photos are all from google images. The issue is not one of an INDIVIDUAL'S Choice to choose what they do to their body or how they present themselves to the public- or the INDIVIDUAL'S right to Privacy. The Issue- is I am posing Some serious Questions That Our Society Needs to Ask- we are now being told by the Media- & mainstream establishment- that to Question Transgender is a Form Of Intolerance. Is it? We are told that a Child as young as 12 yr or 7 years or 4 years- HAS THE RIGHT & MENTAL CAPACITY to choose to be TRANSGENDER! Really- because a 4 year old can't cross the street by themselves. Try leaving a 7 tear old at home alone. Or let that 7 year go to a park or walk home from school- alone. You'll get reported to DCFC for Child Neglect. So why should we be raising a 7 year olf as TRANSGENDER? a 14 year old is not old enough to Vote in Political elections, live on their own, check into a hotel room or buy a plane ticket- drink alcohol. If a 14 year old has sex with a 40 year old MOST AMERICANS still consider that wrong & that the 14 year old is NOT MENTALLY MATURE enough to make al those decisions. SO IS A 14 YEAR OLD Mental Mature ENOUGH to Make the Decision to GO ON HORMONE BLOCKERS & Start the surgical process to transform their bodies into the opposite sex?
How is it my business? We now have TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS in JUST ABOUT EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL IN AMERICA- yet we are told that transgenders represent less than 1% of the population?
If in fact a large number of supposed media SEX SYMBOLS- are ion fact XY Chromosome MEN- then WHY ARE THEY CHOSEN by the media to Represent FEMININITY & The Ideal WOMEN?
If in fact a large number of SUPPOSED Trail-Blazing Feminists were actually born XY Chromosome MEN- what does that really say about the Feminist movement.
There are many more Serious Questions this "Mainstreaming Of TRANSGENDER" poses.
Anyone who fails to recognize that is blind. Here you are accusing me of being obsessive & hateful- for simply ASKING QUESTION- about what is really going on.
Perhaps you should ask yourself if you've drunken to KoolAide- At Rev Jim Jones Mass Suicide- or if you need to be RED PILLED.
How is it my Business you ask- well I did not pick some person - just trying to live their in America. I picked as an EXAMPLE- a PUBLIC PERSONA. Rachel Maddow- has CHOSEN HERSELF- to put her face on the TV NEWS every Night & TO LECTURE ALL AMERICANS - What we the public should be Thinking about- WHat we the public should do- etc - etc - etc. Rachael Maddow is PUT on TV AS a NEWSCASTER- By The Mainstream Media - To SHAPE & MOLD The Minds & Opinions Of The Entire American Public- Therefore it is Perfectly Legitimate- to ask the questions about WHO IS RACHEL REALLY- WHO IS SHE?
Anyone who is not only too blind to see this- and thinks that merely asking QUESTIONS is a form of Hatred - is beyond Hopeless.
Goodluck with your TRANSITION. May you find all the all the happiness in life you're looking for.