. I've never visited China, but I seldom come across Europeans who don't speak wonderful English (while apologising for their "bad" English). It's been the case in every European country I've been too. It's even more impressive with people like the Chinese who's written and spoken language is really, really different from ours! I can't even comprehend trying to learn Chinese! I really wish we were taught language better and from a younger age in the UK.
Although probably better explained in Chinese, still the English part did make a lot of sense and there is in fact a big truth to your statement, very interesting! Thanks for sharing in English as well :)
Good read and thank you for the time you spent translating this to English so others, like me, would understand. This is Freedom, indeed. Cheers.
follow for follow @dkinx
I would love to get to know more about "Transaction as Freedom". I hope you will find some time to write something more about it in english :) that would be great. Have a nice day!