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RE: What is Tauchain & Why It Could Be One of The Greatest Inventions of All Time (Part 1: Introduction)

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Seems like a cool idea. I get the basic jist of it. Still, i dont think its doable. What i think they will end up with is something very limited in scope.
Blockchain tech itself is very easy to understand and works on simple principles, this on the other hand seems extremely complex and convoluted.
I think they had an ambitious idea and they will deliver something, dont think it will be what you expect.
Hope im wrong but thats the case 99% of the time with ambitious projects like this.

A few more things..

  1. If you dont fully understand something, which you admit you dont, place your bets cautiosly.
  2. A smart and knowledgable man will trick you more easily then a fool.
  3. If its too good to be true, it most likely is.
  4. Claiming that you will reinvent the internet (and beyond that, "everything") is such a grandiouse statement that i would be sweating right now if i put money into this.

Id consider Kevin, if i was in your shoes if you werent just wooed by a smart and technically adept person that knows more about this then you?
Ive read a few things they claim they will be able to do and honestly it seems like fairy tales.


Hi thanks for your concern. Of course, I'd be a fool to say that I understand it completely since it's literally a new invention that is going to solve some of the biggest problems in life (and I've been looking for it for a long while now). If you have picked up the technical background(s) required for the subject matter, you can check it out yourself and make your own conclusions. My conclusion is "could be", although you seem to think that I'm saying "will be". It's even in the title.

I did all surface "research" i could. Reddit. Agoras, the promotion video, reviews, specific claim paralels to existing tech, the drama over the split... Etc.
Mainly because you teased this for a while now. Read the review of someone that claims and seems to be well versed in the field that has talked to the main dev.
And he was sceptical in a reasonable way.

Just saying be careful...
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence..
In this case evidence being use case at a larger scale then the demo they offer. I for one hold the opinion that human progress is only limited by our imagination, so as @dana-edwards says i believe it "is doable", but from the inception of the idea to the realization there is a long road and this really looks like something a team of the size of google or apple could probably develop. A small indie team regardless of their prowess might just be biting off more then they could chew.

I know it's doable because the technologies being used to create Tau for the most part have been done before. The only truly novel part is the TML part which I have never seen before but that is also the part which Ohad is working on right now. It means if he can just build that then the rest is easy in comparison because it is already known how to do the other stuff. Cyc already exists and so people know how to recreate that. RDF? It exists and people like Tim Burners-Lee are working on semantic projects like Solid so again the know-how is there. Logic based AI? It is actually older and more well known than the deep learning stuff. Program synthesis? This isn't new either and neither is formal verification.

So all of it is very doable if TML itself can be made. And the moment we have TML then in my opinion we are safe. Once there is TML and it works then the alpha will be doable and we can collaboratively build out Agoras and everything else.

Tau Tau:

You're right that the Tau Chain might not be entirely doable apart from centralization. One of the concerns would be whether or not it is blockchain enough, as in decentralized enough, and specifically in regards to excessive amounts of backdoors, remote access, overriding protocols, the ability to modify the code, the system, etc.

Backdoor Access

Well, technically, any amount of backdoor access is dangerous as it centralizes the system, the blockchain, etc. For example, Apple, Microsoft, etc, do backdoor things all of the time. I understand the principles. I only know some code. So, I'm no expert.

Bit Torrent

I like how Bitcoin works. I like how Steemit is working. I like IPFS, Bit Torrent, P2P, Ubuntu, etc. I'm not sure how I feel about Dlive because I've heard rumors that people have been banned off it. But I've not confirmed those reports.


But if they're true, that's too bad for Dlive. So, I'm not sure where Tau would land in that debate. Would Tau ban people like Twitter? YouTube banned at least four of my channels, meaning thousands of videos that goes back to 1996. I'm not happy about losing three decades of videos. I didn't lose everything but I lost dozens of hours of videos or more.

i dont think its doable

Same thing was said before a computer defeated Gary Kasparov.

I think they had an ambitious idea and they will deliver something, dont think it will be what you expect.

even if they deliver a fraction, it's worth looking forward to.

PS: you added few things.. will leave for the smart ones to answer :P

Sure. But youre making a leap from a computer beating someone at chess to someone claiming to basically reinvent modern society on all levels. From business to how we function as a society.
If there was a more far fetched statement to be made i cant think of it.

of course. i do not expect him to roll out Utopia. a project this big needs a working demo - which isnt out and is the reason essays on Tau remain uneasy in the eyes of many.

Even when he gets it right, i do not expect him to "basically reinvent modern society on all levels. From business to how we function as a society" all by himself.

Satoshi opened our eyes to blockchain, today, we have Ethereum built by a skinny disciple of his and i am replying you on a blockchain which plans to mirror Ethereum's ERC20-model come next year to tokenize the web and change social media as we know it.

The only thing i will say here is: Tauchain is worth looking into.

Everything is worth looking into if youre invested in crypto with your time and/or money.
Educating yourself on viable projects with potential and those without helps you contrast the two.
Ive listened to a few of the dev interviews and while the use cases he mentions are really straight forward and simple to understand, his ability to deliver i question greatly.

Totally understand. Before I met him I would have thought the same thing. Rarely do I meet people who are more knowledgeable in computer science than I am. So if anyone can implement it then he's one of the most qualified people in the crypto space.

And Ohad is not all by himself. When he has problems he seeks advice from others. If any of us has knowledge in an area where he doesn't then we give advice or offer assistance.

I don't think anyone can know the impact on society but it is known to be technically feasible if TML can be made to work. TML is what would make the rest of the project technically feasible.

Do you want a Chinese Social Credit Score?