Do you think insurance company will offer coverage for C19 after this? LOL. In insurance industry, it work the other way round. The higher risk peril are usually subject to extremely high premium to deter customer, nor upfront reject. Anyway, that's the JOB I will leave to the insurance company to scratch their head. From now on, I will be focusing more on how to run an insurance business, rather than be their employee.
The project turned up pretty well after struggling for a week. You may consider to make use of app. You can choose to post on BOTH chains at the same time. But if you post only on "the nother side", they have a 500kSP curator account rewarding users. So, it's not a bad idea to use that to make short post, street photography, insta type of short feed and updates back to "the other chain".
I'll be looking forward on your publication. Let me know if you will have a hardcopy. I love papers 😄
The paper book is in review. It's a kids book of 26 pages but has a good message and is funny. I learned a lot through the process and opened up hive account for writing books @mcsagel. This is the name that a lot of people know me by.
As for insurance I can see that now people won't run to get insurance because no insurance can cover covid.
As for the project. 500k HP Sounds like fun. Where do I start?
Ahhhh!!! Just dropped by there and have a look. Good stuff. I remember those characters. 😁
Unfortunately, it's 500kSP, so it only work for STEEM for now. I know many have been disappointed by that, but @wherein app is a standalone initiative and also support #hive
Thanks for dropping by and thanks for your encouragement.
The story came natural but drawing on the computer I had a hard time.
I learned the hard way that Amazon book's standard 6×9" cannot be landscape style.
Then I learned when drawing it is best to make the canvas huge to get a better picture.
Finally I realized that digital pictures don't have to be 100% digital but different mediums can be exchanged. I can draw a picture and then transfer it onto digital and work with it. I will talk about things like that on the blog.
Does Wherein have an app for Hive? I can't read Chinese on the webpage.
Click this button and you'll be automatically downloading the app to your android phone. Once done, by default it's logged in with steem, but you can go to settings and change it to hive. You can choose to use the dual submission function when author a post in wherein, so your post will use the same permlink to submit for both chains. But ofcourse, wherein curation will only be given to steem exclusive publication for now(steemit team said it's a mandatory requirement). But who knows, one day if wherein gets a delegation from HIVE, they may start their curation work here in HIVE as well.
Hmmm. I haven't seen much at Steemit I liked but it looks like its not going away. I will try a couple posts on Steem next week.
Well, you can use it in HIVE if you want to. They don't charge beneficiaries anyways.