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RE: What I didn't expect with Covid.

in #blog2 years ago

Hope you feel better soon! I was working numerous 12 hour shifts with Covid for about 9 days because I had a false negative test. All of my symptoms were similar to yours, although slightly less severe... a terrible idea. Glad you're able to get some rest now and hopefully recover soon. If your symptoms get worse, make sure that you see a doctor.



My partner tested negative for Covid too, but was feeling so horrible that he took time off work. Then I tested positive and we just figured that's what he had too.

He starts work again tomorrow night and is worried he won't be able to make it through his whole shift. He has just as much fatigue as I do. I can't imagine working 12 hour shifts feeling like this! Kudos for pushing yourself through that. 😱

I've been monitoring symptoms with an eagle eye 😅 I was so worried that I had broken a rib and would need to go to hospital to check my lungs. But thankfully it didn't get that bad. Still keeping an eye on things though and trying to take it easy.