What is a shit post?

in #blog11 months ago

As if the red candles were not bad enough, the weekend has reached its peak a couple of hours ago and has become officially my worst weekend for 2024 (so far, Homer Simpson meme style): I have been called out for shit posting.

So, let's analyze the calling out and see if it is justified or not - let's see if GoddessEva is indeed an infamous shit poster throughout the 3-year-Ecency existence.

First thing's first: what is a shit post?

Well, I would say in a couple of words that a shit post is a dumb, low-effort post. A post that's shit. I can also add that it probably is a post that has little meaning, doesn't contribute to the platform on which it was posted, or is just something that was posted to get some attention.

So, now that we have established what a shit post is - and mind you, it sometimes is kinda difficult to explain what exactly is meant as a 'shit post' and not be totally subjective about it, I think I captured the essence of it.

Moving on to the calling out part:

Let's start breaking out the calling out now.

  1. Shit posting for auto-votes is your prerogative, doing it twice a day is too.

Hmm. Auto-votes is the least of my concerns honestly - I never post in order to obtain votes. I use Ecency as a platform in order to express my thoughts, because it has a lot of people who bare the same interests that I do. If I get upvoted, great. If not, tough luck. I have never asked to be upvoted ever in my 3 years of being a part of the Ecency platform. Only thing I have ever asked was 'why was I downvoted' when a bunch of hypocrites wanted to play cops and robbers because 'my posts were less than 100 words'. So that part of the calling out is... wrong and a lie.
The second part of this first (dare I say it, STUPID) sentence is what got me riled up. A lot. And I do not have a huge temper to say, but still. DOING IT TWICE A DAY.

Twice a day? When have I EVER posted something on Ecency twice a day?

Hell, I never even published a single thing on my blog (goddesseva.net) twice a day. This is the huge problem of the internet nowadays - anyone can call out anyone on anything, without doing any due diligence, without having anything solid - just a person who maybe is having a bad day can go out and call out anyone random on something stupid, a lie, a BLATANT LIE mind you - and of course, no fact-checking can be done easily, so a neutral person reading it cannot have a point of reference without doing some digging on his/her own, which means that esentially - the fake news narrative is growing stronger and stronger every day, and still there is nothing we can do about it.

I have some facts though, since I am the one being called out, and here they are:

  • in the last 30 days or so, I have actively contributed 18 posts, of which 16 have been part of my own blog, while 2 were posted on the Foodies Bee Hive community;
  • not once have there been two posts in the same day;
  • for whomever it may concern - the MATH says that 18/30 is a 0.6 posts/day on average, and if we count it 3 months back that average would be even lower;
  • the rewards (AUTO VOTES, THE SCARY AUTO VOTES) have varried, according to the content of the posts: some were good, some not that good, but common thing for them all: THEY ARE GENUINE thoughts of mine that I decided to share with you guys

So, the first sentence of the calling out is not only stupid, but also a blatant lie. And if there is one thing that I absolutely despise - it's liars.

Moving on to the second sentence:

  1. It might be good for you to answer some of the comments people leave for you though; something you seem disinclined to do.

I have ALWAYS tried my best to communicate with all the people that seem it fit to leave a comment or two on any of my posts. Hell, I even upvote any comment that a person leaves on a post of mine, because it is the least I could do for their efforts - an upvote given does not mean anything to me, but it can make someone's day a bit better.

Sometimes I answer a bit later, but this is because believe it or not, I HAVE A LIFE - I am not someone who spends more than 1-2 hours max/day on a computer.

To further solidify my claims, here is a screenshot of an interraction that I had with a profile who commented on a post of mine:

As a last thing to add to this whole bunch of nonsense - I will ask the lovely guys who have been supportive and quite communicative with my posts, like @vortac , @magnacarta , @apshamilton , @rafzat and many many others that I can continue on and on mentioning:

When have I ever ignored an answer of yours to a post of mine? When have I ever failed to upvote a comment of yours? And when have I ever asked for an auto-upvote?

Jesus Christ, I am so pissed off to be called out for this pathetic, blatant nonsense.

It is what it is. Best thing to do is move on and ignore the hypocrites, I know - but I could not move on this time without saying something in my defence.

Hey, even if Ecency is such a wonderful place, beware lovely people: still, even on this lovely platform there are dictators who weild their Hive Power in a bad way, seeking to 'pursue justice' in their nerd-like and geek-like quest to 'purify Hive of the BAD ACCOUNTS' and 'seek quality content'. The downside to Ecency is that there is noone controlling these above mentioned nerds and geeks and the power that they weild - essentially, it comes to a big-d**k competition and that is very wrong. But it is something that unfortunately, we just have to accept I guess.

How to explain to the nerds and geeks that posts from ladies and girls are the absolute highest quality content for ANY SOCIAL NETWORK out there.. any suggestions? 😆

Hope your weekend is a bit better than mine, lovely people. And words of caution - today it was me who got called out.. tomorrow it can be you. :)


I vote manually on your quality posts of which there have been many. Nasty downvotes from whales @azircon harm the platform.

If Hive had more people like @goddesseva who combine quality content with tasteful eye candy we would have a lot more users and HIVE would be worth much more.

thank you for the nice feedback! unfortunately, HIVE is neglecting one of the most beautiful things about crypto: the lack of regulation by an all-mighty-powerful figure.
the whales are acting as regulators on the platform, and with it they are doing way more harm than good. it is what it is I guess.

I have ALWAYS tried my best to communicate with all the people that seem it fit to leave a comment or two on any of my posts

Not a pile on but I had a look and it wasn't difficult to find posts of yours that had comments made where you haven't answered. It doesn't look like you are a consistent engager 🙂

even if that is so - is that a reason to get called out as a shit poster? have you read the comment in question?

I read all of it. I was addressing a specific point of your post

yes, and I wholeheartedly admit that my engagement can be improved, of course. but it seems peculiar that you do not wish to comment about any other aspect of that comment, except my 'lack of significant engagement with people who comment on my posts'. but that is still ok, just have in mind that the things I am currently going through on the platform (calling out without any particular reason, nasty downvotes by whales) can happen to absolutely anyone on this platform. and in the long run - what are the positives from that?

I don't know why it would seem peculiar.

Shitposting has always been a difficult call to judge. I left out commenting on that part as one man's shitpost is another man's treasure.

When I saw your counter comment to the engagement I thought there is something that is easily verifiable so I had a look. And I commented on what I saw.

like I said - shitposting is such a difficult thing to explain. how can you possibly verify a shit post without being subjective af?

I left out commenting on that part as one man's shitpost is another man's treasure.

...one WOMAN's shitpost is another man's treasure --> FTFY 😅

@goddesseva, I can truly say you are not a shitposter. If anything, I may be guilty of the shitposting you're being accused of making. With my posting output during our time here-- I arrived a month after you-- that would be more likely. Shitposting for a long form article is rare, but I can't say I've never done it. For a comment, that's different. When the numbers are high enough, eventually something happens. I don't worry about, and neither should you. However, any challenges to your posting or intentions cannot go unanswered; those challenges must be confronted.

If either of us don't reply to a post/comment/reply the other makes, it's usually due to timing. You were away for a while, so that's to be expected. We also have time zones between us, and this is what usually gets me in trouble with the timeliness of my replies.

If I can contribute to the discussion you prompt in your posts, I will and I do. If I can't contribute with a comment (because the post is on a topic where I lack experience), I upvote for effort put into publishing the post because I know the time it takes.

I admit that I have asked for upvotes for posts if a reader likes the posts, not because I expect them but because the reader believes the post added value to their experience on Hive. Just like you, I don't expect upvotes if the reader doesn't think I deserve it, and that's OK. It is rare for me to self-vote, and in fact have downvoted myself more than I have self-voted. For auto-upvotes, maybe we're part of someone's curation trail; I notice this a lot at LeoThreads when I ask myself how certain threads got my upvote.

None of us are 100% when it comes to our activities here or anywhere else; we're human beings who happen to also have Hive accounts, so I realize we can miss things. That's just how it is, and knowing the kind of person you are, @goddesseva, I can truly say that you've been excellent with me in how we've interacted and exchanged replies. It's why I look out for your posts before I read my own notifications.

You have more important things to worry about here, whether its commenting on events, catching us up on your trips away from Hive, or preparing for the Bitcoin Halving and the explosion soon to follow in this bull market run. I look forward to your next post. 😎

thank you very very much for your kind words. they mean a lot to me. hopefully, the big guys at the top with the HP get some common sense in them, pronto. not only for our sake - but for the sake of this magnificent platform.

My upvote should have had some non-zero value, so I don't understand why it came out as $0.00. Just to make sure you get something for my upvote, please accept these engagement tokens: a slice of !PIZZA, a bit of !LUV, and some !LOLZ.

I got downvoted by a whale - so yeah, quite possibly the journey in hell continues:)

It's never fun to get downvoted by a whale, but at least you're handling it in stride. While neither of us are the type of people to downvote others unless it's due to obvious spam, we're also not the type of people to downvote "just because" we can. If I were a less-forgiving person, I would downvote that whale's posts for a while just out of principle; although my DV would have minimal impact, not even a whale wants to see a DV in his (her?) notifications.

Did the whale "fat-finger" the DV on a mobile device or on a computer as a result of losing control of the mouse? That's always possible, and I'm willing to accept that reason if I believe it to be true. Many times, if this is the case, the DV gets neutralized by an upvote from the same voter.

For now, we just wipe the dust off our sandals and shoulders and move on to more pressing matters.

no fat finger unfortunately - I got downvoted from the same whale on today's post. 900 upvotes and still, nobody cares. oh well. WCYD.

goddesseva, magnacarta sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

An atom walks into a bar and says I think I lost an electron in here
Bartender: Are you positive?

Credit: theabsolute
$LOLZ on behalf of magnacarta

ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@goddesseva, I sent you an

How to explain to the nerds and geeks that posts from ladies and girls are the absolute highest quality content for ANY SOCIAL NETWORK out there.. any suggestions?

I think it's impossible. They've been collecting their auto-upvotes for so long, they now think they are entitled to them. A minnow who's got an auto-vote is of course just "farming". Using the subjective pretext of "quality content" is just a facade, trying to make it look like the downvotes are somehow justified and virtuous. Otherwise, everyone would simply assume they are driven by frustration.

a tasteless big di*k competition.... sad.
it continues to be one of the biggest Ecency problems still as of today, unfortunately.

Hehe. I feel you are not a shit poster simply because you mostly pass out motivational quotes. It may be little but people like me appreciate them. There will be a crypto pump again so we all should just fold our arms and wait till the right time.
Thank you very much for the mention

nah, if the big guns say I am shit posting without checking any facts, figures, without doing any background whatsoever - it has to be true, right?
he who controls the HP, controls the narrative, right?
imagine being called out for not replying to comments - and then being defended by the same person whose comment originated from in the first place.
rafzat how dare you?? be careful, maybe you will get downvoted for defending me next! 😂😂😂😂


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @magnacarta tipped @goddesseva