Friend @guysellars, thank you for visiting my publication and drop this comment that has impacted me.
Let's say you have a number of generals who decide whether or not to unite an enemy. No general can succeed without some of the others, but who will go first and who will follow him. The logic behind the Bitcoin code solved this problem using the concept of a blockchain protected with cryptography. The vanguard at the moment.
Wooo, A scientific and detailed analogy, is a very good explanation of the Blockchain and its operation, I agree with you is a very safe innovator that generates trust in people, which makes Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies a very valuable asset.
Major companies such as Ford, Google and Amazon are obtaining patents on blockchain technologies at a very fast rate. So, while currencies can come and go, technology is here to stay and will continue to evolve.
This of the main companies adapting to the use of the blockchain further strengthens the trust in Bitcoin. This becomes an engine that drives Bitcoin to its real value. If you have not got it yet.
Thanks once more for your comment, you leave me a valuable teaching.