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RE: 🕵 Catching a Minnowsupport Abuser - Blockchain Sherlock Eats Copy Pasta for Breakfast

in #blockchainsherlock8 years ago

don't just let it go... I'd try to reach out to them and at least see how they react when being told about any suspicions one might have!

It's the community that creates the ethical framework by their actions... just letting things slip by, imho, is not healthy for the bigger picture.

But I know how it feels... I also hesitated contacting anyone... putting myself in the spotlight as the accuser and all that... I really had to make sure I can back all my claims up should anything appear questionable about my findings.


I totally hear you about how it's the community that creates the ethical framework...If you want, perhaps you would email me and we could chat more in-depth about this? [email protected]

sure thing, i'd prefer discord or tbh, though.

You can find me as @fraenk on both.