Several months ago BlockTrades made a strategic decision to switch from the existing implementation of our web site in Angular 1.0 to using the more modern Angular 2.0 libraries. Unfortunately, due to major changes to Angular’s architecture in 2.0 versus 1.0, this meant we had to completely re-write the existing Javascript implementation of our web pages. However, we felt this was an important change for our long term growth, as it will allow us to add new features more quickly and gives us more opportunties to create a very responsive, high performance web site even on slower mobile connections.
We are happy to announce that our new site is finally available for production usage, so please visit us at and try it out! We’ve tried to keep the look-and-feel as close as possible to the old site, except where we felt that we could make minor changes that would improve user experience. In particular, we’ve tried to make changes that will prevent the most common forms of user error such as not knowing what information to provide for a receive address when purchasing Steem or not knowing the minimum amount that is required to pay the fixed-price bitcoin transaciton fee when buying bitcoin. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we plan to continue to make slight revisions to the site based on user feedback, so please let us know what you think about the new site.
Here’s a list of some of the new features:
- Switcher button to swap the direction of a trade. For example, if you first visit the site and it’s offering to send you Steem for Bitcoin, you can press the switch button to get Bitcoin for your Steem.
- More mobile friendly (for example, at smaller sizes our menu switches to a “hamburger button” that is suitable for selecting menu items via finger presses).
- Displays minimum fixed-price fees that must be be paid when sending a coin in the information area after pressing the “Get a new Deposit Address” button.
- Tabular display of transaction data in sortable format
- Improved ability to change passwords
- Ability to change account to a new email address
Now that the new web site is finally released, we also plan to introduce some exciting new product offerings in the near future, so stayed tuned for more updates soon!
Edit: After some questions in comments about Angular 4 vs Angular 2, I've confirmed with our web guys that we're actually running Angular 4 at this point.
As far as I can tell, this does not work for iOS. On both my iPhone and my iPad, the only exchange option is Bitcoin to Steem.
We've deployed a fix for this issue (and also similar issue on Edge/IE).
Thank you! Just tested it on my iPhone, looks good.
Hmm, that's quite surprising and very good to know. One of our designers has an iphone, I'll have him test it tomorrow (I'm an android guy, myself).
Specifically, Safari browser, iOS 10.3.3
We've confirmed the issue and I've upvoted you appropriately, thanks for reporting this.
Steem clearly is the best social platform for customer relationship.
This is one perfect example!
Hi guys,
I'm not able to open the website on my Iphone. Works well on Mac though.
I'm with IOS 10.3.3 (I don't want to upgrade for lag issues on the new release)
Thank you for your wonderful product
yes beg respect for me
Nice comment
yes i agree
yes beg respect for You
Nice work - that switcher button is especially handy, I've found myself looking for that option before :)
It was requested by someone on another post, although I can't recall who off the top of my head, but it's someone i "know" as a fellow Steemian. If they post here to remind me, I'll probably send them another upvote :-) Anyways, glad to hear from another user that they find it useful!
I instantly got worried in case of you had made any changes on the UI, but luckily it looks really similar to the old one.
One of the greatest fears with sites like this is making changes which will cause old users to accidentally do wrong things when acting on their old habits.
New site well done, congratulations on the good work!
Yes, we wanted to avoid senseless change. It drives me a little crazy how Microsoft feels compelled to redesign their UI every time they release a new version of windows.
That is something I have felt since windows 2000. I cant believe how many UI changes we have had to endure, and not just the OS. Even product UI changes that they think are novel upgrades. When In all realness serve no purpose but to say they "upgraded" the product. As a developer I know this struggle, not on your level, but to some degree at least! (btw blocktrades is amazing!)
Thank you for being sensible. This is a much better eay, though when UI will stay similar some wom't even notice the update.
Sometimes developers might want to overhaul the UI so people will notice it is new!
Sometimes the best updates are the ones users will not notice.
Yes, for this release we were mainly focused on providing more info to our users in the interface to reduce the chance for errors. I expect we will continue to tune the site over the next week to make sure we meet this goal as much as possible. Then we should be ready for more "exciting" features.
Happy to hear you are focusing on improving the service :)
Nothing is ever perfect, but it doesn't mean things can't be improved constantly. Happy to use your services!
follwo me
WOW Im excited tocheck your site out! I’m a newbie to crypto world, 3 months in and loving everything about it! This my first post opened on Steemit and I can’t believe all the comments then at bottom said low rated comments hidden 😂I’m excited to learn even more on this platform I thought I should comment on first post I liked good luck with new site and I’ll give it a look see & try
welcome to Steemit, it's a cool place
New site looks great, congratulations on this great work!
Am glad it looks like previous UI. Just to make sure users got get lost..😘
follow me back and i will upvot all your postx and u also do the same..thnkx
votes for votes
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I will do same for you
Just checked interface. It looks very cool and promising. Thank you @blocktrades and accept my congratulations
Excellent, the site is loading quickly for me here in England. I'll look to use this when I exchange the Steem I've been saving up for the last few weeks. :)
Btw, I would really appreciate if you would take a couple of minutes to read through my witness application - I'm investing a lot of energy into improving steem/steemit presently and would really appreciate your vote here. Tim Cliff and Ausbitbank are behind me, one more from you would really help my ability to code exciting projects for Steemit :)
My witness application is here. Cheers!
Thanks for letting us know about the new look. Have a great time
You're cool.
Nice look
nice :)
Minimum fees sounds good...
It's great to see BlockTrades improving it's user experience. Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the update. Will Bitcoin cash be added soon, @blocktrades? :)
...the shadow knows...
Thanks for reply. Looking forward to it.
please upvote and follow me. and i will be follow you. plz follow each others.
follow me back and i will upvot all your postx and u also do the same..thnkx
I am going to use your service soon as my primary exchange as I see you are very active in this community. And a witness too!@blocktrades
Cheers and thank you for an update.
Thanks, I hope you find it easy to use and profitable as well.
I will found out soon :)
I'm curious to know about the person who owns @blocktrades
Here's an interview I did a while back with some details about my crypto background:
oh the owner of steemit and blocktrades is the same person
I used blocktrades a few times. Any chance the fees are lower with the new updates? shapeshift, changelly, or bittrex :)) That b awesome
Spanish version of this BlockTrades publication / Versión en español de esta publicación
Good to know. AngularJS to Angular is a rewrite. Did you also consider React(anyways you had to rewrite/refactor code) ? Framework decisions are made on lot of metrics. Just wanted to know whether you people had checked about React as well ?
Yes, we gave serious consideration to using React. Actually, we took it much further than that and implemented a fully functional version of the site in React (but we never released it publicly). Ultimately we decided that Angular 2 was better for our long term plans.
Looks great, feels great, behaves perfectly responsive on mobile, well done!
please upvote and follow me. and i will be follow you. plz follow each others.
I just Followed and upvoted. Do the same.
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resteem this post and follow, upvote me to reach more people to this post. This post is helpful for new steemit member. Thanks.
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one sure step for project
hopefully people are happy with it.
please upvote and follow me. and i will be follow you. plz follow each others.
Android works great. Great update and have no issue.
Not sure if you'll see this but great work @blocktrades. Love the minimal, easy to use style of your service. Have never had reason for concern so congrats!
Awesome! Great new features, I will definitely be checking the new site out soon! Its cool to have you guys as an exchange and be an active user on the site. Definitely appreciate the service you offer.
please upvote and follow me. and i will be follow you. plz follow each others.
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resteem this post and follow, upvote me to reach more people to this post. This post is helpful for new steemit member. Thanks.
Now I am all curious about the product offerings!
WOKEM Ethereum price prediction $1000 in 6 months, $4000-$6000 in 2 years!
Stake your spare bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin at bitpetite and make 4.5% interest DAILY that you can withdrawal each HOUR!!!!
Ask permission for translate to my language Indonesian
sure, feel free to translate it
Thank you for allowing. This is the link:
Hope you like it!
Would you allow me to translate this update into Spanish?
I would like to do itGreetings @blocktrades, thanks for this information!
Sure, feel free to do so
The translation of this publication has already been published!
Perfect @blocktrades ! soon it will be published :)
Does blocktrades accept suggestions for new coins or have a process for applying to be traded on the platform? I have a couple staking coins I like, and it'd be awesome if they were on blocktrades. : )
We'll be setting up a formal procedure in the next few months, right now we have to be extremely careful about what coins we add due to regulations.
thanks for the up date
up-voted & resteemed
Thanks for your services. You are the fastest and the best.
Yay! Thanks @blocktrades for your support of the Steemit platform and making it so easy to trade.
Hello @blocktrades
Nice development i must say,and we are all expecting the new ones,watching the space.
very interesting...I need to look into Angular 2 myself.. Just no
Your post is good to see ... might be useful for viewers @blocktrades do not forget to diupvote and follow @azhariari
It has long been necessary
beg respect for me in you
Congratulations this great work.
Thank for keeping blocktrades up and running, it is really useful to get instant exchanges.
As far as I can tell, this does not work for iOS. On both my iPhone and my iPad, the only exchange option is Bitcoin to Steem.
yes, it should be fixed soon
web site is fixed for safari now, btw
That's very good platform. I easily transferred some of my LTC into Steem and transaction speed is really fast.
follow me and upvotes !
Hell u have made a lovely Info thanks for sharing us .
follow me back and i will upvot all your postx and u also do the same..thnkx
Scrolling down the comments to get some more info and all I read is people asking for follows and upvote.
What is the point? Write some decent content and help others out rather than wasting space on here with rubbish.
Sorry. Rant over!!
Have a nice day.
Nice .