What I didn't expect with Covid.

in #blog2 years ago (edited)

For the past three years I had heard so much about Covid. It could give you a rash, make you cough up a lung, seek ICU care, give you the worst fever and headache of your life, cause a loss of taste, and, of course, inflict you with Long Covid: a debilitating mental fuzz that could linger on for the rest of your days.

What did I get?

  • I got a fever so bad I was literally shaking for two days.
  • I got a cough so bad I feared I had broken a rib. (I only bruised my rib but it's still painful as hell.)
  • I lost my tastebuds for half a week.

Part and parcel, to be expected. But I also got this:

  • Fatigue.
  • A mind-crushing, barely-capable-of-moving fatigue.

I'm no longer positive for Covid, that's all gone with. But it has left me with a lingering cough, lingering rib pain, a bad taste I wish I could get rid of, and this goddamned fatigue.

I can barely get dressed in the morning. I've decided to live in pyjamas for the rest of my days. Thankfully it's school holidays and I don't have to go anywhere except on Christmas Day. Oh God, I still have to wrap Christmas presents. That's going to take it out of me.

I ordered groceries online and they got delivered yesterday morning. Unpacking them and putting them into their homes in the kitchen was the most tiring experience. I could barely move for the rest of the day.

Today I had to walk a mere 200m to the corner-shop and 200m back home because I forgot to buy toothpaste and the grocery store was out of iced coffee so neglected to put it in my order. I had to rectify this before the caffeine withdrawal headache hit.

Let me just say that I was absolutely fucked after that tiniest of tiny walks. I'm so glad it's school holidays right now. There's no way I could walk my son to school like this.

I'm sorry I haven't been really active on Hive right now, but I'm just so bodily and mentally tired. I've tried writing up posts and they're just sitting there in half-written draft-form because I can't gather the strength to be my usual chirpy "contagious-cheery-personality" self.

This fatigue is the worst and I really hope it's over soon. Yes, obviously I'm grateful I didn't end up in hospital or worse, I know people out there have it worse, but in my own little personal bubble of my life, this fatigue is absolutely stinking horrible.




Sounds crippling and painful. Sorry to hear you're going through this.

Cheers. It's mostly just annoying now. 😅 I just want to feel human again already and not like an exhausted sloth. At least I can laugh now without clutching my chest in pain!

I'm very sorry to read this, and I really understand it because I went through this, in my case I made the mistake of drinking alcohol because I didn't know it was covid, I thought it was a normal flu... and that made everything worse... in post covid I had the fatigue that you describe and a horrible suffocation, I felt that I was not breathing enough air into my lungs, I had to go for medical check-ups and my lungs were like those of an asthmatic, quite damaged... they sent me a treatment and I was able to improve them...

I also had an inflammatory response in my heart, I got mild pericarditis, which could have worsened if it had not been detected in time...

On a mental level I was left with anxiety that I still struggle with to this day, when I feel drowned I get panic attacks, I had to go to the psychologist to deal with it

And all this was due to the covid that gave me...

That sounds horrible! I'm sorry you had to go through so much. 😱

I'm just getting over it myself. Caught it last summer and all I did for like a week was sleep. My stomach and that wasn't even bad but it was just the feeling of being exhausted, and a lack of appetite.

Same thing happened this time around. I'm just getting over it but I slept for like a week straight. It can be brutal! It's the first time I caught it where it wasn't passed onto me by someone in the household.

I actually thought I caught it last month... I had this wicked flu, fever, cough and was just bleh. Joked around, "Ugh I got Covid hurr hurr!" But then my partner brought this home and dayum, this was so much worse and now the exhaustion and uggghhh.

Sleeping for a week is about right! I keep passing out on the couch. 😅

I'm out of it for the most part but the fatigue is still there! Feel better soon!

The fatigue is the worst it took weeks after symptoms left for ours to go away when my wife and I got it. My office is in my basement, and every trip up the stairs felt like a Herculean task for almost a month after. So, I feel ya. It sucks real real bad, and I'm sorry you were struck with damned Covid. Hope you're feeling better right away my friend.

Ewwwww, I cannot imagine walking up and down stairs right now. 😅 Ugh! That would've sucked so bad. A month!!! I really hope mine doesn't last that long, but at least it's school holidays until nearly the end of January. That's when I need to start exerting myself again. That's when this fatigue needs to go away by. 😅

Yeah it was not a fun time, I hope yours goes away faster!

Eep, this sounds horrible! I've dodged it so far.. Well, as far as I know.

Hopefully you have recovered by now?

Yep, we dodged it for so long too. xD Then... wham!

I've now recovered. My ribs on my left side are still a bit bruised, but I don't notice it except in the morning after waking up. I'm just glad I'm not painfully fatigued now. Like, even just having a shower and getting dressed afterwards felt like a marathon. So glad that's over with.

Dang. Hope you feeling much better now.

Thanks 🙂 I am for the most part, just a bit tired and this cough won't go away.

Hope you feel better soon! I was working numerous 12 hour shifts with Covid for about 9 days because I had a false negative test. All of my symptoms were similar to yours, although slightly less severe... a terrible idea. Glad you're able to get some rest now and hopefully recover soon. If your symptoms get worse, make sure that you see a doctor.


My partner tested negative for Covid too, but was feeling so horrible that he took time off work. Then I tested positive and we just figured that's what he had too.

He starts work again tomorrow night and is worried he won't be able to make it through his whole shift. He has just as much fatigue as I do. I can't imagine working 12 hour shifts feeling like this! Kudos for pushing yourself through that. 😱

I've been monitoring symptoms with an eagle eye 😅 I was so worried that I had broken a rib and would need to go to hospital to check my lungs. But thankfully it didn't get that bad. Still keeping an eye on things though and trying to take it easy.

It will get better! Take care and get more rest! :)

Luckily myself and my partner have only caught weaker strains. It still knocked us out for a week, but longer term symptoms were more in the realm of a few weeks of phlegmy throat. Fingers crossed you get better soon!

I would recommend you to take plenty of vitamin C, D, and zinc, via natural products like fruits or supplements. Also, drinking plenty of clean water would help. I hope you get well soon!

Cheers 🙂

That´s sounds too bad, let´s hope you get better soon, as you said, at least you didn´t end in the hospital or something, you shouldn´t be sorry of not being able to stay active on Hive right now, your mental health is high priority :)

I hope you get your taste buds back soon, hehe eating is happiness.

get well soooonnnnn!.

I have my tastebuds back thankfully! The first time I could taste again I literally salivated. XD Mmmmm food tastes so good, haha!!

You should get a vax. It is free. Don't believe the conspiracy bullshit. Ever since I got vaxxed, my coughs and colds were milder and not heavy as before.

Covid is a Chinese bio-weapon that got loose accidentally because a lab worker screwed up in Wuhan. It is the reason why China won't allow Western virologists/experts inside the country to trace its origins. A bioweapon to bear the shit out of the West if they interfere with China grabbing Taiwan.

Yeah I've been vaxxed... three times. The third time I felt absolutely wrecked and swore off getting fourth and fifth booster shots. As far as I'm concerned I'm vaccinated and I still got this shit and it was still god awful.

Interesting...what was the vaccine brand you got? Mine was Johnson & Johnson's. Only got once

I didn't know Johnson & Johnson were doing one, haha... I got Pfizer. It was recommended we get vaccinated twice then get a booster shot.

Johnson & Johnson's is one shot only plus optional booster. I evaded the booster for now.😁