What’s up, Hive! Way late. Past 2:00a.m. I should be sleeping but I’m uploading a video to YouTube and it’s got about 25 minutes before I close my laptop. I figured I should probably just get something on the blockchain tonight. This’ll be a freewrite again. I do want to say this about last night’s post. @steevec made a comment that really set me back. “With your photography and your art you are living the dream life for some.”. Not that I feel like I was complaining; maybe just venting, but I often think of the many multiverse versions of Lars and I do remind myself that I feel I’ve drawn a pretty awesome hand. It’s just nice to have that be reaffirmed by someone reading my Hive posts. Thanks, @steevc. I needed that!
I have been brutally working towards an impending deadline for the Helios Ideathon. This is a grant proposal event in the EOS ecosystem. There’s a Hackathon, and an Ideathon, which I’ve never heard of. An Ideathon awards grants just for good ideas, not delivering final products. I’ve got ideas for days, so I made a concerted effort to do this right. One of the most difficult hurdles are pitch videos. Try talking in front of a camera for over 3 minutes without saying, “ummm”, or, “uhhhh”, or completely losing your train of thought. An incredibly frustrating how many takes I’ve gone through during this process, and I’m doing not one, not two, but three pitches.
During the last pitch, even during a great take, I accidentally lit my dried flowers on fire with the candles I’d set up for ambiance. I posted a video of this on Twitter and have gotten tons of comments about how calm I looked. I was a death match wrestler in my twenties so I tend to be unnaturally calm in the face of fire, glass, barbed-wire, mousetraps and the like. I was irritated because the fiasco ruined a good take, but overall, it was a funny moment that has gotten a lot of laughs from friends like @lovejoy and @customnature. All in all, I did finish all three pitch videos.
Another hill I had to climb was documentation and creating graphics to illustrate the process. Not at all me strongest suit, but by the end of this pursuit I did learn how to use LucidChart which is a net win for me regardless of how the Ideathon grants shake out. It was the kind of growth I love talking to @roadscape and @lovejoy about. Those moments that you know you’re still growing your brain. It’s addictive and I’ll be using this new skill to conceptualize future ideas, whether they’re for @mirrorpool, @neverwel, or just myself. Thanks for reading! My upload is finished. Time for bed!
Lucidchart is pretty awesome. I have been using Luicdpress over the years for various things. They have done a good job of building some really great cloud based tools. @steevc is pretty legit here. It took me a while to get him to notice me, but we have grown into pretty decent online friends over the years. He's about the only person I know who says he doesn't do Hive for the money and I actually believe him :)
I'm happy to provide some inspiration. We only get one go at life and not all get to do the things they want to.
Your little fire outbreak does make for a fun video. That's the sort of thing that can go viral.
I hope all your plans work out.
HAHA! That fire was funny, lol. Thanks again for the encouragement, @steevec.
Hahahha, omg even tho this isn't the most desirable moment nor place for open fire, you added some ambience.
You would probably see me runing around the table and screaming.
So keep calm and lit!
Keep grinding fam!
Thanks, @cowboyzlegend27!
As a fellow YouTuber, accidentally starting a fire while filming deserves a upvote in my book lol.
It's a dangerous game, @old-guy-photos!