After that Transgender post- a little while back- I keep finding myself going back & back & back again to this issue.
The Shit- Elites- The Shitomy Illuminati-
They are pushing for TRANSGENDER AGENDA. Why if we don't want to let a 4 year old little boy wear makeup & cut off his dick- WE'RE Insensitive Bigots!
The elites don't do anything OUT in The Open- that they have not done behind closed doors for years.
So if the Mainstream Media & The Elites are trying to Push this TRANGENDER AGENDA on us-and have us ACCEPT OUR KIDS go on- HORMONE BLOCKERS at Puberty- thereby the kids never go through natural puberty- then put them on Transgender Hormone Therapy.
So if they are now pushing this openly on our society & actually turning the tables & saying those of us who even question this- let alone oppose this- are THE ENEMY.
Then how INSANE is it- for us to go back & seriously consider that a NUMBER of High Profile Celebrities, Hollywood Movie Stars, ETC are in fact TRANSGENDER. That we probably have had Transgender Male to Female MODELS & MOVIE STARS & SINGERS- pushed on us for DECADES???? It's been going on all this time - right in front of us & we never even knew it?
It's past midnight now, I'm tiered & want to go to bed- Plus I'm not a REAL WRITER- I'm just some shit talker making some shit posts....
So although - I've been going over various High Profile Celebrities- a number of which I USED TO THINK WERE QUITE STRIKINGLY GOOD LOOKING WOMEN- I'm not going to mention any of them now.
I'm just posing this question-
What if Rachel Maddow is not a DYKE- but a DUDE?
Aside from the obvious notation that most of this is illogical nonsense you are missing credits or sourcing for some of the photos you are using, that can be seen as plagiarism. But more to the point, who cares if she is Transgender? How is that your business? Why do you find it acceptable to obsess over trans people then say your not interested? You obviously are interested and there's nothing wrong with that either but the hate is troubling, and should be a bit of a flag for you.
true this:
Can you explain to me...when you are rested exactly what is this "The Transgender Agenda" that you are so worried about?