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RE: A Bit of Shopping

in #blog6 years ago

That would be fun, but never been to an International bazaar. Looks like many good things to take home. As for soda, I've always been a rootbeer nut. Particularly with pizza.
But used to drink some Dr. Pepper. It was supposedly a laxative in the beginning, and I've always heard that's why it said 10 2 4 on the label. But I guess that's more for the times you're supposed to drink it for a 'spring in your step', as the day wanes on to tiredness. Either way, it's still good stuff. But not rootbeer ( :

I know you can make Irish Cream out of condensed milk, like Baileys or Cask and Creame. I made some once, it was too good...drank too much of it. But that condensed milk is pretty tasty. Like caramel, as you say.

Well, have a nice Sunday, I am SO behind on here. Oh well, what else is new...I'm also a huge champion of the fanny pack. One of the best human inventions, next to the bicycle. I wrote an impassioned reply to @old-guy-photos last month about his new one. Yes, I am serious about my bum bag, people. Never understood the vitriol they get on a regular basis. Maybe those folks never TRIED one. They'd love it if they did. (I think it's wearing it in front that drives them nuts. Maybe not..)


Haha, for some reason rootbeer reminds me of some weird medicine or something, I can't put my finger on what exactly puts me off. Interesting about laxative part, my mom told me cola plant in general was used as a medicine for stomach ailments, at least when she was a kid.
Ohh I forgot about Bailies, I haven't had any in a while, I'd love to make low achohol version. :D I love bailies taste, but it's too strong for me. A friend made me once homamade, and it was so good!
Yeah so far I love the fanny pack, I wish I got it sooner! I wonder if there is a nicer name for it? I'll probably start using it for other than workouts. The thing is I always carry a small over the shoulder bag, without several shopping cloth bags, those don't fit in the fanny pack xD
You're behind? I'm 100 times more behind!! I'm so glad to see you here, since I took a rather long break from Steemit ^_^

Nice to see you back on the site. It can be very time and energy consuming, that's for sure. So everyone seems to take a break now and then. Think you have to. I've been on here going on 3 years, and have taken a couple Sabaticale de' Steem as well. Though fun, it can be relentless. But what fun!

They make an Irish cream Tourani (sp?) flavoring. Tastes similar. Probably too much sugar, but good in a sparkling water things, like La Croix. And I think if you made your own actual Bailey's wannabe, you could leave out some of the alcohol.

They call them Bum Bags in countries like NZ and Australia, etc. More appropriate, I guess. I learned that the hard way in NZ. Going on about my Fanny Pack. Got the worst looks from folks in public, before being told about it. In the U.S. it's just another name for your posteriorii. Live and learn (and turn red now and then...) I guess. But they are SO handy, no matter how much grief people give you. I have about 10 different ones. Think it comes from working in the woods over the years. A great thing to carry necessary stuff in. Cheers, to a Tuesday night in the middle of the night.