My Extra-Terrestrial Contact Experience

in #blog8 years ago


I feel It's okay to share more of what I went through and how I became the person I am today

First of all, I would like to share that everyone can experience this but the degree to which you do depends on your own expansion of consciousness.

I always was a normal kid except for the fact I asked my mom a lot about spirits and ghosts, and I actually formed a chronic fear of them for a very long time, and this fear expanded into being afraid to die during the night, so during sleep.

So from the age of 8-13, I struggled greatly to have a good night rest and had to cry myself to sleep most of the time.

My mom helped me overcome this fear and she did a really good job.

But then as I was older around 2009-2010 I experienced something very life changing
I watched the movie "White Noise 2" well better said my mom did, but I was in the living room looking at it and if you are not aware, the movie is 'terrifying horror thriller' and I really don't like those kinds of movies, but you know as a child you peek behind the pillow even though you are scared... yeah well that's what I was doing.

And that night I had to go to bed and the words "Tria Mera" were stuck in my head, so I went to bed chanting it without me wanting it, constantly 'Tria mera', tria mera, tria mera...

And that night I fell asleep and something happened.
I woke up in the middle of the night sitting up straight in my bed, and I realized I was awake and when I tried to move my body I realized a glowing hand came out of my body and then I tried my left hand and another glowing oceanic blue hand came out of it.

And then i realized I could leave my body and I did, I noticed a white ball of light floating next to my bed, the walls were vibrating in a spectrum of colors, mostly reddish, I noticed that I could sense the entire universe and its energy that would be called unconditional love, and at that moment when I felt that love, my astral body began absorbing universal knowledge.

After the information entered into my consciousness I said out loud, "I never wanna go back into my body" and as a result of saying that; you guessed it I got pulled back into my body and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning I remembered everything and I even rushed out of bed and told me mom "Mom I left my body last night it was amazing!"

She looked at me as if I was crazy but I had to tell someone, then when I had this experience I began to search online for other people who had experienced the same as me, and so I connected to like minded individuals, and groups and started talking about a lot of spiritual concepts.

And people started approaching me telling me that what I experienced was an out of body experience.
And that this is common to those that start their spiritual journey in life or when the time is right for it to start.

And I realized many of them also spoke about the fact that they had contact with aliens and extra-terrestrial beings.

(And this I would like to clarify aliens and extra-terrestrial are not the same, Aliens are beings that are totally different than what we know to be, so something with 8 legs 2 heads 4 arms is alien to us. Extra-terrestrials are more like the humanoid form of beings or that which closely resembles us, humans, just to clear that up)

So I asked many of these people that had experiences with such beings on how to invoke or connect to these beings.
Most often than not the result was to ask for it and meditate on it.

I never really meditated before back then, so I decided to give it a try and hold the intention of wanting to meet my 'Galactic Family' I did this for about 2 weeks and I meditated around 20 min a day holding that intention, and after 2 weeks nothing had happened, no sign of life, or contact.

So much so that I began to get mad and angry, and in my anger, i said: "fuck this i don't care anymore, it doesn't matter anymore".

And that same night it happened.
What exactly happened or how it happened i do not know, but my best guess is to me, that I was forced out of my body. And when I realized I was out of my body I noticed energy coming from the outside, so i flew through my window and noticed that a flying saucer was floating next to my house in another dimension, and I flew towards it and realized there were no doors or openings at all.

And then I heard a voice telling me "Walk through"
So I touched the craft and the solidness instantly turned into a clay like substance through which I could go on the side of the craft.

Once I entered the craft I noticed 4-5 Tall humanoid beings which looked very similar to the beings of the movie Knowing, so who ever made that movie knows about these beings, (no pun intended)

one of the beings reached out his hand to me and guided me on the craft, but I left go of its hand and noticed the ship flying off at incredible speed and I was shocked! because inside the ship there was no acceleration noticeable at all. So i knew I entered into a highly advanced species craft, and I noticed that the craft itself on the inside could morph in size, so that means the outside might be the size of a Flying Saucer lets say 50m in diameter but the inside could morph and twist space to make it as big as a mother ship.

This most of all was such a mindfuck I just couldn't understand at the time.

After I noticed we were flying through space the same being placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke to me tel-empathically and this was the conversation we had:

Extra-terrestrial Being: "Do you know why you are here Kevin?"

Me: "Because I asked you to come to me?"

Extra-terrestrial Being: "Very good, we recognized an energy spike and realized you were ready to meet us, we apologize that it took us in your counting 2 weeks but we function differently than your race in terms of time. We were aware of your call but we had to observe what was going on with you and prepare for the establishment of our communication.

Me: "So whats gonna happen now?"

Extra-terrestrial Being; "We are here to help you and check up on your progress ever since you departed from our civilization, and came to Earth instead, so we came across the fact that you are highly sensitive to energies and don't really know how to control them. Therefore we will adjust your DNA codings so that your energy body will be able to withstand a lot of these energies and in turn, you will not be affected by them in the sense that it would disrupt your day to day life.

Me: "Wait! are you saying I was once like you? and what are you because I can only see your bodies engulfed with light"

Extra-terrestrial Being: "You were once a respected member of our civilized world, we have since then grown further in consciousness and become what could be called a civilization that resides in the non-physical realms, you cannot perceive our appearance at this time because we are residing in a higher state of consciousness than you at this time, everything that shows to you as a light form even your sun, is but a planet in a higher dimensional existence.

Me: "Wow! so in what kind of a dimension do you live?"

Extra-terrestrial Being; We are in a 7th Density awareness at this time this would translate in your world to the 8th Dimension.

Extra-terrestrial Being; Kevin we will now commence your genetic adjustment, would you like to see what I look like?

Me: "Will this hurt?? Okay, yeah please show yourself"

Extra-terrestrial Being; We could never hurt you, you are family to us, we will put you into a sleeping state you won't feel a thing. Okay, this is what I look like I'm gonna impart you with higher dimensional energies now as I touch your forehead you will fall asleep instantly while seeing my face.

Me: "Wow you are Beatifu... (sleeping)

(After this surgery as I call it I woke up and realized that she was a female and she was sitting next to me upon me waking up.
The following conversation took place.)

Me "Hello beautiful! How long did I sleep?"

Extra-terrestrial Being: Goodmorning Kevin, You slept for 6 month's

Me: "6 MONTH'S !!!!!!!!"

Extra-terrestrial Being: There nothing to worry about Kevin we will bring you back to the exact moment we picked you up.

Me "Oh .. okay"

Extra-terrestrial Being: We had to observe your body for 6 months because the genetic changes imprint them self after that period of time, 6 months in our spacial time is around 2 weeks in yours.

Me "Since you know so much about time can I ask you about something?"

Extra-terrestrial Being: "We already know what you wanna ask, about your life, the future, the planet, will you ever see us again, If I impart this information to you than I must clean this part of your memory until you yourself are ready to recall it, you will remember us but not what was said, would you still like to know?"

Me: "Yes please!"

Extra-terrestrial Being: Very well, Your world is now crossing a barrier where other species are allowed to interact with their respective family, closer than ever with regards to discovering life outside of your world, and very soon your world will be involved in the introduction to life beyond your own world.

There is much turbulence coming still, and many events that will shake people to their core, your governments will fall, the old will collapse and the new will begin to form, you will see confusion in others but let that be a sign, because where there is darkness there must be the equivalent amount of light.

You, Kevin will grow and awaken abilities far beyond your expectations, you will help those that deserve your kindness and heart, you will grow at your own pace, but you will fear your power and hesitate to grow any further for a duration of time.
You will not seek the connections that are within you, but the connections that are without, you will struggle and feel lonely if you do so.

You will meet us again when dawn nears and you are clear, you will find us in the past memory and that will form a bridge for us to meet in the times that are to come.

Your world is on the brink of great changes and this is why you came here, you are a beacon of light that changes and alters the very energies just by being on earth.

Many of those you know will be in shock when the world knows they are not alone, comfort them in times of need.

We ask of you to enjoy life and let the past be.

Me: "Wow! So you are saying Open Contact will soon be made? WHEN? can you tell me, please?

Extra-terrestrial Being: "We do not give dates but your time of 2025 holds this momentum strongly. This will conclude our meeting, for now Kevin, we will bring you back home."

Me: "Can I please stay longer?!"

Extra-terrestrial Being: We understand that you have grown a love for us, and rather be with us than on earth, but you must go back, and live your life as if this never happened.

Me: "(Crying my eyes out)"

(She then gave me a hug and flew me in her arms to my room and placed me into my body again)

Once I was back into my body I woke up instantly and came up looking at the window and from the window even though the blinds were closed a flash of white light flashed before me, and I fell asleep instantly.

The next morning I woke up remembering I had contact with beings but it was really vague and clouded.
After a few weeks I began to recall more of them, and more and more started to come back.

After 4 years I began to recall parts of what was said during the contact experience and formulated the conversation as you read above.

Although I believe I haven't recalled it all It's more than I could ask for :)
After this experience, I had a real internal struggle going on, I couldn't even function well in my day to day life, all I could think about were them the ship, their energy, the love.

And many times I reflected back on why me!?
Sometimes I even wished it didn't happen because there was this emptiness in my heart as if I felt abandoned on earth.
I started blaming them for my unhappiness, I became selfish, no respect.

It wasn't after many years that I began to discover abilities that they spoke about, like tel-empathy, conscious mind traveling, reading energies from typed words, and much more.

I learned to forget the past as they said and live my life, I helped others in the process by being more of their true self, and that is where the power is located, being yourself.

Will I ever meet them again?
I sure hope I do, but even if I don't it was a fun experience that I will treasure, and nobody can take that away from me :)


Thank you @carlobelgado :)


Wow! this is possibly the most interesting story ive read so far on steemit. Thank you!

Its great that you can recall your memories clearly enough to be able to share them with us. Ive been speaking with a friend about spheres of consciousness recently so its interesting you mention there were in the 7th dimension (possibly alternate name for sphere?) Il get back to you on that!

Well spheres of consciousness could be the form of non-physical beings traveling into our dimension they usually look like a spheres, a ball of light. because that is the only form we can perceive. they weren't in the 7th dimension they were in the 7th density state of awareness which means they are 8th dimensional life forms.

Just like we are 3th density beings (4 dimensions)

So they basically are no longer physical or quasi physical they are fully evolved spirits and are part of a civilization of spirits. how that works out I don't know. all i rly cared about was the experience when I was onboard the craft,
And the connection is so strong that when i saw them i knew them eventhough they had no names, i just knew them.

During one of my driving instructions and learning to drive during the night i have witnessed orange spheres flying over the car. this was 4-5 years ago. my instructor wasn't interested when he saw it but i knew it wasn't earthly :)

what your friend may be talking about is the Sphere being alliances, they are to my understand working together with other groups of beings that will bring about the events i spoke about around 2025
But my family the beings i had contact with are not invested in the earthly matters they are an ancient humanoid race and they merely look at whats going on here but won't invest themself in it.

What i have learned however is that i decided to leave and come here in order to help the earth and others on it, but to also genetically receive a unique universal strand of dna that once activated i can take back to my 'home world' theirs basically, and share this genetic with them as in a way to evolve further beyond what they are now.

And to give you an idea what she looked like when i saw her face she had a smooth skin no imperfections or spots, she had a slight blue skin tone, large eyes, like in the movie avatar with a yellowish orange tint in the eyes that glowed, and all i could think about when seeing her face was she is gorgeous!

like that kind of beauty is unheard of it makes even the most attractive earthly woman ugly in comparison.

So i hope that everyone someday during his or her life gets the chance to meet such beings.

Excellent post and really interesting read. Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

Im glad you enjoyed reading about my experience :) in these times people are more open and aware compared to 10 years ago so it's nice to being able to share this openly ^^

Wow that is some story. Hard to believe and not hard to believe at the same time. I would like to know that I know, if you know what I mean. I believe we will make contact at some point. There is just too much space and universe out there to not be filled with life.

Even i had trouble believing that this happened to me, but it did, and as i said it changed my life. First of all leaving my body basically meant my fear to die was completely gone. it absolutely vanished.
and ever since then i embrace it.

And oh yes there is lots of life out there, if you have a high-quality telescope you can see craft fly across the earth at night almost all the time. and when i say craft i'm talking about triangular ship moving way to fast to be a plane or military.

My mom and i actually have been contacted by lion beings female in nature no idea why but i remember standing outside and my mom was standing next to me and the ship flew above us and flew away.

I remember that but i don't remember anything of the encounter and my mom doesn't remember anything at all. so these kinds of things will begin to come up on people's dreams and minds that they suddenly remember they had contact before.

in the next few years this is going to increase, because many actually already have had contact with beings without knowing it!

Wow! What a story! Hopefully there will be more of the story to tell.

Well I sure hope so, would love to meet them again soon, my feeling says 2018 could be another moment where I see them. but I can only hope! but once I do rest assured I will share it all. (if i remember of course) but i personally think if i were to meet them for a 2nd time they wouldn't remove my memory don't know why but thats the feeling i have.

ever verify that your genetics have been changed?

It cannot be verified no, even doctors would not be able to see the difference, what I have noticed is an increase in metabolism and absolutely being able to eat whatever I want without gaining any weight ever.
I'm also less sick ever since it happened.

But I understand some people would wanna see proof, before even being able to belief that i went through such an experience, but I just can't, there is no evidence or proof possible to be shown, if I was able to share memories you would see it but we are not yet to such a development unfortunately.

But this post is not to make someone believe, I just share it because i feel comfortable sharing it on a platform that probably has people that experienced something similar.

thank you for asking @uvas but sadly i cannot verify it and neither can current medical doctors.

If this story you're telling is real, then I can say you experienced what some other people concider as "normal". I don't experienced anyhting like that but I do have small things in life which remind me that living on the earth is some kind of school or punishment, hence I sometimes even doubt if we are not living in hell . Remote viewers confirm almost the same story around this kind of "E-T" meets. We are on earth to learn something, we'll never know what exactly but listen very carefully to all small signs. Some people concider them as signs from god, some from the spiritual world or some simply are not emotionally adult enough to see/feel this signs.

I hope it will guide you in life and give you a guideline on the way to the next dimension!

Well to me now it is normal you know you are right :)

But let me stop you right there.. I don't like being on earth because well its dense... but its not a punishment its actually are very interesting concept.

Earth is like a hard school the university if you will. and by being in this dark dense reality; you know what you don't want because you experience it, so you instantly know what you do want by contrast, and your consciousness evolves and expands as a result of that realization.

On other worlds where there is no darkness and only unity what takes them 1000 years to evolve into, for us may only take around 10 years. So Earth is a place of Total Compression of Darkness into Light, Fear into Love.

And because we have held on for so long unto the dark, when we finally let go we will fly that much further into the light. Thats the basic idea.

So when ET life is known on our world obviously its gonna be a shock and things will go very fast and technology will move even faster.

Right now i'm interested in whats going on with USA and China and all of that stuff. because if they start a nuclear war im 100% sure that thise weapons will be deactivated by beings who are paying attention.

And well this is something I have learned and that is if a global nuclear war were to take place these beings would decloak their craft and say enough is enough it ends here. And the reason why they would do that, is because nuclear energy penetrates and affects other dimensional life forms which is no longer allowed.

Thank you for your response my friend :)

I like your thinking about the upcoming war. Not to be evil or anything but I think the worlds needs it in order to find more humanitairy balance. The hate between races is at his top nowadays, only people are doing it in a more socially accepted manner and some are hiding under the flag of "politics". We had/have several racist politicians which do this very clever.

The task of humanity is to find balance on earth. We are looking for another planet to live while we cannot even maintain our own. Im not the enviromentally type of guy. Im somewhere in between the mainstream and these kind of thoughts.

Roumors go that the inhabitants of our inner earth where awakened by the test on Nova Zembla with the Russian Tsar Bomba. They warned all spiritually awaked that they will take action if we continue developing nuclear based products (energy/bombs). Hopefully North Korea will give that last blow in order to wake and shook all things up so we can work on getting to the next dimension.

the inhabitants of inner earth actually fear us humans they actually don't really wanna interact with us. of course some do but most don't. because they feel if they start to come into the picture all that chaos comes to them as well and they don't want that.

But natural disasters and politcal dogma will continue in the coming years to really shake people awake yes!

click here!This post received a 4.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @beyondthecrypto! For more information,

Hello dear @beyondthecrypto, it feels wonderful to read the experience you have had with the energies around or in another dimension. I am a seeker and initiated by an enlightened master. My master can converse with energies and can understand their motive and signals. Her enlightenment experience is somewhat similar but has happened with the most powerful 'GOD'; I felt the sudden drive to open 'Steemit' and scroll down when I zeroed on your article, it is again God's indication to help you out in your findings. Can you please contact me, if you find it suitable.Thank you.

Nice one to say the least. Keep that mind and eye open.