Why i left informationwar

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I left informationwar because they encourage this stupid screwed up distortion of reality.

Let me explain, if there is a member of that group publishing materials like pro-nazi material which valid or not is still hateful.

Or perhaps more disturbing is Jews behind NWO which @ausbitbank and rest of informationwar rubber stamp.

Clearly this type of conduct is hateful in nature; as well as intentionally malicious to certain groups. So, in turn i removed my vote for ausbitbank as witness. How can christians divorce themselves from a jewish messiah? How can one publish a misleading meme, and nobody speaks up.

Me I dont give two craps about what you believe personally(christian, muslim, druise, hindu ,agnostic, gnostic, islamic, buddhist, jew, etc etc). Me is about me, but I think that everyone of any faith has a right to practice their faith unless it injures someone else (terrorism).


Please read, (d)(e)

I'm holding you personally accountable @ausbitbank as you along with informationwar for curating and witnessing hateful conduct. Among froyoempire and @wakeupnd

Going forward will have nothing to do with the group or anyone associated. Sorry but these principalities are destructive, which has no part in my life.


So...why did you resteem and upvote this post from the so called "pro-nazi"?

Could it be that you agreed with his anti Alex Jones post and that's why you resteemed and upvoted it rather than any nazi overtones in his other posts?

Should we hold you personally responsible for upvoting and supporting a "pro-nazi" as you called it? I doubt you follow Froyo on steemauto or any other curating service so that means you had to physically click the upvote button versus ausbitbank's auto follow of informationwar.

What does that say about you as a person for physically clicking the resteem and upvoting of a person you describe as posting pro-nazi material? He has been posting the same type of material for many months now it has not changed anytime soon.


You can call me what you want but I think you owe ausbitbank an apology because he is only auto following the informationwar's upvotes and it looks like you don't mind resteeming and upvoting "pro-nazi or hateful" people when they fit you're agenda.

You're welcome to come on tomorrow's podcast at 8pm EST and we can discuss this even more in depth. Message truthforce or myself if you're interested in coming on the the podcast at anytime.

and @ausbitbank ALSO upvoted THIS #informationwar post of mine, https://steemit.com/informationwar/@stevescoins/a-response-to-lucylin-s-jewish-issue, which is the opposite of anti-semitic

remember, the point of the tag is to get material out past the Ministry of Truth approach of the #fakenews folks. I myself have curated material which I quite disagree with

It is up to the individual Steemer to take critical thinking and apply it to anything they read...which is another point that @informationwar is based on

Guilt by association...?
It's obviously that people don't champion free speech and reward those who are doing good work.
It must be that they Agree with "wrong" ideas, and throw a bone to "right" ideas to cover their bases.

Well the pro nazi stuff doesn't get voted on. I personally refuse to up vote posts that bash Israel even though they have real problems and have done some terrible shit but so does the USA.

The NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS is disturbing but not because @froyoempire brought it up.

It's disturbing to see the New York Times write an article like that pre-ww2( ww2 wasn't offically called that until the US entered the war)

Hateful or not articles like this that have been buried in history need to be shared because it gives us alternative perspectives that today's history books don't teach us.

Anyways, I'm sorry you feel that way about the group but feel free to continue to use the tag to post topics you don't read about in the MSM.

WWII's story was told by the victors. Unfortunate as it might be that most of what we're told about Nazi Germany could be a lie, it very well looks like much of it was. This is exactly the kind of content I expect from @informationwar. Unpleasant or not. @ihashblox seems to have some snowflake or grandiose, virtue signalling tendencies. I shared this post so others who are members in hopes they will do more than read the headlines like some folks appear to.....

Alright, why did Hitler REALLY invade Poland? What is the "transfer agreement?" What was the most ethnically diverse army in history? These are questions that have real answers critical thinkers would at least be interested in asking. No one can defend everything any political body does or says. There are MANY lies that came out of that, and any war. The victors always write down the score.

@informationwar at least allows those w/a better than average education on the matter a chance to inform.

Sorry you don't have a "spine" by screaming NAZI. It's not edgy anymore. Ur a virtue signaler confirmed. Btw feel free to answer those above questions for me and see if it doesn't leave you wanting to ask more.

Unpleasant or not. @ihashblox seems to have some snowflake or grandiose, virtue signalling tendencies.

Or it's called having a fucking spine.

So is this an official determination that nazi germany was an innocent party portrayed as a villian?


No, to answer your question. But different from the official narrative. This is the point of information even if you don't like it. This is why ur a snowflake. You are literally attempting a "flash-mobbing" which is yet to occur on STEEM as far as I know. This is lefty behavior, which is ok if you're into that I guess. But call a spade a spade, I always say. ;)

WTF!? Speaking the TRUTH is somehow leftist behavior!? Spoken like a true Tide Pod eater! The right are just as big of Tide Pod eaters as the left is. If he's a snowflake your a shitizen! Lawless abiding government slave worshiping shitizen. Stay stuck in the left-right paradigm moron. It isn't left vs. right it is the state vs YOU! If you vote and pay taxes YOU are the criminal. You have no right to bitch.
With that being said I hope all these Mexicans steal ALL your government slave jobs you fuckers hate so much but are too willfully ignorant to do something about. Funny how lawless criminal government you pay for is never the problem, it is always those you disagree with! It is always those your lawless criminal government you hate but pay for tells you to hate that are the problem. Spoken just like the libtards on the left. A dumb dog is smarter than you for even a dumb dog knows when he is being fed shit by the hand that feeds him.
Mexicans are the result of the Spaniards and Puritans mating with the natives so in FACT Mexicans are Native American meaning this is THEIR land. So calling people illegals makes you a willful ignorant racist fuck! We are all from the same planet. With that being said, I HOPE THEY STEAL ALL YOUR FUCKING SHIT JOBS!!!


As for Nazi Germany, the Nazi's didn't lose WWII, they came here to America. Look up Project Paperclip. Americans like you are so fucking stupid you all put the son and grandson of a Nazi in office as your beloved President. The son and grandson that armed all our enemies while running drugs into the country that your government slave tax money paid for and still is paying for. You fuckers have no one to blame but YOURSELVES!!! Just like you fuckers put a 5 time draft dodger in office who pisses all your government slave tax money away on veteran military parades just for himself. You stupid fucking libtards and cuntservatives don't know your asses from your elbows in this cuntry. Keep supporting Nazi's you lawless abiding shitizen government slaves! Hitler was a Jew, Zionist, Rothschild criminal fuck too but you fuckers don't care about any of that. Real truth doesn't concern you, only disinformation you peddle in your stupid shitizen group Disinformation War does.
As for Alex Jones, your hero, he is the biggest hypocrite. A man who claims to be pro life Christian cuntservative, yet he has an abortion with young Leann Macadoo whom he knocked up like the good little adulterer of infidelity he is. Infidelity has the word "infidel" in it for a reason. Because Alex is one of them!!! And he is your hero!? AH HA HA HA HA HA!!! If you are going to drain the swamp start with yourselves!!!

I'm not even sure where to start! LOL. Well I'm not a Republican if that's what you are getting at and I'm not even sure where you got that but your rants are why I follow you in the first place. I seriously can't stop smiling right now! ;)

Anyway I'll see if you're interested in discussing this further before I begin to rant as your friend has apparently bowed out w/out answering my questions. Can't wait for your reply! I'm very aware of the right left paradigm & I'm not sure you understand my angle or our discussion but here goes. Your friend @ihashblox posted about how "bad these people are (@informationwars) because of "x & y" and is fishing to followers to abandon/discredit and entire group in this case. This behavior was popularized by the left. Even though some hucksters on the right starting using in as well. You know this, as well as I. This was my point of contention, not that he said it but said it w/out any reasonable context. Some content they post is quite relevant, some not so much lol! So It's your friend who needs a little talking to about the right/left paradigm. I think your'e the man for the job ;). Triggered snowflakes (which are a real thing regardless of spectrum) most importantly need the reminder about free speech, notice I'm not attempting to censor but have a rant free dialogue.

It's disturbing to see the New York Times write an article like that pre-ww2( ww2 wasn't offically called that until the US entered the war)The NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS is disturbing but not because @froyoempire brought it up.

Are you kidding me? Seriously? Jews left germany before United States entered war. Many came to our nation. I wasnt fully aware that NYT was a declared mouthpiece for all jews. Not even Ha Eretz boasts this.

I will never be using your groups tag, if an upvote occurs its likely due to it being tagged in another group.


If you didn't like the October 6th, 1940 New York Times article then why didn't you condemn them instead of @informationwar? Why do you have a problem with people reporting on what people have reported? By your logic no one could be a history teacher and quote Adolf Hitler without being a Nazi themselves.

You of all people @thoughts-in-time should not be speaking to me. You heavily borrow my material, borderline plagerize it. And try to pass it off as your own thoughts. Which I had to bail your ass out of discussion because since you plagerized it you didnt understand principle of tontine wagering scheme, you couldnt explain how monopoly was associated with what was written.

Firstly, you ducked the question. Secondly, yes we both share an interest on a specific topic. It's a topic that I've been studying on and off for many years now. The stuff that you write about is very similar to the stuff that I have learned. I don't necessarily agree with all of the material that you write, nor have I read it all. Yet, there are some key points that I am sure that we both resonate with.

The ideas and or facts surrounding the occult world of law and legalese are not "your material" and I do not plagiarize. If anything we are-or-were on a similar weave length with respect to that. By all means if you think that I've plagiarized you, go on ahead and mash that down vote button. Where is all of this coming from man?

I remember discussing tontine with you but I certainly don't think I would have introduced the topic as I haven't even committed it to memory. Nor do I even now recall exactly what it is.

You wrote:

"I recently, wrote an article about signatures and liability. I think some of this came from that. Just being honest. Monopoly board symbolism is that of a tontine wagering scheme. However, I deeply wish we can return to constitutional standards of 1789. Peace, liberty and justice for all."

At the time that you wrote that I didn't dispute what you said because it seemed as if though you thought that I read your article, which I did not, but I did not want to take that away from you by saying that I did not, I thought that would have been rude. Now you know.

Also, my usage of a monopoly-like board as imagery was to illustrate the fact that the whole thing is a game. The illustration in no way had anything to do with a "tontine wagering scheme". The occult system of law is like monopoly you first must identify with an artificial object that belongs to the game in order to play or more realistically get played. Fictions can only interact with fictions but they can also interact with people if those people identify with fictions themselves.

Back to the question, you've hinged your entire argument against @informationwar on a single post that was curated by @informationwar where a guy appears to be simply reading an old news paper article. What pray tell is the harm in curating a post where someone is reading an old news paper article? Are old news paper articles verboten in this brave new world, or is it that they are forbidden only in your mind?

There is more than 1 instance. Of IW curating nazi garbage.

Look you can talk about anything without hyping ideals and you can also hype ideals and pass it off as information.

If you have evidence of that bring it fourth, if what you say is true it sounds like something worthy of being addressed in a group meeting.

Look and see, i have no interest(s) positive or negative for IW.

Very well, that's your prerogative. I'm sorry that you felt you had to leave the group, and resorted to leveling hasty generalizations. It seems to me that you've thrown the baby out with the bath water and also made some false accusations in the process. What's left but to agree to disagree? Good luck to you on the Actifit stuff, ain't nothing wrong with staying in shape.

I understand your frustration. Having said that, I still plan on using their tag when it is appropriate. I understand if that means you must overlook those posts of mine and will not affect my following or voting for your posts.

I have already stated:

an upvote occurs its likely due to it being tagged in another group.

There are exceptions. I think you understand.

Thanks for all your dedication, encouragement and support

Information War sucks! I was kicked out for expressing my freedom of speech 4 months ago. I would encourage all who are reading this to leave their Discord group/server.

I have noted you speaking in ways which advocate violence and tried to engage you on those matters. I don't expect you to respond reasonably, but wanted to address your comment so that others might grasp some of the actual issue between you and informationwar, that you failed to address.

You very much resemble an agent provocateur, and I urge folks to consider your posts and comments with suitable caution. It is certain that such agents are intent on infiltrating any effort to counter propaganda and effective action against oppression, so we must be wary of any entity that espouses violence and illegal acts such as you frequently do.

Nah, im no agent nothing. Just a man, with a spine. I do not feel it to be reasonable to associate with those who give or even lend helping hands to ... well racists.

Second, you act as if I climbed the ranks of IW. I wrote perhaps a few articles between IW and another group. Admin in IW group act as if they have a business structure, but really just idiots foaming at the mouth. This should be a great example to anyone who reads this.

Third, witnesses should consider against curation trails as the potential of "highlighting" individuals that produce content that breaches agreements. I'm not the boss, but hey just a common sense suggestion.

Finally, i learned a lot. Really. I didnt read every response from yestersay nor will I, but apparently there is nazi sympathizers in IW. Something I ... will never associate with. These idiots forget that Adolf was a jew and rothschild (makes me laugh because jew haters love adolf, but dont realize he is jewish?). Criticism from unlearned individuals mean absolutely nothing to me. So, going forward the performance of IW, will be doomed if they do not adhere to terms agreed upon account creation. (As in nothing to do with me, because this is extent of my efforts IW is not worth the time otherwise... if the group fails it will be their own doings).

I am done with your double talk, obviously the tongue flaps like a serpent.

Just a man, with a spine.

Perhaps. It could just be cognitive dissonance and stubborness too. That can plague even the most intelligent of people. In fact, it seems like the more intelligent we are the more prone to stubborness we can be. One thing is for certain. Being certain we are right, and others are wrong is a path of ignorance. We all are wrong more often than we likely want to admit. That doesn't mean you are completely wrong. We can be right on some details, while still being wrong on others.

I can see how rigid your thinking is. I can see the armor in my mind and the shields you surround yourself with.

I can see that you would attack, rather than reason. I mention it so perhaps you'll look. We all can be like this. I know I can. Yet it is hard to do anything about it if we are unwilling to look for it.

EDIT: Everything I've challenged you on I have been guilty of as well. The majority of my ideas come from introspection. I quite some time ago stopped believing I could read other people's minds. So what I say may not resonate with you completely. How could it? Our minds are different.

You are responding to my response to @hippie-witha-gun.

My statements in that comment weren't addressed to you, but to him.

My humble apologies.

Reasoning for your removal is dwarfed compared to the misconduct and hatred being produced.

@hippie-witha-gun was removed from our discord server only, and it was for breaking discord rules. We have to follow discord rules or we can get banned. Specifically it was because he was commenting about "having a violent revolution to overthrow the US government".

We gave him a few chances to delete what he said, informed him of how it is discord's rules, and probably also illegal. He kept saying he wouldn't do it. We even told him there is voat or some other free speech platform where he wouldn't be banned for such things. He did not want to delete it and he said he wasn't going to stop saying it.

I am not going to have our discord of a few hundred people at risk.

Are you serious?

  • You openly embrace Alex Jones who makes no qualms about inciting violence.
  • you as a group sensationalize when he is removed from social media (in addition to him and his "material")
  • administer same treatment to hippie witha gun for repeating to a lesser degree of what Alex Jones has said on record
  • you help facilitate the spread of anti semitic material by not having safeguards or a screening process to "membership"
  • you have no rules in place on how to deal with hate conduct/racism/extremism

Last two are by your own admission @truthforce


"Alex Jones... makes no qualms about inciting violence."

Bullshit. Prove your statement or allow it to define your own failure to speak the truth.


There was a plethora of information before the purge. Tweets, YouTube videos.

I responded to you out of respect.

This is all that I will say. I stand behind my principles although apparently are different as yourself.
It will benefit me no more to respond to every reply, as those have muted this account before responses.

Take care valued customer

Yeah he does say that. Yet he considers it an INFORMATION WAR. A war for your mind. NOT a physical and thus VIOLENT war. He does not endorse violence.

EDIT: The only violence I've seen him endorse and that also has been used on him the same way. Is to offer to box someone in a ring and have the proceeds go to charity. I suspect some of the people had they taken him up on it would have kicked his ass.

I do appreciate your personal and unique view of the ongoing informationwar, and that your perspective is as limited as all of ours. I will miss your insight and comments on my own contributions to #informationwar, as I have been glad to learn of your perspective.

I am certain that @ausbitbank, as are we all, is seeking to better understand and convey that understanding of current events and players, and no less than any of us, has limits and flaws in his perspective. While I can't agree with every perspective, I am able to appreciate them, as I still do yours and @ausbitbank's.

What I will say is that there is undeniable evidence of Zionist players and impact on the world today, and simply categorizing mention of Zionism as hate speech, if that's what you do, is no less erroneous as rank racism or any other hate speech.

I recognize that we all are susceptible to misinformation, and seek to peer through my own incomprehension and also to cut folks slack when I see they are misinformed. Further, even though I vehemently disagree with folks on given matters, if I see that they are sincerely seeking to be factual I tend to support their quest while also seeking to discuss matters of disagreement reasonably.

Simply labeling sincere but misinformed people as shills not only isn't productive, it's the mechanism that creates echo chambers, and this directly impedes reforming one's own grasp as necessary when new information challenges it. I won't do it, and suspect you are, to your detriment. I do hope you're not, yet, that if you are, you do manage to transcend that harm you do your own understanding.

Informationwar is not destructive, and I have seen no sign that @ausbitbank undertakes hate speech. I believe you have mischaracterized him, informationwar, and that you do so out of misunderstanding.

OTOH, I see you are taking a stand on principle, which I reckon is admirable, and know I am incompetent to tell you how to run your life, so will leave it at that.

Be well.

Can you define hateful, please?
(if you can't use a word without knowing it's definition, it's becomes very weak argument)

I'm not anti- Semitic in the slightest.
Anti Zionism is not the same. Far far from it.

Conflating religion of any kind to the NWO and it's agenda is just misinformed.

along with informationwar for curating and witnessing hateful conduct.

Can you define hateful conduct, please?


I love the IT crowd! That popcorn response you put gave one of the guys from it eating popcorn lol.

I don't read all content curated under Information War hashtag,
would be great if you could give a specific examples of "Hateful conduct" and "Harassment" you're referring to.
Infringment on intellectual property is another thing.
You're saying it, but your only argument is that they are pro-conspiracy theories.
An example of plagiarism would speak louder than moral outrage.
I believe, that if we are to have Free Speech, it is Free Speech for all, not just to those you agree with.
Even conspiracy theorists need an outlet to present their ideas, otherwise you can never challenge them.
If the Information War have become ideologically triggering to you, I am not advocating for you to stay.
I'm just saying, that the group, as far as I am aware, have no ideological manifesto, other than challenging the mainstream narratives.
You know, because a lie can be repeated so many times even the liar start to believe in it.
There's no purity test, and hence the group may not be ideologically pure enough to your liking.
Best of luck in whatever you pursue forward.