Want to improve your posts?

in #blog7 years ago

Have you ever wondered why your posts don’t do so well? Or why some websites do better than others?

Two of the most important things:

Short and sweet:

  • First: How are your titles? How do they grab people’s attention? How dynamic are they? Is the wording `catchy’ and witty? Is it a bold statement? Can you follow up on that?
  • Second: What is your sub title like? Your sub title is also an attention getter. Do you repeat your title again? People are searching it to see what your post is really all about. If you reap yourself here, you have lost people’s interest straight away. And they move on without even checking what could possibly be in your blog. 

Provide an image: 

People love images. It has an emotional appeal. And when people’s senses and emotions are involved, they catch the vision of what you’re promoting. 

Okay, now that people have clicked on your post (url): 

How do you keep them reading on? 

Provide an introduction. This is another attention getter, but somewhat different. You provide a reason for them to continue reading.

  • Get to the point. What is your motive or objective? What statement do you supply that gives a purpose for them to read further? Does it possibly answer peoples’ request? What does it suggest? 
  • Sometimes you can put a contents list of subtitles to each fact or paragraph presented below. Other times it isn’t necessary. It all depends on the subject or how you want to introduce the subject. 

Link facts: 

We know what we want to say, but other people aren’t in your groove yet. They can’t read your mind or what your motive is. So link your facts logically. Draw them in. Take them step by step towards your objective’s punchline. This helps to get your point across. 

When you are familiar with your own niche or career’s jargon, other people aren’t. The technical stuff could `go clean over their heads’. Drawing them in is a learning curve to them. What you are trying to put across? Is it put in such a way that everyone can understand and appreciate your analogy or proposal? 

Wherever possible, put humour into the `mix’. Add a story or experience people can relate to. If they can relate to it, they will understand what you are referring to. Now you `have them eating out of your hand’. 

That is the main body of your content, but have you got to the point of what you really trying to say?  

At last the conclusion: 

You have to give them a final clarification. You can’t drag them through all that reading and not provide a decent solution!

  • What is so important, that had to be said? 
  • What benefit will they get from your objective or title’s statement? 
  • Does it answer their problem or fulfill their request? Was it helpful?
  • Was it motivating? Could they got home and do something about it? 

Sometimes you can add a PS or last word: 

  • A dynamic statement or punchline that confirms your point. 
  • Does it give them a last, but happy chuckle? 
  • Something they will always remember with fondness and appreciation. 

Hope this has helped you!


Really Amazing stuff and beautifully written by you...
Thank you for sharing and have a good day :)

Thanks for vote. I think a post should provide decent content, so I put my all into it.

This post received a 1.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @raja! For more information, click here!

I love this post it is a true reflection of what happens to most of us steemians and aome of us feels like going around in circles. I didnt notice untill just now that i might have had some of tge greatest post but title and sub titles were not different that much. You just open up a door to a flood of effectiveness in creating articles

I am getting ready to start a series of blogposts very soon so this was very helpful - thank you. 'Was it motivating? Could they got home and do something about it?' that part is what I want to inspire in my future blogposts!

i tried hard to use a appealing title, but i dont have much follower. I can't share my post to many people, thats the problem;(

Things don't just happen all at once. Keep writing awesome titles and content, and in time things start to happen. When you love doing something, others start to feel and enjoy our enthusiasm too.

Considering that this post made $300+ in 42 minutes, I think you can trust that @artguru knows what he is talking about!

Hi. I am a women! But thanks for your comment. It made me smile.

Quality content

Awesome! I was just looking for templates for how to write a post, thank you :D TIP: You guys heard about power words? I get a higher CTR (click-through rate) with power words, especially when I use them in headlines and buttons. (https://sumo.com/stories/power-words)

That link you have there, talks about emotional impact. You Know how long I've been trying to tell people about the emotional factor! I think perhaps people think I'm a little overboard on that theory. So its nice to see someone else has also pick up on it too. People don't look at the practical side of what a thing can do. The object must appeal to their senses and emotions to clinch the deal.

What is an example of a great grabbing title?
Thank you for your help.

Here are some great title examples: "Man Clicks Title and Wins $1MM Cash," "Secret Chocolate Cake Recipe Cures Cancer," or "Top Five Ways to Read Top Five Articles."

I legit lol'ed at your title ideas!

Gosh so many ways to write dynamic titles. I will be away for about a week. So I will list quite a few title examples for you on another post then. In the meantime I have prepared an in between blog on blogging I can get off while travelling.

Very good basic logic and points to improve blogs. Thanks

Thanks. I know how hard it is to create a good informative blog. So I like to help others.

Thank you for helping. You are very kind and thoughtful!

Great tips, I need it! Thanks.

So glad I could be of help. Most of my blogs on Steemit are about writing great posts. I learnt a lot from running my own artists website: www.adafagan.co.za Artists websites are the hardest to make popular.

Thanks for sharing precious knowledge.

If you follow me often you will pick up a lot more tips. So it will be a pleasure to help you.

Nice Post.

Thank you a lot for sharing, i'm new on steemit and that is typically what i like to read to start and learn more about steemit.

thank you for helping the novices ! Nice of you :)

The only reason I understand what makes a good blog, is that I too started out new. First with a WordPress website. But I must say I'm still learning how Steemit it works.

I study in in graphic design and visual communication, so every imformation of this type is good to take for me :D ^^

Great article thank you

@artguru Wow, really nice and insightful. I try my best and normally work quite hard on my posts. I have been messaging some people to check out my posts (NOT FOR UPVOTES) simply to give me some feedback of what I am doing right or wrong. No one gets back to me though.

I you would be so kind to check out these 3 posts. PLEASE. I don't want upvotes or resteems. I just want honest opinions and feedback.




Well I read the first one and laughed so much, I nearly cried. It was fun to read what you wrote and hear of your experiences as a new Steemit blogger. Really, it has been like that for most of us. But the blog was a bit long, you could have broken it up into more than one post, so we could have a great time reading your blogs on a regular basis.

Thank you so much for checking it out. Means a lot. Really appreciate it. Yes that was a long personal one that I wanted to do after my 1st month here.

The other 2? Any advice ideas? They aren't as long and are more guides for the new people on here.

Once again thank you so much for taking your time to check them out.

I'm new here and in writing field,I don't have good command on my writing yet.but i'm sure i will be good writer and thanks for this points that I have to keep in my mind when I'm writing articles.

We all have to start somewhere. And I must say my English teacher would turn in her grave if she had to read how I wrote blogs!

Good basic info but it goes a long way.

Thanks so much for the tips!! Really appreciate it :)

Your first few tips are very important I think... easy to underestimate how much influence your title + subtitle + picture have on the overall performance of a post.

I know there are many times when I'll upvote something just based on that, even if I don't have time to click on it.

Yeah. I feel the same way. So that is why I wrote about it. I would vote a lot more if I saw titles that really grabbed me.

helpful. Thanks

The best title you can give ''Fastest way to earn money on steemit! Click below to find out how''

Thanks for the insight!

Now I've got to start following you. This made a lot of sense. Thank you for sharing.

Very helpful. I'm a newbie and need all the help I can get. Will follow you

Amazing article indeed, I will definitely implement these ideas into my posts thank you :). Unfortunately as new user lately I have been getting a feeling that if post is going to be popular and seen is not determined by the post itself but mostly by the person who wrote it.

you are right . really impressive post.

Sound advices indeed ☺️👍 I will be following that to see if it works for me 😊👍

Good post, Thanks for sharing
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Unfortunately this only works once you get enough reputation or are lucky. I think my titles are catchy enough, don't think I'm a master at it, but I think about them. Would be nice if I got lucky a few times. I mean, it wouldn't even be statistically that unlikely seeing how many posts I've made.

It takes time to catch on to how to write great impressive titles. I know it has been for me. But after a while it becomes fun, working with tongue in cheek! he he.

I like how your points were well structured. I will save this article for reference!

Thank you for all the tips.

Fantastic nuts and bolt post ! Artguru looks like a nice lady who'll make a pie and feed you when you're hungry. Plus, it turns out she knows about copy-writing as well :)

Wow. Sad to say, I'm not good at baking cakes, they flop! I don't know about the copy-writing either. I just love doing my thing and sharing with others.

Hello @artguru I am a blogger myself and have achieved many goals of mine yet I struggle getting visibility here on Steemit.
This is my recent article on how to create a perfect blog post. https://steemit.com/blog/@budgetmarketing/the-recipe-for-the-perfect-blog-post
I believe it could bring a lot of value to people yet its reach is almost null.
Could I hear your personal opinion?

I took a look. Yes you have great stuff there.
I found most posts on Steemit are very short, in spite of our leaders asking us to put more meat into our posts!
On the other hand its not wise to have too long posts, either. People can't hold their attention for too long. So the layout design of the content is important, to make it easier to skim through the volume of words.

Thank you for your time and effort in providing such helpful tips!!

As a new steemit user, these are the kind of posts i am finding valuable at the moment.

I do find it hard to even think about what to post tho. I am more relying to contribute, but im not sure if thats really what steem supposed to be about.

I do struggle with the questions in the conclusion tho, I think its me though.

What is so important, that had to be said?

This is where usually think i dont have anything so important.

What benefit will they get from your objective or title’s statement?

depends on the post but thinking about this makes me think that the post isnt good enough as there should be more of a benefit.

Was it motivating? Could they got home and do something about it?

I dont think it helps that my writing skills leave a lot to be desired.

Either way, I still love steemit and the idea behind it, so i will keep trying and learning, It will work out in the end.

I appreciate your post!

I'm glad you really thought about what was said. Sometimes reading between the lines, you come out with more than others do. I love to get people thinking . Yes, its important that people reading your posts benefit in some way. Knowing you always have something special, they will come back for more.

Thank you! Great advice!

Thank you for sharing such a well thought out tip sheet. I've noticed a lot of these principles in the posts of others. The organization of thoughts is crucial, too. Posting needs to be well thought out. Many post just to post and fade away. The bullets and breaking up the text helps keep me reading. Huge blocks of small text are a turn off. Paragraphs and good grammar mean a lot. I hope to be able to engage a reader with meaningful content and leave them glad that they opened my post. Time is our greatest commodity and your post is well worth mine. Resteemed.

Great post! This is really helpful. Thank you.


This post is really important. Good work

Every time I read post like this one I wish there was a way to bookmark it within the platform...@artguru Thx!

I bookmark mine on Google menu >> You can also take note of the author's @name, and go there often to see what else they write about.

Super helpful @artguru :)
I have a blog which I am trying to lift off. It intertwines photography, videography and writing. I'd love it if you checked it out :)

I checked on both links. Your Steemit blog had a follow up link . Looking at your wordPress site I got the impression it was all about where you have been. People not only want to be entertained by adventures, they want to get something out of it for themselves as well. The secret (besides titles & subtitle) is also catchy statements (humour), humbling experiences ( funny things that can happen on your travel) and benefits (sharing demos, helpful info tips). Not necessary in that order.

How do you get people to see the posts in the first place?

Your titles and subtitles must contain dynamic impact and trending keywords, and then follow up on what you are promoting in your content.