Check out my office! A peek inside my life šŸ’–

in #blog ā€¢ 7 years ago (edited)

I'm not gonna lie. Between Steemit being f.ckd, my internet connection so weak I haven't been able to tether my laptop for days and a mild case of sooking over a pinched thumb. It's been a struggle to get on here, let alone plan Promote Steemit Day 2017.

But it's been a few days since my last blog, with my discord habit limited, I'm feeling very isolated and figured I'd give you guys a tour of my home office.

My office is where all my crystals, paints, canvases, oracle cards, books, printer, grinders - basically all my arts and crafts and psychic stuff lives here.

I like to keep the curtains to the sides so the crystals are charged all the time. I remember years ago when I first started my spiritual journey I would gather all the crystals in the house every Full Moon and put them outside.Ā 

It took hours to get them out and then in again and then there was the worry that it will rain while they're outside.

Not all crystals like water.

These last few years I've been blessed to have spots where the sunlight and moonlight shines inside the house, so I've been keeping my crystals there.

Here's a closer look.

Over on the top left you'll see my specimens tray and directly under that are some of the crystals I use for my orgonites - Lemurian Amethyst with phantoms, Blue Kyanite sticks, Clear Quartz Points, smaller bits of Apatite, Sapphire, Rubies and so many more.

In the middle is my latest Manifestation grid. I've been wanting to share the grid with you guys for ages but it hasn't finished the job yet so I'll just show from afar for now and tell you it's the strongest grid I've ever made. Loaded up with Rutilated Quartz, Baltic Amber, 5 Rhodizite chargers and 6 pieces of Moldavite... This grid means business.Ā 

I'm pleased to report phase one of this grids purpose is complete. We did sell our land at a good price.

Phase two is getting our dream house. Still waiting on that house to come on the market.

Moving on šŸ˜‰

Here's one of my favourite paintings by the amazing Lisa Pollock.

"Dream for it is you who creates your world."

I actually live those words. I dream all the time andmy biggest dreams seem to always come true šŸŒŸ especially lately.

Lately it's been make a wish and wait, and next thing you know boom! I don't ask questions, I just say thank you. šŸ˜

Just like any energy worker I have my assortment of tools and books.

The books I use often. The pendulums not for a while and the oracle cards....

The last person I gave a reading to was Hubby and it was actually the first time I've ever given him a reading so he was quite surprised at how accurate it was especially seeing that I used 2 decks and they corresponded with each other.

This is precisely why I like to do 2 decks plus readings. 1 deck you can pass off as flights of fancy or coincidence. 2 decks you start wondering what are the odds and your mind is boggled. 3 decks is usually the "STFU!!!" point cos really 3 decks saying the same thing? Are you still going to sit there and be a non believer? Even if you did, it'd still boggle the mind lol

And of course there's more crystals.

Some are for orgonite and some are beads from when I was into making jewellery.

Something that's been calling out to me lately. Maybe I can write a tutorial on how I do it šŸ˜Š

Well that's about it. I hope you enjoyed the quick tour. See you next time!

ā¤ Arly

Photos taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3

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Wow! incredible collection! Castin spells with crystals. Your manifestation grid just manifested a unicorn in my kitchen. Thanks!

No freakin way!!! That is awesome! šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–

That's one of the most well-organised spaces I've seen. So tidy!!

Hehe thanks @bmj I try šŸ˜‰

That's quite an area you have carved out for yourself, looks like a great space.

Cheers Phil! Its ok, the last office was much nicer šŸ˜Š better mountain view bigger space. Im gonna need more space for all my silver šŸ˜€

WOW thats a cool setup and impressive collection of Crystals

My Wife used to do angel card readings and I and the few friends I saw her do readings for were really impressed with them, since she has been Ill she hasnt done anything with the cards for a while sadly

Thanks @tattoodjay ā¤

I'm sorry to hear about your wife hun. Sending her heaps of love and light. I get the feeling she might pick them up again soon. šŸ’–

Yes I always am hopeful she starts feeling better and getting back into some of the things she loved

Woaahh! I love your space and I think your things especially those that you use on your crafts are very organized. šŸ˜šŸ˜ Same goes for me. Steemit is really acting up these past few days. Errors are everywhere sigh

Hey @enjieneer ā¤ā¤ Thank you!!

Hehe yeh I try to keep everything tidy and so theres not much to do when we move. šŸ˜‰

Yeh steemit has been a pain lately. I hope youre having a better time with it than me!

Im crossing my fingers hoping this comment shows up..

OMG! =D I need something like that in my office, right now it's pretty boring, oh not pretty, very boring! haha

Thank you for sharing this with us, am glad to see you this.

Btw, How's your daughter? Am really sorry to know about this, I hope she is doing better now. Pls, tell her I said hello.

I will wait for the toturial! Pls send me a link, you can just attach it to your comment if you visit my page, no rush though ^_- I am more patient now LOL

I miss you, momi Arlene! I have a good one always!

Love much, <3

Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)Ā 

Haha where have you been @purepinay!!?!?!! I've wondered where you disappeared to, I missed you too! Its good to see you back!

And thank you darling, that is so kind of you to ask about my daughter. She's doing ok ā¤ I will tell her you said Hi.

Ohh honey. Your office only needs you in it to bring it some life. Youre so bright and vibrant you bring colour with you ā¤

We need to catch up! Big loves to you Gil xox

Are you going to the Year Ender party in Manila?

Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)Ā 

Wow, I've never seen a crystal collection this big. :o You got me curious about the manifestation grid, perhaps you can create a post about it ; the what why how where when of it? Being a Piscean, I'm interested in the mystical side of things.

And you know how to do readings, with two decks too! I just stick to one deck and one system, I study a method of prediction that involves combining astrology, numerology and cards...perhaps I can offer it as a steemgig since it's en vogue at this time of the year. :]

Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)Ā 

I will once phase two of the grid is complete ;)

I usually channel when I make grids and then step back and look at it once it's done.

This one ended up with two energy centers which was perfect because what I needed was an involved process. Lol

Hahaha yeh me too. Though really numerology, astrology, astronomy and oracle cards - when youve been around long enough - you know it all comes hand in hand with each other.

To be able to see how all the spiritual modalities interact with each other is seeing the fabric of life, existence and the universe.

Sounds complicated but its not.

Know the numbers, know astrology, know the alignments and when, and once you know, you have a general prediction of the energies at play.

Know the person youre dealing with and you can further predict the details.

šŸ˜Š Great footer. Do you want a proper one like everyone else?

I'll look forward to the grid post and thank you for the advice & words of wisdom!
And sure I'm open getting a new footer. Do I have to send SBD? I don't have much though.

Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)Ā 

Ohhh hell nah!!! Keep your sbd sweetie custom footers is part of @steemph family perks. Were all over here

Head over to #footer-request and we'll make you one ā¤

Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)Ā 

That's actually where I got my footer! It's by @deveerei, I like it! :D

Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)Ā 

Sorry I posted my reply twice, Steemit was having errors when I posted.

What?!! He didn't do the same font for your name?!! @deveerei šŸ˜¢

Yeh steemit sucks lately.

He did actually, it's just that when I arranged the files in my lappy the original footer accidentally got deleted so I took a generic footer and edited my name on it :P It's all good.

Organized! I like that room. I'm not an expert on crystals but if what I'm seeing.. a powerful way with citrine.

Thank you! Ahh you spotted the big chunks of citrine šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Yes. Definitely need a citrine in any grid that requires abundance šŸ’›

Curating steemph
My support,


Thank you so much. I really appreciate it @albertvhons ā¤

Yay! What a workspace! So neat. šŸ˜

I wonder when it would be that I'd be able to work from the comfort of my own home... šŸ˜Š

I hope soon honey! Nothing quite like working from home. I've been doing it since 2013 and although the money isnt the best, I like the freedom it gives me.

True. There's nothing like being free to work in your own terms. I wanted to shift to a job that'd give me more freedom especially with working hours given the ages of my kids. But right now I'm tied to an 8-5 job. Grateful for the job, but yeah I'm praying for more flexibility too. ā˜šŸ˜Š

I'll pray with you šŸ™šŸ™ It'd be great to be able to have that time to spend with your kids especially at those ages ā¤

Thanks Arly. Kids just grow up so fast. One minute they're tiny, dependent little beings next thing you know they want to do things on their own already. šŸ˜Æ

Hi and thanks for the beautiful post, keep up the good work, I expect really like the three Witnesses, in readings and life , Just one thought on manifestation,
Miss Tree is very powerful, sometimes a little stick will do the trick.. just a hint and a blessing for you, I practice the wiseart @yzart , sending love and blessings

I love that. I never thought about a simple stick, but can so see how that would work. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me šŸ™ Love & Blessings

As someone who knows nothing of crystals what do you mean by "This grid means business"?

Ooo stick with me and youll learn more about crystals ā¤

It means business because every crystal I picked not only work well together, but they are all aimed towards manifesting dreams into reality and amplifying that intent.

The little cream-ish crystals are rhodizite, they increase power of will and manifestation and they also increase the abilities of the other crystals.

This needs its own post.... lol

We miss you! Well, I do. Can't speak for everyone but am glad to see you're still here. What exactly are Oracle cards? They similar to Tarot?

Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)Ā 

Tarot is a lot more structured @enginewitty. Oracle cards are more "free form" much like the runic system. Oracle cards (like the casting of rune stones) will generally give you the "bigger picture" but the tarot is known for more precise detail. However - all of this is dependent on the person reading the cards/stones or the like - and when it comes to the tarot, the readers interpretation of the cards is pivotal. Personally, the casting of rune stones has and always will be my favourite! They are exceptionally accurate, insightful and fun. :)

"cards" have never really appealed to me in comparison to the runic stones. You know, choose your stone shapes to suit the various glyph shapes (which takes some time if you have seen the symbols), then personally carve your shapes into the stones.

That process, makes them your "own" to me anyway.

Cards....pfffffft..... keep them!

Never tried em, have to hunt some down and give it a go. Sounds interesting.

Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)Ā 

hunt some down?! you live by a river! lol (river stones)

Well kick ass, I thought they had to have runes etched or some special warding or something. Don't know much about them

yeah they do... but like on my ones, I did that myself.(The engraving that is)

Thank you @jaynie!!

Yes exactly what she said.

I've got tarot cards but I prefer oracle cards for the variety. I do want to try a new method of using both an oracle deck and tarot cards to do a reading.

Runes tho.... I have always been curious. My supplier has crystal runes and Ive always wanted to try them out. After what you said I just might try it out ā¤

That is quite the collection you have there Arly.

We've missed you in discord, although it's been a lot quieter than normal lately so you haven't missed much. I think with steemit down people remember there's real life! šŸ˜

Hehe thanks choo! Yeh the amount of technical difficulties has been a turn off lately so been spending lots of time offline. Movie marathons.... that sort of thing lol

This is really interesting mate. i understood very little of it, but i liked it nonetheless.

Would be interested to read more about WHY you put the different bits and pieces in your creations, I like to open my mind to different ideas.

Cheers Gohba! Yeh Ill write about the grid once we buy our house lol Im looking at my notes now and remember how all the crystals tied in together and the placements also matter because it directs the flow of energy.

This post has received a 0.78 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Ooh darling I love looking at all of this. Your collection is so amazing! No wonder you can spend hours just wanting to look at them. You make jewelry too? So cool. How is it possible for me to love you even more? I don't know but I love this stuff. I have never heard of oracle cards but will have to get my own reading one day. You definitely open my eyes to new things.

Awww I loves you @topkpop ā¤ā¤ā¤

Haha I organised the crystals in alphabetical order yesterday šŸ˜œ I do need crystal times to curb my raging. Can u imagine if I didnt have them šŸ˜

You should go get yourself a deck.

Theres so many different decks to choose from and I'm sure there will be one that calls out to you. I reckon you might find it interesting ā¤ā¤

Ohhh and I may be able to help you out with that reading lol. I need to practice though. Im very rusty šŸ˜Š