πŸ•΅ Catching a Minnowsupport Abuser - Blockchain Sherlock Eats Copy Pasta for Breakfast

in #blockchainsherlock β€’ 8 years ago (edited)

Blockchain Sherlock Eats Copy Pasta for Breakfast!

How I accidentally found and eventually exposed a cheater abusing the @minnowsupport voting service for several hundred dollars a week.

Blockchain Sherlock Eats Copy Pasta For Breakfast
image source: movies.stackexchange.com - Does sherlock have an eating disorder?

This will be the story of how I stumbled over, and then unmasked, a kid who tried to game the system for quick profit.

But before we go there, let's talk a bit about copy-pasta on steemit and my personal motivation to spend a few hours investigating this situation.

Everybody's Here for the Money

Let's face it, everybody's here, at least in part, because of a monetary incentive.

But that's not a bad thing!

I believe the way monetary-value in steem is created is revolutionary. It changes a whole bunch of paradigms in the bigger picture and it is definitely one of the first really usable applications of a blockchain based economy - an economy of content and community interaction that creates it's own cryptocurrency as it grows.

This is something precious! And we, the community, must do our best to protect this growing Utopia.

There are many things that need to be addressed, and a lot of kinks that need to be ironed out, but this can grow into something wonderful and liberating for many many more of us.

But there are some who just come by to make a quick buck by any means possible. They will try to extract the value that has been created, they come to take but not to partake!

Posting copy-pasted articles or images without giving sources, it's called plagiarising, is just one of the ways unoriginal people will try to get rich here. When you see something like that happening, I believe it is a social duty to be vocal about it!

You can contact @steemcleaners over steemit.chat or discord if you see plagiarised content or spammers!

But what's coming next is about more than just plagiarised content.

Not Just Copy Pasta

I stumbled over a network of accounts posting copy pasta and circle-jerking each other.

Sock Puppet Masturbation Meme
image source: quickmeme

It really all started by accident. It's not like I am hanging over steemit trying to catch cheaters all day.

I was initially just trying this new "Votes Graph" tool provided by @steemreports. Unsurprisingly it showed @minnowsupport as a close connection of mine.

I use @minnowsupport & @randowhale (in that order!) for almost all my posts, I usually wait a few days, though, so my "organic" upvoters will get the benefit in curation rewards (and minnowsupport voters from rando)!

@bloodless & @brainer seemed to get unproportinally many votes from @minnowsupport.So, curious me, clicked on @minnowsupport next, and immediately noticed two accounts that stuck out:

I looked at their profiles and they just looked too similar, both pasting tons of very comparable copy-pasted memes and ecards. It started smelling really fishy and a look under their "recent replies" showed that they were getting their minnowsupport votes cast from countless different discord usernames to avoid the 1vote-every-12hrs constraint.

It was obvious someone was abusing @minnowsupport heavily, but they did not disguise themselves very well in doing so!

Looking into their wallets' transfers led me straight towards two "proper" accounts @aut0matic & @renepaolo (obviously the same person), from which the whole scheme seemed to originate.

In total I have mapped 20 steemit accounts and 87 discord accounts (so far) involved in this dodgy activity.

The paid rewards on these accounts in the last 7 days alone are 141.684 SP & 157.257 SBD - that does not include pending rewards nor rewards prior to this, and the operation had been running for about 3 weeks already!

Time to Set Things Right

And here's how things turned out.

Googly Batman
image source: taringa.net

Quite early after my initial discovery I tried to contact @aggroed to ask him how abuse is handled with @minnowbooster (yeah you read that right). This little mistake threw the whole thing on a tangent. I had mixed up booster and support and naturally @aggroed sent me to talk to @reggaemuffin. @reggaemuffin of course didn't see any abuse by these accounts... oh well...

A bit of an awkward detour, but something good comes from everything! There might be a nice surprise in one of the upcoming Googly Prizes. ;)

In the meantime I had also tried to contact @renepaolo, too, confronting him about his connection to @bloodless, but he evaded me.

So, after the initial confusion I finally contacted @aggroed again and alerted him to the details. He quickly took things into his hands and was able to bring the cheater to his senses and end this scheme. All the accounts I was able to connect him to, have stopped their devious activities two days ago. He was given a chance to post an apology before he would be publicly outed otherwise.

He did just issue that "public" apology, disappointingly though, it's posted under one of his obvious sockpuppet accounts, @hundreddays.

It contains a heart warming story of how he did this in order to pay for his grandpa's hospital bills. Hmm... I just don't know... it's hard to believe for me. Maybe the fact that the only sockpuppet account that has remained inactive is called @granpa lends this story some credibility, but posting the confession from another sockpuppet account and not revealing ALL his fake accounts leaves me with a foul taste in my mouth.

That is why I am sharing my side of the story now!

edit:uncovered"100 Days Left: I'm here to save for my burial expenses" - serious troll-balls that guy! fellow steemian @discordiant has that the apologizing account (@hunddreddays) was introduced with a fake sob story fishing for money!

a follow-up continuing to give vague excuses and not actually revealing ANYTHING! sigh- @hundreddays has posted
- I have just posted my final thoughts on the situation and a list off all his accounts involved in this scheme [here]

What do You think about Copy Pasta?

How would You have handled the situation?

Do you believe @hundreddays' confession?

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... it's free!
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steem-on and prosper

Stop posting copy pasta! Stick some #GooglyEyes on things and win SBD and delegate SP with original content in the #GooglyPrize?! [read more]

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Resteemed Honestly I think a scheme like this may have passed through many minds of us on steemit. When I was fresh to steemit i know I've had these thoughts but have since taken the moral high-ground deciding that being genuine and original shall pay off in the long run.

exactly... cheating a quick buck may be tempting... but you cannot build anything on that!

click here!This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @spbesner! For more information,

Look back at @hundreddays early posting and see his need for money due to his 'upcoming burial costs' as well.

Whoever is behind these accounts clearly operates under the impression that a sucker is born every minute.

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I didn't even bother looking to deep into the content... I was expecting to find nothing more than more stale copy pasta...

but now that you bring this up... hard to believe anything about his apology anymore!

edit: OMG! I just read it... he started that account with a ridiculous sob story already... and now publishes the apology with that same account... that's some proper big troll-balls!

He’s in a race against time with his grandpa I guess. Sad to see his apology post get upvoted.

I don’t know what to make of MSP. Users talk openly of gaming it in chat.

Yeah, minnows are like that. Especially minnows from places where the currency is depressed enough such that even 1 shitty upvote is still comparatively worth a lot of money to them. Part of the goal is to teach a different way. Teach how this place can work. As you've seen we have a lot of good stuff out there too: creating a steemit publishing house, adding a radio show, multiple curation bots that aren't just public spam cannon, formed a big community (had our first inside msp date the other night), got a fiction workshop, got some great contests, etc. But there's bad shit too. Working on an abuse/detective group. We can nuke bitches too, but you saw how that worked out.

Glad to know you're hanging in chat. We have 400 people in channel these days. I think we crossed teh 3500 unique user mark, though it is slowing down some. We have a fair number of smurfing mega whales that chill in there unnoticed.

Personally I think we net out as a pretty strong force for good, but I'm open to criticism and ways to be better. What would you change?

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I'm definitely just talking about the bot, and not MSP community.

And most of them got a MSP vote ( >6 days ago).When I look at @hundreddays postings, it's just meme spam.

It's hard to see that, even ignoring his most egregious behavior, and support auto-voted vs hand picked content.

I guess I would feel more comfortable supporting a version of MSP with more oversight and a higher bar of what is acceptable.

Well I think as we get bigger and there is more specialization that will come to be. It won't be perfect. Still gonna keep taking the general public. So, it'll take institutional memory, which is a longer process than two months. I'll seewhat I can do.

Good work! I was even convinced with his/her apology post. Going to read what you uncovered now.

Same here

Nothing new. This happens all the time. It will get less popular with some updates although I don't think that's in anyones interest now. On Steemit you can't be a scammer if you are using just your own account for everything, by definition. So it's not anyones fault they are getting upvoted without any reason. Enjoy while it lasts.

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I'm not sure I get what you are saying?

Are you saying it's best to just ignore such schemes and let it "pass by"?

Good work :)


And to think I was so taken when I was reading his(her?) story about the grandpa. Glad I scrolled down to comment on the post and saw yours instead. I don't know whether to feel sad for that person or feel annoyed. I hope there won't be anything like this in the future :| To scam a community even on an "apology"... smh

Him (I am pretty sure).

And yeah... so many people are still upvoting and rewarding this ridiculous apology post... nobody has time to read properly anymore I think?!

Omg, I'm sorry! I forgot to upvote your comment there to help keep it on top. I headed straight here to read your side. Hopefully, he doesn't scam anyone anymore. I'm feeling angry now. I read his fake intro post about stage 3 cancer. A close family friend got diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer feb this year. So effed up to play being sick and then invent a sick grandpa! Ugh!

despicable, I know...

thanks for your votes! even despite that top comment on his post he seems to still have people voting on his side... oh well, probably people just skim through, give a sympathy vote and move on.

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Crap, I'm so glad I had a chance to read the comments. Naturally skeptical on these types of posts (which in itself is a sad commentary) but I'm glad you posted this explanation. Did not want to engage in the original post. Keep up the good fight and the education of how we all can help stem this type of behavior.

Thanks for the support man! Feels weird to accuse someone... but it also feels good to do "the right thing".

I don't buy his sob story at all! I hope more people will see this post of yours and start ignoring this guy.

I hope so, too... his "personal" account @renepaolo tries to continue blogging as if nothing happened!

I saw his "consultancy" website and courseground.com which this account claims to own, I don't see how he couldn't have promoted those and blogged about what he knows if he was all for earning on this platform. He just needed to be greedy and obviously a compulsive liar.
Puts Filipino bloggers to shame.

yeah... his whole consultancy business and marketing expertise... so convinced about his own talent and then lowlife gaming the system...

but we shouldn't let his nationality affect our judgement here... could have been anyone anywhere with those personality traits.

I am a bit embarrassed to find out that he is a fellow filipino :(

oh come-on... don't be... scammers are everywhere!

I found this post to be a great and valuable contribution to our Steemit community!
One of the best I have read today. I REALLY do not like all the scams, plagiarism etc. If it were up to me we would flag them all into oblivion to send a message. If we did so this shit would stop because it wouldn't be worth it.
I just posted a new episode of ~(~Q2C2~)~ and featured your project in hopes to advertise it and bring in more support!
Keep up the great work!
You can check it out here here if you like.Hey @fraenk!

Wow! Thanks for the support! The story is still developing and he's been taking all the money out as of now. I will (sadly) have to follow up myself again to release a list of the fake accounts he had used... :/

No thats good!
I will support it and make sure many others do as well.

I have just released my final thoughts on the issue, including the list of accounts I could with certainty connect to his scheme.

Awesome I will add it to my next issue again!
Keep up the great work!

Thank you for this post. It was 97% perfect. The masturbation meme stole too much of the flow of the writing imho.

You're a good writer... and it is appreciated you brought this attention to this important issue. 100% upvote! :)

Thank you!! I am trying to get better... writing still feels hard to me though!

I really appreciate your constructive criticism! It's hard to get around here!

I think I know what you are saying... it did even interrupt myself when reading through... but I just found it too funny myself!

I should take that "kill your darlings" thing more seriously ;)

Thanks for dropping this by #steemit-scams. This is one area that I have not had time to delve into too deeply.

What am I saying? I don't have time to do much beyond surface research most days! I'm so far behind in linkdrop I think it will never end.

Seriously, Great Job! Posting meme's and avoiding tags like photography kept them in that grey area and out of the sights of @steemcleaners.

I flagged the apology post. I feel sorry for them if any of the financial problems are true, but how can you even believe them?

Yeah... part of me also still feels sorry for him... but he had several opportunities to really own up to what he's doing...

His apology post coming from one of the sockpuppets, and particularly that account which revealed that fishy introduction. That was the nail in the coffin for me...

Even if anything is true and he would be really struggeling... his behavior would still be an insult on top of what he has already done so far.

Smells fishy to me, perhaps return the funds that were gained wrongfully (probs wont happen tho).

yeap... I think so, too. He should return the gained funds to minnowsupport... should be a good few hundred SP worth!

It is good that EVERYTHING is on the Blockchain (therefore searchable) Cheats can be caught.

It would be of great benefit to the Steemit community if you reveal all the names you have discovered to be operated by this person.
upvote & resteem more people must see this.

I was actually hoping that he would be man enough to eventually come clean and do that reveal himself.

There are a few accounts on my list (not counting against the 20) that are possibly real people (e.g.: his girlfriend, if she's not imaginary, too).

I don't want to be the one publishing a blacklist here. I would have hoped @aggroed could convince him and he'd eventually give a proper excuse and account of how and what he did.

But he has since posted another followup to his initial "apology". Again, no proof, no screenshots, more silly excuses and an even weirder plot.

I have just released my final thoughts on the issue, including the list of accounts I could with certainty connect to his scheme.

I'm new and not doing any of the paid boosts or chatting. I can't tell you which ones I have looked at, but I've looked at a few of the tags where people pay to boost. What I see in those tags is is content that is generally lacking. I don't feel like those people will ever improve if they are artificially boosted.

Then the non-boosted stuff is awesome but makes no money. Not good for the content creators.

One day the boosted person will be 50 rep and still posting 30 words and a commons pic for a post. Who wants that? No one. Who would vote for that if they were not on a team? No one. So I think these bots encourage mediocrity.

I'm a content creator and I can't stand the copy paste trend. I have no idea how to handle it here since I'm new and not in the enforcement biz. But I say - nip it in the bud where ever it is seen.

One of the several reasons I joined steemit was because I am an internet researcher. In the last months before I got here, I had been sent to steemit posts by search engines. The steemit links were becoming more frequent and I was noticing that. I was very impressed with the content each time I came. That says a lot for the platform. I see a lot of garbage in my daily searching so I noticed.

I think keeping the quality high (and helping people to raise low quality as it is found) is key to the success here. The Alexa and Moz rankings got me here and the less garbage - the better.

I'm glad this worked out - what a scheme! Someone needs to corral that guy and turn him to the side of good since he obviously has the technical chops. But with the grandpa and all - I don't know :)

I would be a grandma if my 25 year old son would cooperate. How can I turn that into money? Hmm...

It's amazing how people can figure out ways to scheme and scam any system. It puts me off a lot of voting programs. It seems like every one is another way for some people to figure out how to work the system. That's a lot of SBD and SP they got over the last 7 days! I hope it gets straightened out! The only way there's a chance for it to stop, is when folks discover the problem and let everyone know!

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

yes! It's a community effort to keep the community healthy!

I stumbled upon a true plagiarism artist yesterday, spamming people with the same 'good post^^' comment and posting a new ripped meme or photo with not added text every 5 minutes or so. Sad thing is she even got rewarded with big upvotes for some of them. Now I dont want to get bitter on anyone for trying to make some money but if its done in this way I feel robbed of those valuable upvotes that me and many more others put in a lot of time and effort to try and get some of it. Now I know where I can report this behavior...thanks for that!

Also about the minnowsupport abuse, might that be why minnowsupport upvotes have dropped immensely in worth the past week from 1,50 to about 0,10 you think?

first off, I know exactly how you feel seeing such things... that's what it does to me, too!

about the minnowsupport dropping in value... I am not sure... maybe voting power drained a bit due to excessive usage... maybe it's just the dropping value of steem... maybe there's really a bunch more accounts doing the same... ?!? I don't know, but I'll keep this under close observation for a while!

The amount of bots and spammers are insane...maybe there should be a bot that detects if someone posts the same comment over and over again

yeah... i am puzzled why that doesnt exist yet?! I mean, there are bots tracking how often you use the #introduceyourself tag... it cannot be that hard!

Yes it couldnt be impossible. I mean we have Cheetah already finding similar content. A bot could keep a a small database to categorize comments based on amount of used characters. That way spammed comments will stand out and if it detects a certain amount being used more than usual in a certain periode of time it could easily see if those amounts are tied to 1 account and detect spam. If I knew more about programming I would do it myself but unfortunately I dont...

@fraenk I am completely on your side. So many people on here, myself included rely on @minnowsupport to try and bring visibility to our content. If people are abusing it then it shows a complete lack of respect for what @minnowsupport is trying to achieve and for the rest of the community.

I would like to believe the sob story that @hundreddays is spouting but his lack of full disclosure makes me think that he was just here to game the system, earn a quick buck and he was probably just sorry that he got caught.

Props to you for noticing the cheating. I wonder how long it could have gone on for if you hadn't stumbled across it?

thanks for your support! It could have gone on forever I guess?! Somebody had to notice it eventually, though!

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, chelsea20, minnowsupport, by naquoya from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

lol. This chick is so troll.

Sharing for the followers to see and not get taken in with e beggars! Thank You for digging into this @fraenk!

I felt compelled to do this, and actually it was quite fun digging up all the details!

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jul 21. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $13.19 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jul 21 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.


Wow! I'm sadly not surprised that this type of thing happens. I THINK I accidentally came across someone creating a bunch of fake accounts (I think I counted 17) and up voting their "real" account. I am not 100% sure that this is what I stumbled upon and I am not feeling confident in calling out this person publicly or privately...So I just let it go.... :( But, it really irks me that people game the system.

don't just let it go... I'd try to reach out to them and at least see how they react when being told about any suspicions one might have!

It's the community that creates the ethical framework by their actions... just letting things slip by, imho, is not healthy for the bigger picture.

But I know how it feels... I also hesitated contacting anyone... putting myself in the spotlight as the accuser and all that... I really had to make sure I can back all my claims up should anything appear questionable about my findings.

I totally hear you about how it's the community that creates the ethical framework...If you want, perhaps you would email me and we could chat more in-depth about this? [email protected]

sure thing, i'd prefer discord or steemit.chat tbh, though.

You can find me as @fraenk on both.

Well, this chap's behaviour certainly has everyone all a twitter (pun totally intended!) And it would seem the general consensus is (and quite reasonably so) don't plagiarise and don't cheat! He should have just played fair... Or as we say here in Australia 'give them a fair go'! Even if you're a bloody smart ass...

Now if you do all that (and it seems we (Steemit as a community did)). We gave him a fair go and it seems he told a whopper! So if we 'give them a fair go' and they're still not doin' the right thing, there's only one thing to do...

You take em' for a bit of a drive out to the middle of the Nullabour and leave em' there to find they're own way to either Sydney or Perth, depending on which way they happen to be pointing when you shove em' outta the back of the ute...

Then let the universe, sweltering heat, limited water and Australia's beautiful and exceptionally friendly indigenous wildlife assist them in deep and meaningful contemplation of the errors of their ways!

Also, it's a fair bastard trying to get an internet connection once you leave the suburbs... just saying its a thought.

hahaha... well... I think his identity does need to seek exile from steemit now that everything is out, and he even messed up his chance to rectify the situation to some extend... but he may as well just come back and disguise this a bit better with new pseudonyms and continue on...

we'll have to stay on our toes and keep watching out for smart little fools like this.

Good work and research, @fraenk. I haven't got an eye for this kind of scheme (yet), but I've seen a bit of odd reactions to your posts, and I know your BS-radar is working perfectly. Good call, I'd say!

thanks man!

The beauty of Steemit community is that it works against copy pasta. I hate copy pasta and I think you have done a commendable job!

thank you!

Oh my, I feel ashamed that my fellow Filipino countryman has made this kind of act. A late mayor named Arsenio Lacson here in the Philippines once said to a young councilor who became a popular senator named Ernesto Maceda said: "So young, so corrupt."

I am so sorry for what this person did to the Steemit community. I am astounded by his vile actions. Thank you for posting , this is an eye-opener for everyone here.

I think because there are so many genuine people on Steemit and relatively few trolls as opposed to other social media sites, we let our guard down. I met someone like that here a few months ago....

I am sure, there are and will be many more who try to game the system... we'll have to stay a bit vigilant about it!

click here!This post received a 3.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @fraenk! For more information,

I believe I read the story on his apology earlier this evening. Quite the racket he had. It was a good read and I appreciated the lessons that were learned from this. Some times God uses bad things for great results. We learned of forgiveness, kindness, right and wrong. And we learned where the weaknesses are on this platform. Thank you for adding to this story so all can know.

I mainly revealed that story because he himself didn't reveal the full truth, neither all his fake accounts, nor the total sum of misappropriated rewards match my findings!

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I am so tired of copy pasta. There's an account on here that just posts lists of quotes (just fine) and unattributed contemporary artwork (not cool) and is making around $20-$50 a post. Dude doesnt even power it into SP, he sends it to bitrex. To make matters worse he runs a FB account with over 100k followers using similar stolen artwork, and he runs a business on Etsy selling DVD's of scanned public domain occult books and stolen audiobooks. It makes me hopping mad!

Anytime you see an issue, you can take action immediately. Within Steemit.chat, go to the #steemclears-linkdrop channel. You can say, briefly, what the issue is. But other than that, no discussion, just drop the link there. Here are their rules, taken from the pinned information on that channel:

#steemcleaners-linkdrop Rules

This is for abuse links and supporting links!
Do not post more than 3 links reporting the same person. (unless they have high payouts)

No links to personal disputes or content you disagree with Action taken is at the discretion of @steemcleaners

It's a constructive action that we can all take, right when we see an issue. You can get rewards for doing this, too. But the bigger reward is maintaining the value of Steemit and the time and money you have put into it.

Hope that helps.

Yup, I'd done just that. And joined the steemcleaners discord for good measure. Thanks!

have you reported it to @steemcleaners?

I have. I'm awaiting a reply.

I've never received a reply... I've only found a random reward in my wallet a week later, not really knowing for what exactly :P

You don't need to do copy/past, you can make you on article from reading a lot of the press articles every day and tell to all people what you think and your opinion about the thinks that write in new or article from where you inspire.

yeap... and nothing speaks against "sharing" stuff... but it should at least come with some added value!

I love how people scam the system. I'm not a great writer, hell I'm not even decent, but everything I post is mine.

that's the spirit!

Ok, I don't agree with what this guy did at all but, I mean, fair play to the chap. That's some serious scheming, you've got to at least give him credit for that, haha.

But yeah, fuck that noise. Cheaters and abusers need to be called out, so good work on finding this guy when you did, he might have carried on forever if you hadn't stumbled upon his little scheme.

yep, it was really just a random hit... and if he would have executed it a bit smarter... i would have never uncovered the extends of it!

I am sure there are many of such schemes being executed. Have you seen the delegate SP hack posted by @twinner yesterday... so many more ways to game the system!

No, I hadn't seen that. Damn, if only I was both smart and devious enough to be able to pull off some sort of profitable scam, haha.

karma would get you... honest rewards have a higher value :P

Well done. Dont hold your breath for it to be made right...

I guess there isn't much that could be 'made right" here... at least it has stopped (in this individual case)

You are a true Steemlock! (Steemit Sherlock :P ) I do use minnowsupport too and didn't know something like that was possible. But I guess if someone has the will, he will find a way.
Well done you! :D

thanks :)

Those who cheat will be found out sooner or later. If you copy and paste, you are taking rewards away from those who put in the hard work to come up with quality content.

yeap! exactly!

Fraenk please vote i desperately need a googlyeye transplant done :) , honestly people should stop voting blindly and minnow support really should start using curators there is so much garbage ( copyright violations ) being upvoted that no one will actually try to be creative any more just submit a blank piece of toilet paper and minnowsupport will vote, that is also why i removed my delegated sp from them , and why i stopped the steemvoter , i refuse to vote and support scammers.

you have an argument there!

I think in the light of such things, the whole bot-voting mechanism and voting trails could be questioned... but hey... lets not go there :P

Did he really make over $300K?? That's so much lost from the minnow pool.

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

noooo... these three decimals in steem get really confusing and I used european punctuation (fixed now)! it's roughly 150 SP and 150 SBD he made in that one week I tracked (the operation was running for 3, though)

Upvoted & RESTEEMED :]

much appreciated!

Kicking out fake people and appreciating real talents and creation is must. I appreciate your step.

Thanks for your support!

This is unfortunate, especially for those of us who put time and effort into our content creation. :/

Great stuff. Followed you for your investigative success.

This behavior doesn't shock me, but it's sad to see it anyway. I'm still new and 'gaming the system' still sounds like a complicated mess. This particular scenario sounds like it is/was quite the time sink. You would think actually getting the supposed part time job would be a better use of their time...

if he has some very basic scripting skills, he will have likely automated the whole thing... it's really just a few repetitive steps in the browser...

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Can you automatically flag any post from those accounts? And nice job tracking it down. I like the @steemcleaners name.

you could... and accounts like @cheetah are used for such purposes... if deemed neccessary... I think we should always try to communicate first though and not just start flagging everything.

Congratulations your keen eye is protecting us minnows I am following you now well done my friend.

nice post brother!

thank you bro!

Waw this an eye opener.

Hhhhmmm, copy- pasta indeed

there are #GooglyEyes!!

🎡 dede dede dede dede Googly-Man 🎢

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Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Meet @muhmmadjamshed,

he visits a post complaining about plagiarism and spam...

...and decides to spam.

Thanks... but no, thanks!