Wow, I've never seen a crystal collection this big. :o You got me curious about the manifestation grid, perhaps you can create a post about it ; the what why how where when of it? Being a Piscean, I'm interested in the mystical side of things.
And you know how to do readings, with two decks too! I just stick to one deck and one system, I study a method of prediction that involves combining astrology, numerology and cards...perhaps I can offer it as a steemgig since it's en vogue at this time of the year. :]
I will once phase two of the grid is complete ;)
I usually channel when I make grids and then step back and look at it once it's done.
This one ended up with two energy centers which was perfect because what I needed was an involved process. Lol
Hahaha yeh me too. Though really numerology, astrology, astronomy and oracle cards - when youve been around long enough - you know it all comes hand in hand with each other.
To be able to see how all the spiritual modalities interact with each other is seeing the fabric of life, existence and the universe.
Sounds complicated but its not.
Know the numbers, know astrology, know the alignments and when, and once you know, you have a general prediction of the energies at play.
Know the person youre dealing with and you can further predict the details.
๐ Great footer. Do you want a proper one like everyone else?
I'll look forward to the grid post and thank you for the advice & words of wisdom!
And sure I'm open getting a new footer. Do I have to send SBD? I don't have much though.
Ohhh hell nah!!! Keep your sbd sweetie custom footers is part of @steemph family perks. Were all over here
Head over to #footer-request and we'll make you one โค
That's actually where I got my footer! It's by @deveerei, I like it! :D
Sorry I posted my reply twice, Steemit was having errors when I posted.
What?!! He didn't do the same font for your name?!! @deveerei ๐ข
Yeh steemit sucks lately.
He did actually, it's just that when I arranged the files in my lappy the original footer accidentally got deleted so I took a generic footer and edited my name on it :P It's all good.