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RE: My Extra-Terrestrial Contact Experience

in #blog8 years ago

Even i had trouble believing that this happened to me, but it did, and as i said it changed my life. First of all leaving my body basically meant my fear to die was completely gone. it absolutely vanished.
and ever since then i embrace it.

And oh yes there is lots of life out there, if you have a high-quality telescope you can see craft fly across the earth at night almost all the time. and when i say craft i'm talking about triangular ship moving way to fast to be a plane or military.

My mom and i actually have been contacted by lion beings female in nature no idea why but i remember standing outside and my mom was standing next to me and the ship flew above us and flew away.

I remember that but i don't remember anything of the encounter and my mom doesn't remember anything at all. so these kinds of things will begin to come up on people's dreams and minds that they suddenly remember they had contact before.

in the next few years this is going to increase, because many actually already have had contact with beings without knowing it!